
Creature (2)

This deck is built around 2 cards specifically, Talrand, Sky Summoner and my favorite card, Roost of Drakes.

The goal is to overrun the board with tons of flying drakes, and to do so we really need one of those two cards. Talrand, Sky Summoner is gonna be the easiest way to achieve this, we're running a ton of card draw and cantrips to cycle through the deck pretty quickly, so we're gonna have plenty of occasions to generate tokens. Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch   will be a great support to Talrand thanks to rebound, allowing us to make two drakes with a single spell (Although the second drake comes a turn later). Its main weakness is that it's a 2/2 creature. It's very very easy to get rid of him, as most red burn spells will do the job. To try and keep him on the board for longer we're running stuff like Shell Shield, Prohibit or even Riptide Laboratory.

The second, safer but harder way to create tons of tokens is through Roost of Drakes. Since it is an enchantments it's a lot less likely to see removal, and with a bunch of them on the board the tokens pile up very quickly. However it requires KICKED spells, which is a bit annoying 'cause it increase the casting cost from one or two to usually FOUR mana, severely slowing us in the game. If we have both Talrand and one or two Roosts, we make so many tokens that it's 100% worth it. If the opponent has no flying coverage, the game can end pretty quickly.

If no Roost of Drakes are in play, we can (and probably should) ignore most of the kicker costs. Since spells like Bubble Snare are great to buy us some time, but sadly they're very power crept after the release of strictly better cards such as Bitter Chill. I kept in Bubble Snare solely for the KICKER cost.

Alandra, Sky Dreamer will help us generate a drake per turn, she's slower than our other two options but since we have a lot of card draw we can expect her to do some work. She can also be a finisher with Brainstorm, and especially with Ojer Pakpatiq supporting her with more card draw thanks to rebound. Overall a strong card to have.

The newest addition to the deck is the interesting Drake Hatcher. This card is cheaper than our other creatures, has prowess and vigilance. It's awesome since we're casting tons of cantrips, we can increase its power pretty reliably. Not to forget that prowess also triggers with our many enchantments. Rebound from Ojer Pakpatiq will help us grow her even more.


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Curiosity Crafter -> Alandra, Sky Dreamer

Enter the Enigma -> Brainstorm

Curiosity Crafter is a pretty good card, but the problem I had with it is that it did not contribute much to my board. It draws a lot only if I have a lot of drakes, and if I don't it's basically just a 3/3. Alandra now replaces him, as there is a ton of card draw in the deck and I believe it'd be very easy to draw at least one additional card per turn, creating a drake. Curiosity Crafter would need Alandra to reach full potential, especially with the no maximum hand size. However I don't have room for more creatures, and Alandra does not need Curiosity Crafter to have great potential, she synergies well with Ojer Pakpatiq, Talrand and the others spells. Thus why I switched them up. Then Into the Enigma only synergies with Drake Hatcher, making it less interesting in the deck. I switched them for Brainstorm, making it easier for me to reach the second part of Alandra's ability.

Since Brainstorm is restricted in Vintage, the deck in now Legacy.



97% Competitive

Date added 4 months
Last updated 2 weeks

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

7 - 0 Rares

6 - 0 Uncommons

32 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.77
Tokens Drake 2/2 U
Folders Completed Decks
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