Witchstalker and Mistcutter Hydra also might give you trouble
March 22, 2014 6:16 p.m.
Would highly recomment Cruel Edict for those cards that you just can't deal with
March 22, 2014 6:18 p.m.
LittleLeaf says... #4
@Rome; Mistcutter Hydra is the only card in the list of cards you named that would even be seen in a fringe role in Modern, in my opinion. The rest are too weak/mana-inefficient to be seen competitively. Why play turn three Witchstalker when a Slippery Bogle could be a 7/7 Lifelinking, Vigilant, Reaching, First-striking monstrosity that can't be targeted AND be shielded by Totem Armor? Oversoul of Dusk is not coming into play, if you ask me, as it's essentially a vanilla 5/5 for 5 mana of very specific colours. And Great Sable Stag does not stack up to Loxodon Smiter .
However, Rome, I mean no disrespect. I do understand that you're pointing out potential weaknesses, which every deck has. I feel you may have chosen some narrow examples, but you are correct; Modern is diverse enough for any deck to get hit hard by cards, even whole decks out of nowhere.
By the way, liking the deck. I have a few suggestions, though. Hidden Strings seems incredibly weak here, as the only creatures that it can be ciphered onto would be manlands and Snapcaster Mage . Don't include Dark Confidant , as he'll chunk you quite hard. Your mana curve is higher than most decks that run him, especially since you're looking for a longer game than those decks as well. An alternative would be Phyrexian Arena , which I'm currently running in my Esper Mill Control deck. Rune Snag seems quirky, but if there was ever a shell for it, it would this one. Remand could be a consideration, but it's probably doing work for you. +1 from me. Keep up the good work!
March 22, 2014 6:31 p.m.
LittleLeaf says... #5
EDIT*I now see you have included Remand already.... Heh.
March 22, 2014 6:34 p.m.
well, Hidden Strings is really effective on my Creeping Tar Pit when they don't have instant speed removal. If they do, it gets sided out. It's almost like Shadow of Doubt - a very specialized use.
I did have Smallpox in there to address the uncounterable untargetable stuff, but I found it to be a very poor card where I wished I had some instant speed removal most of the time. I'll look into some of the other sacrifice cards, but I'm honestly not doing sorceries if I can avoid it, they just don't fit the build. My only serious problem right now is people doing nothing and attacking me with lands, so some more instant speed removal might not be a bad idea, I'll see if I can make room for it in either board.
March 22, 2014 11:12 p.m.
So yeah, the land destruction in the side board seems to help a lot. The decks with manlands and stuff like tron were really giving me problems, but this seemed to help a lot.
March 23, 2014 1:18 a.m.
needed to add an alternate win-con for those decks with too much instant speed removal to deal with, so I now have Elixir of Immortality to let them draw themselves to death while I counter or remove anything of importance.
The deck is shaping up quite well now, have most of its weaknesses covered.
March 23, 2014 4:27 p.m.
So I've updated it with delve cards and planeswalkers, anyone have any suggestions now that I'm re-visiting this deck?
April 11, 2015 3:19 a.m.
Fururikkeru says... #12
Mystical Teachings might fit in here to tutor your 1-ofs.
April 13, 2015 12:47 a.m.
I was thinking about that, or Gifts Ungiven but idk yet. Both require a bit of tweaking to make them fit. Any other suggestions?
April 13, 2015 1:09 a.m.
Marcus_Licinius_Crassus says... #14
How do you as a player feel with playing so many 1-ofs. The deck seems to be very tool boxing, almost like a modern port of an EDH deck. The deck seems really cool. I look forward to running into this deck list in future PPTQs and GPs.
April 13, 2015 2:18 a.m.
1-ofs have never been a bad thing, in fact, I find them to be a GOOD thing, when they accomplish the same thing, more or less. A diverse package helps to ensure that you have the answers you need, regardless of the match.
Having a lot of 1-ofs is generally a positive, other than making sideboarding a lot more challenging.
April 13, 2015 3:24 a.m.
The only problem i can see with this decks i games going to time :P
April 13, 2015 1:14 p.m.
quite possibly, as matches tend to go to the 40 minute range sometimes. However, it's quite capable of having the highest life total if this were to happen.
April 13, 2015 2:54 p.m.
Looking for useful artifacts in control matches, if anyone has any suggestions.
April 15, 2015 2:36 p.m.
defintely a good finisher, looking for more early things, or response-like ones for the most part, a finisher is good to keep in mind if i decide to drop more creatures, thanks.
April 16, 2015 12:35 a.m.
You know what's a really funny card? Pithing Needle. It can stop somebody from blowing up your Academy Ruins or Creeping Tar Pit with their own lands. It can stop you from getting beat in the face with lands. It can stop Seismic Assault temporarily. It can stop a Splinter Twin player from cracking their Arid Mesa, Scalding Tarn or Flooded Strand. You can also name whatever the target is for Splinter Twin if you know enough about their deck.
You can even name Sword of Light and Shadow or any of it's brethren and then the swords can't be equipped!
You can name Liliana of the Veil and watch mono tokens cry their hearts out.
You can name Cranial Plating T1 against a deck trying to bum rush you with artifacts. Sure they may get a 5/5 to hit you in the face next turn, but it's better than getting hit for 8+ damage isn't it?
Lastly because it's only mana and it's not a creature its harder to stop and easier to cast than Phyrexian Revoker.
April 21, 2015 1:55 p.m.
Added. I've thought about it a while, but naming planeswalkers justifies it, as that's the hardest for my deck to deal with currently. I just wish I had targeted discard or something that lets me view their hand, so I could hit fetches or something before they are used. I'll think about it.
April 21, 2015 2:01 p.m.
Not really, but that could fit well, I'll test it out.
Rome says... #1
Great Sable Stag and Oversoul of Dusk say wazzzaaaap
March 22, 2014 6:14 p.m.