Dirty Dragonfire

Modern* JaceArveduin


Modo Friendly League 3-2 —July 16, 2017

Round 1 - Jund Goblins - Win

He was splashing BG for Rancor, Bobs, and Abrupt Decays. It was a weird match, since he played more mid-rangey and had things like Siege-Gang Commander. Took the win off the back of spamming dragons game two, and staticaster game three.

Round 2 - Devoted Remedies/Vizier Druid - Win

He conceded game one to back to back anger of the gods that wiped three creatures each time and him seeing the stormbreathe. Game two was a won off the back of spot removal and prayers that jamming dragons turn 4/5 wouldn't see me combo'd to death.

Round 3 - Grixis Delver - Win

He got stuck on two lands and no black for the first 10 turns game one, Game two I stabilized against his snappy and pyromancer by sticking a Silumgar. Wewt, got there!

Round 4 - Jeskai Geist - Loss

Triple Seas game one means I had nothing but islands, RIP me. Game two I stick a Silumgar, but he Dusk's it and plays another Geist while I'm stuck on push/push/bolt.

Round 5 - RW Burn - Loss

I mean, it's burn, a terrible matchup that I don't even have a SB slot dedicated to because while it's a thing, it doesn't show up too terribly much from my testing. Game 1 I had to fetch-shock to bolt an Eidolon. Game two I keep drawing counterspells and basically die to his turn 1 Guide.