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Discard Specters




Use spells to discard.Use enchantments to enhance the result of the discard spells.


4x Waste Not : Use the discard spells or Hypnotic Specter to create the desirable effect. Can give you creatures if you make them discard a creature card, or add mana to your mana pool to cast your more expensive spells earlier, or more importantly, lets you draw if you make them discard instants or sorceries.

3x Liliana's Caress : Makes the discard hurt even more. Works great with Hymn tot Tourach, one card for 2 discards and 4 damage!

2x Shrieking Affliction : Once your opponent has emptied his or her hand, you can still rack in the damage. Great one drop if you haven't got anything else, but won't start damaging early on.2x Painful Quandary : I am currently testing this. A Liliana Vess would be awesome, but a bit too expensive for my taste. I can bring it out early before my opponent has cast or discard all of his card if I can use Dark Ritual. But more often than not, I will be casting one of my 3cmc creatures when I have 3 lands.


4x Dark Ritual :

3x Despise :

3x Duress :

4x Hymn to Tourach :

3x Victim of Night :


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 59
Avg. CMC 1.74
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