Do you even fling, bro? - first EDH deck
Commander / EDH
battle_jelly says... #2
Haha! First time I've seen a Commander like this. Awesome! Anyways, i was just going to recommend a few cards and take my leave. Grafted Exoskeleton, to put on your commander for an extremely quick game. Insurrection, a bit pricey of a card, but you get to take everyone's guys. Great wincon. And maybe Dragonmaster Outcast to give you a sac-able guy in every turn by the time your commander comes out. Just random thoughts to mull over.
March 17, 2017 10:04 p.m. Edited.
MoGoose831 says... #3
Thanks ay.lobo!
Brion is a ton of fun and you can make a really good deck pretty cheaply. With the use of Thornbite Staff the exoskeleton could make short work of everyone. I've definitely been thinking about Insurrection mostly because with enough mana and again Thornbite Staff it would be absolutely hilarious!
Thank you so much for the recommendation of Dragonmaster Outcast!!! I've been looking for a way to bring down my avg cmc and he is perfect!
March 18, 2017 2:15 p.m.
Since you are gaining so much life, why don't you try Aetherflux Reservoir? It could be very crazy. Also, Karmic Guide helps on getting your creatures back to fling them again. And you may try Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, Furnace of Rath and Dictate of the Twin Gods to double the damage. It would win you the game when you fling a Malignus or Serra Avatar.
March 28, 2017 3:16 a.m.
MoGoose831 says... #5
Addrum Thanks for the input!
I've thought about damage doublers just haven't had a chance to play test them yet, same goes for Karmic Guide.
Aetherflux Reservoir is an interesting idea! I have a couple but didn't even think about adding one! I'll play test it a bit and see how it goes.
March 28, 2017 3:33 a.m.
BarfQuackers says... #6
A fun interaction with Aetherflux Reservoir is Children of Korlis.
Also any reason you aren't runnning Lightning Greaves or Swiftfoot Boots to protect and activate Brion Stoutarm when he comes out?
March 30, 2017 5:59 p.m.
BarfQuackers says... #7
Also forgot to mention steal cards like Act of Aggression and Act of Treason to hit someone with their own creature functions as a removal spell.
+1 deck looks like loads of fun!
March 30, 2017 6:06 p.m.
MoGoose831 says... #8
Thanks WillySmasher!!
The deck is a ton of fun! I've really enjoyed it so far.
Children of Korlis looks like it has the potential to be a great little combo!
I had more steal cards in the deck at first but noticed I was sitting on them more than I used them. I kept Unwilling Recruit because I love the added insult of making my opponents creatures bigger before Brion throws them at their face.
Like the description says this is my first Commander deck and I still don't have a lot of the staples. Both the boots and greaves, as well as others like so ring, I'm on the lookout for. I like trading for the cards I want rather than just flat out buying them but they will be added eventually!
Thanks for the +1!!!
March 30, 2017 6:57 p.m.
Fun looking deck, Test of Endurance is another win condition to go with your Felidar Sovereign. If you think it's worth the price.
April 3, 2017 4:07 p.m.
MoGoose831 says... #10
Thanks for the +1 BPWyndon!!!
That's a great recommendation! I'll for sure test it out! Currently I'm looking for more creatures to make the most out of Brian's fling ability.
April 3, 2017 5:30 p.m.
Treehugger003 says... #11
I LOVE this concept. I am so totally stealing this.
Cards to think about: Warstorm Surge and Stalking Vengeance hit them coming and going.
Thanks for the concept!!
April 7, 2017 3:50 p.m.
MoGoose831 says... #12
Thanks Treehugger003!!!It's a ton of fun and really my favorite commander I've had a chance to play with.
I've play tested Warstorm Surge and it works well! I throw it in depending on what kind of decks I'm up against.
I've wanted to try out Stalking Vengeance since I've seen it but haven't had the chance.
Looks like great minds think alike. If you ended up building a Brion deck let me know what yours ends up like.
April 10, 2017 4:40 p.m.
Treehugger003 says... #13
I will post it on tapped out but it will be a while. I'm running a Daxos of Meletis Deck atm. I'm going to keep running this till I win one.
April 11, 2017 4:14 p.m.
TheGeneralAdvisor says... #14
Sun Titan looks perfect for this deck. Recurring War Elemental or pretty much anything is amazing.
Also, why is Sol Ring not in the deck?
April 13, 2017 7:37 p.m.
MoGoose831 says... #15
Thanks TheGeneralAdvisor!
Sun Titan could work amazingly. The only reason he isn't already in here, other than the fact that I don't have one, is I don't do a ton of attacking. But I guess returning 2 creatures to the battlefield for 6 mana is worth a play test.
As far as commander staples like Sol Ring and Lightning Greaves not being in the deck yet is just because I don't have them... yet. I like to trade for the cards I want rather than just flat out by them, but it will be in once I get it!
April 13, 2017 7:54 p.m.
TheGeneralAdvisor says... #16
Sol Ring is pretty cheap atm, and also don't forget Sun Titan gets ANY permanent 3 or less, so any equipment, enchantments, and lands are also good to grab. I think both are under $10 so snag em up!
I'm a little biased because Sun Titan is my favorite creature, but he's so efficient and amazing!
April 13, 2017 8:06 p.m.
MoGoose831 says... #17
Haha I'm the same way with Avatar of Woe, she is what got me into magic!
I totally glanced over the word permanent. Dang! That's is for sure going to be added. I just kinda feel like I'm cheating when I buy singles... but I always break down and do it if I can't find anyone to trade so don't worry it'll get in there soon.
April 13, 2017 8:18 p.m.
Phyrexian Devourer is a one-hit-kill with brion or Fling
April 15, 2017 12:58 p.m.
MoGoose831 says... #19
Thanks Grind!!
That's a great add! I'll look into getting one too play test with.
April 15, 2017 1:43 p.m.
Deathstroke2791 says... #21
I see some questionable choices in here (although there might be a reason I don't see, but I'll point it out anyway.
Ajani Vengeant- He's cool and all, but what is he really doing here? Not much from what I can see.
Entreat the Angels- How well do you ramp. It just seems to me that this really wouldn't be worth it with the poor ramp Boros gives.
Also, I would try to find some lower drop creatures that have a more versatility.
April 22, 2017 2:29 a.m.
MoGoose831 says... #22
Thanks for the comment Deathstroke2791!!
I fully agree with Entreat the Angels, I mostly have it in here because of Crusader of Odric but she is going once I get some of the creatures on my maybe board and therefore so would the angels.
As for Ajani he is in there simply because I love him! He's definitely a weak link in the deck and one of the cards that will most likely be replaced.
Have any recommendations for creatures that fit your description? I would love to lower my average cmc.
April 22, 2017 2:43 a.m.
Deathstroke2791 says... #23
I had some issues lowering my cmc with Brion as well. I run him. You want to have those hard hitters, but they are usually high in cmc. