Discarded & Destroyed (Consistent TOP8's @ FNM)
SCORE: 212 | 206 COMMENTS | 62466 VIEWS | IN 156 FOLDERS Top 8: 01/03
I played almost this exact deck in m13 / avacyn / rtr times. I would say cut the Shrieking Affliction . I know it sounds crazy but most good opponents will just avoid the damage by keeping a card or two in hand and then at that point it's a wasted card. It literally lets the opponent decide when they take damage and when they don't. I replaced mine with Desecration Demon .
November 27, 2013 6:27 p.m.
jimaejackel says... #5
Due to the current meta game and butt load of mono blue and mono black decks out there I would run Ultimate Price over Doom Blade for an even stronger first game before sideboard.
November 28, 2013 4:09 p.m.
jimaejackel says... #6
with synergy and utility of Deathrite Shaman , i almost wanna say screw the Underworld Connections . i want more one drops and even more rats!!
btw +1 and i love the deck!!
November 28, 2013 4:19 p.m.
Felixlives says... #7
Great deck. The only thing i can seem to beat it with is bant hexproof. Even then its a heck of a fight to get something out and hopefully get at least 2 creatures out or i end up being forced to sac. My favorite test play of your deck i had cast thoughtseize 3 times by t2 had shrieking afliction out and was attacking with 3 mutivault and a pack rat on t6 it was pretty lolz. The only thing that could maybe make this deck cooler is a splash of red for dreadbore/rakdos returns like you mentioned. It wouldnt neccesarily make it better or worse just more cool looking.
November 29, 2013 5:13 a.m.
Topdeckaye says... #8
I came up with the EXACT same deck idea a month or two ago, So nice to see something else with the same idea! A friend tonight at fnm told me this deck was undefeated at fnm, I was so proud to hear.
November 29, 2013 9:59 a.m.
Very well built deck, only thing I worry about is that maybe its win cons are on the low side? Very much quicker (and costlier) than my deck that's for sure, maybe that's why it affords to be so quick. +1
November 29, 2013 1:03 p.m.
Also, I will be definitely using this deck as an inspiration.
November 29, 2013 1:08 p.m.
This deck will be this black Friday purchase, you sir, deserve a bucket of cookies.
+1 for not going blue/black gayvotion :)
November 29, 2013 1:35 p.m.
hmm wat would be a way to keep it just as good but a little less expensive thats the only thing that is bad about it it destroys almost all builds but to get it all is costly suggestions?
November 30, 2013 3:56 a.m.
@mrtibbs24 no Mutavault s lol :p
sharkudi what about a splash of red for Rakdos's Return ?
That might be another way to end a stalemate... plus I have a fetish for that card lol
November 30, 2013 12:21 p.m.
hesuskrist says... #14
played a deck kinda like this at fnm yesterday. I was runnin esper. pretty much stomped over it. all i had to do was Detention Sphere pack rat. Even if they respond with making a copy, its a copy and is exiled. If you get Slaughter Games then your also pretty well SOL
November 30, 2013 12:34 p.m.
Well detention sphere would fuck it up true but slaughter games would be too late that's the time it come out and with the discard you will normally get rid of it before they play it so really it depends on the draw no thought sise or duress then ya esper would win other wise its game for esper
November 30, 2013 1:12 p.m.
KorinOnAStick says... #16
I really feel like Erebos, God of the Dead is mainboardable in this deck.
November 30, 2013 2:39 p.m.
Shahkral_tol_Thel says... #18
I would love to play this deck, but how would I make this less expensive?I know that removing the Mutavault would help greatly, but what else?Aside from that, what would I replace those cards with?
November 30, 2013 7:09 p.m.
hesuskrist says... #20
i love pack rat, its just the best thing. but it is so darn easy to beat if you have something to hate on a specific card. Ill probably make a build like this but splash red, for Sire Of Insanity Slaughter Games maybe some Wear / Tear for pithing needle, and load up on duress and thoughtsieze to stop them from shutting down the rat train. Also Rakdos's Return is super great for hand destruction. Probably a Master of Cruelties for an alt win con. Just some thoughts, still like the deck though
November 30, 2013 10:22 p.m.
Wow, this deck is amazing, although it is much more difficult to play than I initially thought. I won different games against BWR, Golgari Aggro and BUG Devotion. But it doesn't seem to have any chance against control (WUx, mainly because of Detention Sphere and Supreme Verdict ). Going the alternative plan with Shrieking Affliction didn't work for me either - control plays Sphinx's Revelation , Divination and Jace, Architect of Thought . So I definitely propose to go the route splashing red for fighting control. My favorite cards (as already mentioned):
- Rakdos's Return : 2 mainboard, 2 sideboard. This might replace 2-4 Mind Rot mainboard, it has much more value in late game
- Slaughter Games : 0-1 mainboard, 1-2 sideboard. We know the opponent's hand cause of Duress and Thoughtseize , so we should abuse this knowledge and just let him discard another card (and even handles Loxodon Smiter nicely :) )
- Ratchet Bomb : 0-1 mainboard, 2 sideboard. Just to get rid of Chained to the Rocks , Underworld Connections , Detention Sphere , Pithing Needle
- Dreadbore : 2-4 mainboard: Advantage of Devour Flesh and Doom Blade is definitely their instant speed and that they cost only 1 black mana (which makes it castable with Swamp + Mutavault).
Is anybody already testing a similar deck list using red? I am so much worried about the mana base - make use of Deathrite Shaman 's mana ability would be so great (discarding lands through Mind Rot , Rat Pack and Drainpipe Vermin ). Does anybody have a deck list that is working with a red splash?
December 1, 2013 8:30 a.m.
Did you find that Shrieking Affliction actually did much? Because when I was playing this deck it seemed like a dead draw most of the time.
December 1, 2013 8:39 a.m.
There were some situations where Shrieking Affliction performed well, especially when I had some board presence (e.g. 1-2 Pack Rat ) and my opponent was forced to play cards like removal. In other situations, when both players were in top deck mode, Shrieking Affliction did almost nothing. That is why I would prefer using Rakdos's Return over Mind Rot , as it is able to get rid of >2 cards and making some damage. Just avoid playing Shrieking Affliction on the early turns, and against control :). I will definitely do some testing with the red splash - and I might cut 2 of them.
December 1, 2013 9:51 a.m.
Maybe try Golgari Charm if you splash green?
+1 from me!
Dalektable says... #1
Great homebrew, i love seeing decks like this!
November 27, 2013 1:38 p.m.