F33dtheanimals says... #2
Here is my problem with Bonfire and why I cut it. When I top Deck it its hardly at an opportune moment, and if I play it from my hand i can do maybe three damage. Rarley do I manage 7+ mana in a game, Bonfire is just to slow and ruins my mind games with my opponent if I'm all tapped out during my turn, because that leaves them free to drop some big fatty and wipe me out, or leaves my snipes and delver open to be picked off. I have run Index before, and it was ok, but I also was trying to run Epic Experiment and that card is TRASH in all insistence. I have though about Thought Scour however If I lose a Guttersnipe to the grave I regret it, That's actually why I pulled Augur out because sure I will snag a nice spell but on more than one occasion I have lost a guttersnipe or something I could actually use. The games no fun when you sit on three sycopates and you lost Snipes and Snaps. That's my fear with Thought Scour but the speed is enticing, I would have to run Index with it to make it work for me every time.
So even if I was to run 4 bonfire, 4 index, and 4 though scour I would have to do some major cutting for 12 cards and it would change my deck totally and put me in a new direction. (plus Bonfire if 40$ and I only own one and I'm lending it to my friend so he can slaughter me)
October 14, 2012 3:43 p.m.
Yeah, understandable. Bonfire is ridiculously expensive. It's a real shame Gitaxian Probe rotated out, or I would have suggested that.
October 14, 2012 3:59 p.m.
F33dtheanimals says... #4
There are so many cards that have been cycled I wish I could use however this adds to the strategy and fun.
October 14, 2012 4:27 p.m.
Yeah...Hey! I'm working on a Modern Izzet deck. Could you give me some tips?
October 14, 2012 6:08 p.m.
wayngchung says... #6
If you're going burn, card:Devil's Play is a great powerful burn spell. It's casting cost makes it a good mid game blow, and its flashback cost makes it an awesome finisher.
October 15, 2012 5:40 p.m.
wayngchung says... #7
If you're going burn, card:Devil's Play is a great powerful burn spell. It's casting cost makes it a good mid game blow, and its flashback cost makes it an awesome finisher.
October 15, 2012 5:40 p.m.
strateupjee says... #8
Curiosity on Guttersnipe makes every instant and sorcery a draw spell :)
October 15, 2012 6:41 p.m.
thebeardedshuffler says... #9
Me likey. +1!
Will be wanting to see how well this works out.
October 15, 2012 8:12 p.m.
F33dtheanimals says... #10
Holy Smokes! Curiosity will REALLY make my Deck super fast! I also really like Devils play and do have some in the side board. But I want to try out Curiosity.
October 16, 2012 1:35 a.m.
F33dtheanimals says... #11
I also want to try out Chandra, the Firebrand .
October 16, 2012 1:51 a.m.
thebeardedshuffler says... #12
Swap out Think Twice for the Curiosity ?
Also I don't think you'll be needing Chandra, the Firebrand but you could use a way to use excess mana. Maybe a couple of those lands could be Hellion Crucible s? It's not a bad option for burn/damage decks and your cards are all single colour (excluding sideboard).
October 16, 2012 7:57 a.m.
F33dtheanimals says... #13
I don't know if I want to take out think twice because if I do I won't have those free cards at the end of my opponents turn. If I'm not burning my spells quickly or lose my snipes I won't be able to draw the cards. I'll have to play around with the idea.
October 16, 2012 9:12 a.m.
F33dtheanimals says... #16
Won't work, cost 3 and is specific in what it needs, I can use syncopate to just burn there mana and tap them out instead of countering something. It's all mind games, and early stopping power. It also is good so I can just throw it out against my own spells to burn for 2 with guttersnipe.
October 19, 2012 5:45 p.m.
jacksondebenham says... #17
That makes sense what about augur of bolas for the slumbering dragons?
OTDE says... #1
Bonfire of the Damned ? Granted, it's something that requires an Index to work at all in a deck where you're constantly drawing cards, but hardcasting it can still clear the battlefield against most Selesnya (er, populate) decks. Also, Thought Scour gives you card advantage for one less. If you're looking for speed, sideboard that.
October 14, 2012 3:23 p.m.