Disco Inferno

Standard* MagnusMTG


foo_chow says... #1

Got some notes for this deck too:

  1. Again Rakdos Charm should likely be on the SB, this time it isnt a big threat to yourself though.
  2. Personally Ive found that every time Ive had a Volcanic Geyser I used everything else I could instead. But that could just be me.
  3. The Rakdos Cluestone is kind of unusual to see. Not the best way to draw one card, plus you dont really seem to need the ramp.
  4. Lightning Strike will do you wonders, theres plenty of creatures with 3 toughness that Shock and Magma Jet dont clear out, so Id invest the $2 in getting a playset.

Very cool creature base.

January 10, 2014 4:17 p.m.

MagnusMTG says... #2

@foo_chow: Thanks so much for the notes!

Rakdos Charm has three different effects. The third mode - in this deck or in the aggro version - would only be done in a situation where my opponent had way more creatures on the board than I do. It could be revenge against a Supreme Verdict followed by dozens of Elspeth tokens.

It's other modes are also useful, and it's only a single in my deck, so it's not meant to be something I want to use every time. It's just a once-in-a-while, if I have it and need it kind of thing.

January 11, 2014 1:50 p.m.

MagnusMTG says... #3

The Cluestone? Yeah, I don't know. I only have the one dual land, and don't really know what else to add to help provide mana.

The lack of Lightning Strike does annoy me. It's a common and I still have yet to pull any in any packs I've opened so far. I've pulled 2x Whip of Erebos , 2x Thoughtseize , 2x Hero's Downfall , 2x Underworld Cerberus , and 2x Soldier of the Pantheon , but zero Lightning Strike . . .

I guess I do need to just buy them or trade for them at this point.

January 11, 2014 1:59 p.m.

foo_chow says... #4

Weird that you havent pulled a Lightning Strike at all yet. The Rakdos Keyrune is better for mana, even though this is your burn deck, it presents a nice potential threat that is always there.

I agree that Rakdos Charm can be good versus certain deck types, but I see it as a great SB card. Although, if you get good results with it MB then keep it there.

January 11, 2014 4:34 p.m.

MagnusMTG says... #5

I haven't done any testing yet with either version. I just did some trading tonight and sleeved up everything that could go in either version of the deck, so I don't know how any of it would play out. I do like the Keyrune better, but looking through my collection, I can't find one. I have multiple Keyrunes for all other Guilds, but don't have one for Rakdos . . .

Like I said, I did some trading tonight, and got some Lightning Strike - for free, essentially, because I traded off so much other stuff. I'll do updates after I have all that sorted.

January 11, 2014 11:42 p.m.

MagnusMTG says... #6

Ok, I put in the 4x Lightning Strike . Now I need to cut 4 other things to get it back down to 60c. I might actually want to cut 5 things to have 25 land. I really don't like getting land-screwed.

Maybe only 3 Lit. Strikes is enough?

January 12, 2014 11:12 p.m.

MagnusMTG says... #7

Took out some of the instants to keep the Phoenixes.

Still need to trim 5 cards from the Sideboard and I'll be ready to test . .

January 12, 2014 11:26 p.m.

tman007 says... #8

I would suggest removing the 2 Ultimate Price for 3 Doom Blade and find room in the sideboard for Dark Betrayal . I have been playtesting with varying amounts of both and it seems that Ultimate Price just doesn't hit as many cards, because there are so many mulitcolored cards from RTR block, and I think there will be even more in BNG. ALso, in response to your question about Underworld Cerberus , I don't think it really has a place in this type of deck. It's a little too high CMC for the deck. Finally, I would suggest cutting a Swamp and add moreRakdos's Return and Young Pyromancer . I think they are two of your best cards here. But overall, nice deck +1

January 13, 2014 5:55 p.m.

MagnusMTG says... #9

There are already 2 Dark Betrayal in the SB. In my mono-black,

I use 2 each of Blade and Price, then exchange Blade for Betrayal for game 2 if opponent has black critters. In my local meta, there are many mono creatures, and the two multi-color creatures I see most often are Blood Baron of Vizkopa and Obzedat, Ghost Council , which neither spell can hit.

Having Hero's Downfall , Devour Flesh , and Quag Sickness cover most bases.

You might be referring to the aggro version of the deck with the Cerberus comment. I didn't put it in this version, and there is only a single copy in the aggro build.

I do like Young Pyromancer a lot! He's been a star in my playtesting. Having 2x Guttersnipe and a Pyromancer out and casting 2 or 3 kill/burn spells each turn is even better than I thought it would be.

When I tested it against the aggro configuration, Aggro hit hard and fast and threatened to win soon by turns 3 and 4, then Burn took control and dealt a disgusting amount of damage in just a couple turns.

January 13, 2014 10:50 p.m.

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