Welcome to my Deck for the Dirt Cheap Modern Creation.
To those people who dont know the Challenge:http://tappedout.net/mtg-forum/challenges-and-articles/dirty-cheap-modern-50-100-deckbuilding-challenge/
Target of this deck is to create as many synergies as possible, while attacking the Meta from different ankles.
Some Card Breakdown:
Boros Reckoner : Painfull to remove, trades with x/6 Creatures and has some synergies with Pyroclasm (Can whipe the board, even if there is a x/4 creature or Deals 2 Damage to Controller) and Skred for Damage to the face. Best Creature in the Deck.
Skred: All our Lands are Snow-Covered, which gives us the ability to destroy creatures a [Lightning Bolt] cant. Important for the Combo Matchups/Goyfs/Batterskulls etc...
Rest in Peace: We dont rely on our Graveyard, so why should our Opponent do? Destroys Snapcasters, Kitchenfinks, Past in Flames, Goyf, Ooze, Treasurecruise..... enough reasons to play MD.
Duergar Hedge-Mage: At best, this is a 2/2 Bear which destroys a Plating and an Ensoul Artifact.
Seeker of the Way: Impressivly strong Card against any Aggro deck. With our low costed Removal it is almost ever a 3/3 Lifelinker + it doesnt die to Pyroclasm
Pyroclasm: Enough targets to Maindeck. Against creature Light strategies, this is the SB Slot.
Ghostly Prison: Gives us time and Protects us against Twin. Like [Pyroclasm], this is also a SB slot
Figure of Destiny: Good one drop which is also strong in the Late game. Doesnt hurt our Colours and Fits the budget.
Koth of the Hammer + Assemble the Legion: Win Conditions in grindy Games. Koth is able to win a Game alone on a Stalled Board and Assemble the Legion can both: Protect you and end the Game quickly.
I think the intentions are pretty clear. Create a Budget Sideboard with cards for every situation.
If there are any questions on the choices, Please comment.
By the Way:The first improvement to make it even more competetive:3 MB Blood Moons +1 SB Blood Moon