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Displace Your Face

Standard RW (Boros)



Brock here again, with a new experimental deck to try out, this time featuring R/W + a few Eldrazi lunatics. I've been wanting to utilize the Eldrazi Displacer since I first saw it; it's just such a cool toy. Besides the obvious control factor for your opponents creatures, it makes all your enter the battlefield effects that much cooler.

So what do I think are a few of the coolest effects from entering the battlefield by Standard creatures? Well, Knight of the White Orchid is already one of my favorite cards (period, ever), and is crucial for staying on par with land against your opponent. I think it's great for early game as well mid/late game as a Eldrazi Displacer combo if your opponent goes on a land laying frenzy.

But I feel the core of the deck is getting out a Goblin Dark-Dwellers to be able to cast all of my 3 drop (90% of them) instants & sorcerys from my graveyard, essentially doubling my spell-set with a single combo. Have yet to test play at the time of this writing, but I think we may have a winner.

Last but not least, the card that has been ruining faces worldwide since it dropped: Thought-Knot Seer. What a sick card. How do you make it even sicker? Well, let's just continuously displace it and fill your opponents hand up with non-playables...at instant speed, and always know what's in their hand. The card:eldrazi displcer opportunities seem endless (Bouncing your creatures when something bad is about to happen to them is always efficient, as well).

So let's talk win conditions. My creatures aren't exactly indestructible and/or strong, so that's a slight problem. But I feel with the Fall of the Titans/Exquisite Firecraft damage to the face (multiplied by displacing Drak-Dwellers and by copying the spell with Mirrorpool (lets not forget those!!) could virtually take an opponent out on their own merits. Otherwise, we have a few creatures to peck with when we're not using them to displace, but the key win condiotion if all else fails is the cheap o' Dragonmaster Outcast and his jerk tactic of throwing dragons to me to fight with every upkeep. That's my army. Good luck.

So, what do you think? It all seems pretty straightforward but the meta can actually get fairly deep when you start copying your Exquisite Firecraft with Mirrorpool from the grave because you just used the Eldrazi Displacer to exile and return your Goblin Dark-Dwellers to the battlefield. Fun times, huh?

As always, I humbly anticipate your thoughts and suggestions. This is the third deck I've constructed fully for Standard play since I began playing again about a month ago, and I kinda sorta think that they're getting a little bit better? Go check out my last ones and let me know if you see progression whatsoever, lol. I'd like to think my meta is getting a little bit better??? Please?



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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #9 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years
Exclude colors UBG

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

26 - 0 Rares

4 - 6 Uncommons

6 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.06
Tokens Angel 3/3 W, Copy Clone, Dragon 5/5 R, Elemental 3/1 R
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