Our core is our enchantments. We can play Trespasser's Curse on our 2nd drop and it will start dealing damage each turn, it is especially good against token spamming decks, but usually we will be able to put opponents out of misery of playing creatures. Our main goal is to survive till 4th drop, when we can play Raiders' Wake or Torment of Scarabs, these are our core. When we got them placed we start make enemies cry. They can't avoid suffering 2 or 3 damage each turn.Remember to have Desert of the Glorified or Ifnir Deadlands placed, at least one of it, because trigger of the Wretched Camel makes enemies discard a card, which is 2 damage. Dreamstealer is awesome because we can eternalize it later when we might need it, Kitesail Freebooter can help us avoid something troublesome and can also defend us, Unburden does not need an explanation, imho, it cycles. Now our sorceries. Duress is irreplacable because we can have a look at enemy's hand and discard any spell just for 1 mana and deal 2 damage. That's also why I like having Harsh Scrutiny in a deck. It also costs one mana and gives us an opportunity to discard enemy's creature we already know about. Doomfall and Never / Return helps us to clear enemy's table, and Return can spare us a 2/2 token which may come in handy.Torment of Hailfire is just incredibly good with our enchantment because it is combination of them both, you can even add 2 copies in deck if you want. Basically it makes enemies cry louder, since we repeat it enemies will suffer damage anyway, more or less depending on amount of cards in their hands on their tables. Sword-Point Diplomacy has nothing to do with discarding, and it even shows what you will have in hand, but you draw 3 cards for 3 mana, or if you don't put them in your hand enemy will lose 3 life per card. Now our only instant - Moment of Craving. It is extremely good because it only costs 2 mana, it's main goal is to keep us alive till we play our enchantments. -2/-2 counter is basically a removal when cast on 1-2 drop creatures and it heals us on 2, so it's best black removal on early drops.Now about sideboard: Bontu's Last Reckoning is very good since we don't really want enemies to have creatures placed and, well, our creatures aren't so strong. But clear table is very good when you use Torment of Hailfire. Torment of Venom is pretty expensive, but you can play it if you want.
primal amulet
is very good, our sorceries aren't very expensive, and
primal amulet
makes it cost even less and transforming it is just a matter of time, pretty short time.
I also like Bone Picker a lot, though I don't really use it in my decks. It is pretty good defence option in combo with Wretched Cameldeck: because we literally want this poor camel to die and then we play Bone Picker for 1 mana, 3/2, flying, deathtouch. Why I don't want to use Gifted Aetherborn in this deck - imho he isn't worth it and Ruin Rat, which isn't played, is better in discard decks. Yes, Gifted Aetherborn is good, it is 2/3, but in my opinion Bone Picker
Ruin Rat
combo is better, though of course we may not get them both in hand. Arterial Flow would be incredibly strong card if there were any discarding vampires, but unfortunately there's no such.