Discarded & Destroyed (Consistent TOP8's @ FNM)

Standard sharkudi

SCORE: 212 | 206 COMMENTS | 62466 VIEWS | IN 156 FOLDERS Top 8: 01/03

eep says... #1

What about Ogre Slumlord

November 23, 2013 10:17 p.m.

eatme755 says... #2

make it ohrzov color rootborn def against board wipes. ogre slumlord would be an excellent bec rats would have deathtouch. +1

November 23, 2013 10:25 p.m.

eep says... #3

Also a lot of mono black are running Temple of Silence (x2) for the scy, might slow down this build tho.

November 23, 2013 10:46 p.m.

lswainbank says... #4

I love me a good rat deck.+1

November 24, 2013 7:31 a.m.

sharkudi says... #5

Ogre Slumlord is my "Featured Card" for this deck. He Is badass and perfect for this deck, but not sure how to fit him in. What would i take out? His high casting cost @ 5 CMC is a bit too high in my opinion and his deathtouch & rat token bonuses seem kinda unnecessary, as I hope to have killed all the opponents creatures by the time i have 5 mana out. Also why not Temple of Deceit instead? haha. Scry is a great feature, but with 16 one drops mainboard, not playing one of them turn 1 will slow this build down too much indeed. I have been playing with the idea of splashing Red for Rakdos's Return and that will also offer up a variety of sideboard card option like Burning Earth and Dreadbore etc.

Thanks for the Upvotes and suggestions! Highly appreciated!!! what else could make this build even more lethal?

November 24, 2013 2:31 p.m.

Maybe Megrim ?

November 24, 2013 8 p.m.

eep says... #7

The scy lands are more of a mid game scy option when you don't really need the mana that turn (say after turn 4 with your curve) also bluffs opp. As they may think you actually have bombs of said splash color (at least for the first match)

I'd try slumlord as a x2 moving out two reavers, as 2/2 zombies if you get damage thru is situational, where having a death touch army is a bit more potent. And as mentioned above, fixes board wipe problems.

I would think slum would be best in the side board seeing how well the deck preformed, as it will auto answer stuff like Anger of the Gods and the many other board wipes.

Which your opp. Will definitely side in round 2 if they can.

November 24, 2013 10:37 p.m.

mrtibbs24 says... #8

damn sounds like the most disruptive early on deck ive seen and then you just keep on the kill and control theres not much that can hold up to it

November 25, 2013 12:36 p.m.

mrtibbs24 says... #9

though the god dosent really fit in except to draw and pyrexian arena would be better and cheaper

November 25, 2013 12:41 p.m.

tr0y123 says... #10

I love this deck soooo muchhh very nicely put together. +1

November 25, 2013 12:46 p.m.

themucher says... #11

Megrim isnt standard just so you know

November 25, 2013 1:26 p.m.

mrtibbs24 says... #12

lol my thought too but dident know if it got reprinted

November 25, 2013 1:29 p.m.

sharkudi says... #13

@themuncher thanks for pointing that out! Also Phyrexian Arena isn't in standard either...

Thanks for all the views, upvotes, and suggestions! Always looking for ideas and constructive criticism. Please, Keep them coming!

November 25, 2013 1:33 p.m.

BobboTaylor13 says... #14


Liliana's Caress 1 mana less and does the same job Xd

November 25, 2013 2:09 p.m.

bigv54 says... #15

Really like the deck, always thought hand attack could make it in standard just had no clue how to do it! But as for you saying you left Pharika's Cure in between matches, you gotta watch out for that. I personally let people get away with it at FNM if it was a mistake but some will call you out on it and it can be a game loss for you if you don't un-sideboard your deck in between opponents

November 25, 2013 6:35 p.m.

sharkudi says... #16

@bigv54 thanks for catching that. Yes, it was mistake on my part, partly due to the fact that i put this deck together about 15 minutes before the tournament started. I offered to give a win that first game to my opponent, but he said he didn't care. thanks for commenting!

November 25, 2013 7:04 p.m.

ockius says... #17

Is it viable at all to splash red for Rakdos's Return and Sire Of Insanity ?

November 26, 2013 4:19 a.m.

Dreamer80 says... #18

Honestly,tested on MTGO,on 20 match,2 won,18 loss. rakdos aggro destroy me 4-5 times,Underworld Cerberus make this deck insignificant. Control just take all the shrieking affliction with Detention Sphere . Blue devotion totally destroy me,since with bident on thassa on the board,a jace or something else they have too much draw power,and this deck has not,so,when i have no cards in hand,the game is over.Aggro green just put on the board all the world before i can even say : "hello!"This is a cool idea,but just don't work,at least for my experience.

November 26, 2013 9:22 a.m.

waxydoodle says... #19

ever thought about adding Deathrite Shaman to make use of those discarded cards?

November 26, 2013 1:03 p.m.

AlphaCharlie says... #20

I like the idea of this deck but watch out for those Loxodon Smiter :+_+:

November 26, 2013 11:11 p.m.

mtgtimmy says... #21

I'm spashin' red in this deck for things like rakdos's return, dreadbore (the more removal the better) and sire of insanity. Thought that these cards would be cool addition to the deck.

November 27, 2013 12:39 a.m.

hesuskrist says... #22

Anything to do with abusive rats is a winner in my book. My first really consistent and really good constructed from scratch deck when I got back into magic was a rat deck, it was right when RTR came out, i saw pack rat and laughed. then i asked what everyone asked, 'how many rat cards are there?' It was casual but it was really the same idea as this deck. a huuuuge amount of removal, pack rats, it was casual so i had some Hymn to Tourach and a couple mind rots. dark ritual too. would seriously beat my friends goblin deck, even when he pumped it full of banned goblins. Bravo for this deck, bringing it to standard!

November 27, 2013 1:21 a.m.

BopoHDark says... #23

i've added 4 Ratchet Bomb 's in side its realy good against Detention Sphere , Assemble the Legion and Blood Baron of Vizkopa . Deck is awsome btw )

November 27, 2013 3:32 a.m.

wolthers says... #24

what about splashing blue for Notion thief and Soul Ransom?+1

November 27, 2013 7:15 a.m.

Oatmeal says... #25

I like it, but it went 2-5 just now against my A$$ fanatics deck.

I would get rid of

2 Liliana's Reaver

1 Erebos, God of the Dead

3 Devour Flesh

1 Hero's Downfall


1 Deathrite Shaman

2 Ogre Slumlord

2 Whip of Erebos

2 Underworld Connections

November 27, 2013 12:23 p.m.

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