Dinos of the Perfect Curve

Pioneer Jimmy_Chinchila

SCORE: 378 | 90 COMMENTS | 89554 VIEWS | IN 182 FOLDERS

BEE_GEE says... #1

I really am a believer of Kinjalli's Caller very powerful (say it doesn't get Fatal Pushed. Really recommend trying 4x instead of say Drover of the Mighty or Ranging Raptors.

October 31, 2017 2:43 p.m.

BEE_GEE I will have to experiment, I really like the idea of Caller on turn 1 for a 3-drop on turn 2, its just really weak to draw later in the game is my hesitation but will reconsider! Thanks for suggestion!

November 3, 2017 10:52 a.m.

munky702 says... #5

Have you thought about ramping up your mana with Gift of Paradise and New Horizons? Ixalan's Binding would be great for some of those big issues you face with hazoret and glorybringer. And anything else like that. Also a possibility for sideboard against energy decks, Solemnity.

November 15, 2017 4:06 p.m.

tshelt says... #6

Finally somebody that believes that Naya is best for dinos! I have had some people say I should go R/G but I think some of the most powerful dinosaurs are white. Goring Ceratops for example has been a major threat in my matches as the double strike ability really lets you deal some massive damage, and Otepec Huntmaster or regisaur alpha would let it attack immediately giving a quick opportunity to jump your opponent.

November 20, 2017 5:57 p.m.

prodigy77 says... #7

Played this tonight at FNM and went 3-1. Decent for first time playing the deck.What I would prob change for next week is the 2 savage stomps and 2 beneath, I would just go 4 lightning strikes, would of went 4-0 if I had face damage, having that bolt is huge, sideboard the stomps almost every game, didn't find it very useful and the beneath are nice but to slow imo.

First round was against an approach deck, tramples all over that without any problems.Round 2 was against Temur Energy, lost but was a close match, would of won if I had the strikes over the stomps, gonna try 3 strikes MB next week and see how it goes.Round 3 was against B/W Tokens, trampled all over those 1/1... easy peasyand last round I played against B/U Control, now I gotta say, he had me first game, then sideboard in the scavengers and the bindings, won match 2 and 3 without any issues.

Overall, really fun deck, gonna tweak a few things for next week and will post my results!

Awesome deck! :)

November 25, 2017 12:36 a.m.

SirChris39 says... #8

I do like your deck a lot and hoping to make a deck just similar to it

November 25, 2017 10:03 a.m.

prodigy77 wow that makes me so happy to hear! Amazing feedback. I too have struggled against Energy decks. I will certainly consider your suggestions, and keep me posted! We gotta represent as the rare Dino Deck players lol

November 25, 2017 10:57 a.m.

SirChris39 says... #10

Jimmy_Chinchila I'm working on Naya dinosaur deck for FNM around my area to play

November 25, 2017 11:21 a.m.

SirChris39 oh nice I think its a fun deck to run at FNM

November 25, 2017 11:47 a.m.

SirChris39 says... #12

Jimmy_Chinchila feel free to check out my Naya dinosauer deck I posted on here and give me any suggestions about my deck

November 25, 2017 11:51 a.m.

Gim says... #13

Ranging Raptors is nice and all but if youre looking specifically to ramp your land off of him then you should definitely consider readding Beneath the Sands for the control matchup since its very unlikely youll manage a block with it, at least from my own personal experience.

November 26, 2017 11:24 a.m.

Mahoot says... #14

Hey Jimmy_Chinchila I have been watching your deck evolve for a month or so now. I've been evolving my own Naya Dino deck for a couple months now and it's been interesting to follow yours and read the comments.

I just finished uploading mine and writing up the description if you want to check it out Nayasaurus Dex

I really like the idea of Lightning Strike that prodigy77 suggested. I've sideboarded some in, but I am going to take a look at mainboarding them as well. Sometimes you just gotta shoot a jerk in the face with lightning!

I love Ranging Raptors but I ended up taking them out of my deck because I was, at the time, relying too heavily on them for getting my mana to the point it needed to be at (I wasn't running nearly enough lands in my deck). I used to look at Enrage as a way of getting me stuff in-game, but now I see it more the way you do. It is a way to force opponents to make a choice about giving me stuff or taking damage - which, while effective at making opponents take damage, is not a reliable way to get mana on the board. Also, once I had all my basic lands (if you look at my deck you will see I am not running very many) out in the late-game, the Ranging Raptors Enrage was not terribly useful to me any more and drawing them late-game became a bit of a burden. If you're looking for a good 3 drop consider Kinjalli's Sunwing. Like the Raptors it's a 2/3, but the Sunwing flies and makes the opponent's critters come in tapped, which might be more consistently useful to you in an aggressive deck like this.

Keep up the good work! Thanks to you and all your commenters for fighting the good fight and supporting Naya Dinosaurs.

