Three people have scooped to me so far following the utterance of this sentence: "I play Slaughter Games naming Sphinx's Revelation "
August 15, 2014 11:55 a.m.
rochdalekilla9 says... #3
Dr4c0. true. If you're lucky enough to get 3 Slaughter Games , you get their Sphinx's Revelation , their Elspeth, Sun's Champion and their one and only AEtherling if they're running it. But once their Sphinx's Revelation s are taken care of and they're topdecking, you're pretty much in complete control. Scooping will generally be their next move!
August 15, 2014 2:08 p.m.
rochdalekilla9 says... #4
Btw caribou6425, something I thought would be cool and kind of funny, although slightly straying from the discard angle, would be including Scuttling Doom Engine and Devour Flesh into this mix. When they're getting pelted by your Shrieking Affliction for at least 3 damage, you drop your Scuttling Doom Engine , attack with it next turn and then whenever you want, use your Devour Flesh , gain 6 life and make them take 6 damage. Could be fun!
August 15, 2014 2:27 p.m.
caribou6425 says... #5
rochdalekilla9...I like the way you think, I had not thought to do that. Which is strange because I use that kind of win con in a BU deck I have. I use Consuming Aberration + Dying Wish +Devour Flesh . So I would actually like to use Scuttling Doom Engine +Devour Flesh . I am going to test it out in a couple of weeks when I get back home and can start playing FNM again.
August 15, 2014 4:12 p.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #6
Fate Unraveler works well with Master of the Feast
August 15, 2014 4:16 p.m.
Give this deck a try before rotation if you want some nuts combos with Waste Not and Whispering Madness
Skulking Madness Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 149 VIEWSAugust 19, 2014 5:38 p.m.
Soul_Power says... #8
I would strongly consider running Disciple of Phenax if you're running 4 x Waste Not . The bonuses you get from Waste Not are all vastly different and unlike Thoughtseize , Disciple of Phenax allows you to force them to discard a land card to get the mana bonus from Waste Not , fully unlocking Waste Not 's potential. I would also run 4x Typhoid Rats as that is your answer to the likes of Loxodon Smiter , Sylvan Caryatid , and pre-monstrous Fleecemane Lion .
August 24, 2014 7:29 p.m.
rochdalekilla9 says... #10
I know you're not running any red in here but I will say that Mogis, God of Slaughter is a perfect addition to a discard deck. I empty their hand, kill their creatures and ping them for 2 every time along with Shrieking Affliction , hitting for at least a total of 5 every one of their upkeeps. But since I know you're trying to keep this monoblack, Scuttling Doom Engine has been my favorite addition to my deck so far. I run two of them and don't even do the Devour Flesh Scuttling Doom Engine trick, and he is still worth it. If these kind of decks work the way they're supposed to, it tends to become a decently long game so getting to 6 mana to cast Scuttling Doom Engine isn't a problem. No one wants to mess with him, so you're always at an advantage. I sideboard him if I'm playing against anything that exiles, but other than that that guy is amazing!
August 28, 2014 9:06 a.m.
Quadsimotto says... #11
Of the deck lists i have playtested using discard theme this is by far one of the best.
August 31, 2014 12:21 a.m.
caribou6425 says... #12
rochdalekilla9... I can't wait to finish my training, only 6 more weeks, because then I will finally be able to put this deck to the real test. Scuttling Doom Engine is a beast and I will certainly give him a go once I do start playing again. Thanks for all your help and input btw, it's greatly appreciated.
August 31, 2014 8:22 a.m.
caribou6425 says... #13
Quadsimotto... thanks! glad you enjoyed it. I am anxious to take this deck out and see what it does at FNM...not long now.
August 31, 2014 8:24 a.m.
September 2, 2014 6:04 p.m.
TapThisGaming says... #15
+1 from me. I'm using a similar idea except I use the Tormented Thoughts Whip of Erebos combo in mine. Sac Master of the Feast to Tormented Thoughts and whip him right back for 5 in the air. I'm also keeping mine black so I use Stain the Mind instead of Slaughter Games . Only thing I'm lacking is Thoughtseize which I'm adding hopefully this week. Check mine out and I'd love some advice on how to make it better. Wasted Devotions
September 3, 2014 10:47 p.m.
turnyouover says... #16
I think this deck is weak when it comes to a late game, Once Shrieking Affliction leaves standard, this deck won't work as well, and other than that card, this deck doesn't have as much of a win condition.
rochdalekilla9 says... #1
Not true. The majority of my match ups for FNM are control and I'm generally making them top deck throughout the whole game. Granted, I am running a Rakdos version of this deck using Rakdos's Return and sideboarding in Slaughter Games and Lifebane Zombie but against control this deck runs very well and I usually always win because of my Shrieking Affliction . They have to top deck some sort of removal for it and even if they do I have another one waiting to drop. They end up more worried about Waste Not than anything else. I completely disagree with you in regards to how this deck fares against control.
August 14, 2014 4 p.m.