cmdrcarrot says... #3
Get another Jace. Run 4 Mind Sculpt . Put in 4 card:Jace's Phantasm as a one drop. Thought Scour is also a really useful one. Artful Dodge would be useful for several cards in your deck. Nephalia Drownyard is like a must, since you can use it to mill 3 whenever you don't have anything else to play (I usually use it at the end of my opponent's turn if I don't counter something, but my mill deck is more control than agro).
I really don't like Whispering Madness , because that could help your opponent as much as it can help you, maybe even more.
It would be worth it to beef up the milling aspect and possibly control. I know you are milling to buff your creatures, but being able to win with a mill is good, because it gives you another win condition if someone wipes your creatures. Plus it also opens up combos with your guildmage. 10 damage for 3 mana with Jace out, or 7 damage for 5 with a Mind Sculpt .
You can check out my mill deck for ideas, though mine is more control and mill than agro and mill, which is what you will be doing with what you have.
DerpyPhoenix says... #1
Invisible Stalker instead of Deathcult Rogue
January 28, 2013 8:47 p.m.