<3 Mahoot

November 26, 2017 3:21 p.m.

prodigy77 says... #15

Just wanted to post an update. Won 4-0 on FNM, manage to beat temur energy with Carnage Tyrants. Changed the deck a little bit, still the same just the land base and a few cards I tweaked, if you wanted to try out what I worked for me, may work for you as well. Not sure if you'll like the changes I made but I found that it needed more dinos MB, a couple of times I only hit lands/non-creature spells with commune and when I actually casted gishart, I would only hit like 1-3 dinos. With adding 4 more dinos MB, it helped alot. The sideboard I think still needs some tweaking, but not sure what else to try out yet. Let me know what you think about the changes!

Creature (27)
4x Carnage Tyrant
4x Drover of the Mighty
1x Gishath, Sun's Avatar
4x Otepec Huntmaster
3x Ranging Raptors
4x regisaur alpha
4x Ripjaw raptor
3x Rampaging Ferocidon

Instant (4)
4x Lightning Strike

Land (23)
1x Plains
4x Forest
3x Mountain
4x Rootbound Crag
1x Scattered Groves
3x Sheltered Thicket
3x Sunpetal Grove
2x Unclaimed Territory
2x Hashep Oasis

Sorcery (4)
4x Commune with Dinosaurs

Planeswalker (2)
1x Huatli, Warrior Poet
1x Samut, the Tested

Sideboard (15)
3x Deathgorge Scavenger
2x Ixalan's Binding
2x Kinjalli's Sunwing
2x Prowling Serpopard
2x Abrade
2x Solemnity
2x Chandra's Defeat

December 2, 2017 3:11 p.m.

Thanks for posting this. I'm going to give it a try at my LGS and see how your current list does here.

December 4, 2017 9:03 p.m.

RC-3141 says... #17

As a note on your description of Carnage Tyrant, double-blocking does not cause damage to be assigned twice and thus does not discourage double-blocking trample creatures. See 510.1c and 702.19b in the comprehensive rules (http://media.wizards.com/2017/downloads/MagicCompRules%2020170925.pdf)

December 20, 2017 3:27 p.m.

I found this deck to be unreliable in the early game, and in major need of a board wipe late game. After a few alterations though, I easily went 4-0 in standard showdown fighting against Temur Energy, Ramunap Red, and Gifts. https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/naya-jurassic-park-4/

December 21, 2017 10:40 a.m.

Warlordp says... #20

yo, my dude, your deck is not ready for the new BIG DADDY aka Ghalta,i would suggest getting rid of otepec for kinjalli's caller, cuz then you can

T1-> Kinajalli's Caller

T2-> Drover of the Mighty

T3-> Regisaur Alpha

T4-> Ghalta, with haste

all you need in hand assuming nothing gets fatal pushed or walk the planked is1 Kinjalli's Caller, 1 Drove of the Mighty, 1 Regisaur Alpha, 1 Ghalta and 3 lands :Phope you take this into consideration :P

January 1, 2018 6:02 p.m.

Warlordp I got 1 from the store championships, have him in just messing around, I have been thinking of Caller, will consider for sure, T4 Ghalta is sick...

January 1, 2018 7:09 p.m.

Warlordp says... #22

i got 2, traded for 1 and got 1 from my store owner cuz he's an absolute G. :)

January 1, 2018 7:29 p.m.

Warlordp ok you see Zetalpa? Kinda thinking Ill need Drover of the Mighty, Otepec Huntmaster AND Kinjalli's Caller...

My issue with trading Huntmaster for Caller is that the 1-drop is super solid T1 but gets much weaker when not in opening hand, and Huntmaster isnt as great later either but is Haste enabler 4-8 along with Reggie, and with such a deep curve the haste really becomes a game-winning function. Well see I guess, keep me posted on your playtesting!

January 1, 2018 8:54 p.m.

Considering you're just running white for Gishath and Huatli it's not worth running white at all.

January 1, 2018 8:59 p.m.

BlackKnightJack its also for the vital sideboard cards has access to, and it doesnt cost us much as the only consolation is that Sunpetal Grove is occassionally a slow land, which to me is a very small inconvenience in comparison to the breadth it provides for games 2 & 3. R/G is more consistent but less resilient. Without we struggle against Temur Energy, ScarabGod, and even Ramunap Red (Solemnity, Ixalan's Binding, Kinjalli's Sunwing). Sometimes I run Settle the Wreckage and Ashes of the Abhorrent also. And the sheer potency of both Huatli and Gisath means we basically win when we can successfully cast either of them.

Also, it allows flexibility to transition based on Meta and new sets. There are some legit Dino/support cards that've been spoiled (Atzocan Seer, Zetalpa) and with the changing format things like Kinjalli's Caller and Goring Ceratops could end up being much more useful.

I cant say for sure whether Naya or Gruul is superior, but I do like the reach and options brings to the table. Even for just 2 cards, the times Ive cast them Ive basically won on the spot and so have earned their place in the deck. I cut the Scattered Groves to limit the slowness the white land incorporation brings.

Thank you for checking out the build and offering feedback!

January 1, 2018 9:22 p.m.

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