Dirty Dragonfire

Modern* JaceArveduin


Modo Friendly League 2-3 —July 6, 2017

Well this was a tilting experience. I've come to realize I despise the modo shuffler. I also did this a few nights ago, so I've forgotten most of the details and only wrote down wins and losses.

Round 1 - Storm - Win

I believe I dragon'd him game one, got combo'd game two, and I know he conceded to turn five Slaughter Games, after turn four Slaughter Games.

Round 2 - BTL-Shift - Win

I don't remember the specifics of the matches, but I do recall it was another 2-1. I also recall it being super close, and the guy was a gent after all was said and done.

Round 3 - Mill - Loss

I just couldn't get anything, mostly drew lands and couldn't get any traction. I probably should have stopped playing after this one, but this was the beginning of my learning experience when it comes to tilting.

Round 4 - DraziTron - Loss

He did the drazi-Tron things, and I couldn't get any traction game 1. Game Two I manage to squeeze a win out. Game three I mull to five and flood. Slightly more tilted.

Round 5 - Merfolk - Loss

He gets me game one, but game two I manage to counter things and get some sweet value off of anger. Get him to two with a Stormbreath hit and finish him off with Ribbons, feelsgoodman. Game three I have to mull to four and keep two lands, sleepy, and a push. End up getting some great value off sleepy and push by taking out Copter(?) and Mutavault into an anger on my turn to wipe his board. Swing with my 8/8 Sleepy and he's at eight and I'm at four, feeling like I might have a chance. And then he vials in a Harbinger. RIP, almost throw my headset out the window.

And that concludes my tale of how I learned that Modo is the only game on my computer that can legitimately tilt the shit out of me.