
Dinosaur tribal! Nothing fancy here, ramp as much as possible, cast dinosaurs and swing for lethal damage as often as possible. I've tried to include as much land ramp and mana acceleration as possible to help with the overwhelming casting costs of many dinos and our commander with a lot of card draw mixed in to make sure we don't ever miss our land drops. Much playtesting to ensue!

Thanks for visiting and taking the time to check my deck out!

UPDATES: Big updates with the release of the new Ixilan set and tons of new dinosaurs! I've trimmed the deck down in overall CMC by .25 total while adding some seriously powerful new dinos. I've nearly completely removed the subtheme of dealing damage to our own dinosaurs for value because it's too inconsistent and doesn't do anything directly to harm our opponents otherwise. A lot of the one time ETB creatures are out (regardless of how good they might be) and I've replaced them with creatures or spells with ongoing or continuous benefits. That said, I've extra loaded more ramp, card draw, and ability to get as much advantage and overwhelm opponents. At it's heart this is a casual magic stompy deck and that's what I want it to be!

10/02/24 Post Ban Update:

There's no doubt about it losing mana crypt and jeweled lotus was devastating to this deck. Our commander is big and expensive and so are many of the dinos in this deck. To that end I did what I felt was best to keep the deck playable; I added as much mana and land assistance as I can get and I have prioritized protection of our spells through uncounterable creatures as well. Mana crypt and jeweled lotus out, Mox Diamond and Chrome Mox in. This doesn't close to replace our value lost but it's something and it keeps the deck on curve.

Out: Eladamri's call, worldly tutor, and enlightened tutor, scroll rack shifting Ceratops, and patchwork banner. Tutors are great! They just don't really matter in this deck all that much. I'd rather draw lots of cards, get creatures out with out our commander and stomp! Scroll rack-I get it's purpose, it almost never mattered yet so it got cut. Shifting Ceratops is just an average dino the need to keep upping it with mana for it's effect is tough we need every pip we can get. Lastly Patchwork banner is a great tribal card, except dinos are strong! We don't really need +1 counters and we can do better for our mana generation.

IN: Allosaurus Shepherd and delighted halfling- 10 of the creatures in this deck are legendary it'd be great to have them stick, and 60% of the spells or better are green including Gishath. For the cost of one mana that's one hell of an investment to protect the most important pieces. Skyshroud claim, topiary stomper, and Fanatic of Rhonas- these are just mana value pure and simple. Skyshroud costs 4 and nets 2 untapped forests of our choice for mana fixing, topiary gives us a dino with a free land refund, and Fanatic of Rhonas will almost always tap for 4 green! Even if it dies we get to try again with it's eternalize ability. Lastly, The one Ring, I was hesitant to put this in here but it's just so damn good. Sometimes when you need an answer draw more cards and your problems will be solved!

I'm still not sold on Etali primal conqueror. I've had it miss and whiff way too many times for what it costs and that one time effect just hurts. I've yet to be able to flip it and kill and opponent. Most of the other "strong dinos" have one time only effects. I want value! Repeat value for repeat abuse against our opponents! These are creatures not sorceries and I expect more from them.


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93% Casual


Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 week
Exclude colors UB
Splash colors WRG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

23 - 0 Mythic Rares

49 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.74
Tokens City's Blessing, Copy Clone, Dinosaur 2/2 RW, Dinosaur 3/1 R, Dinosaur 3/3 G w/ Trample, Dinosaur Beast X/X G, Dinosaur X/X G, Fanatic of Rhonas 4/4 B, Fungus Dinosaur, Treasure, Vampire 1/1 W
Folders v good decks :), big man, Decks
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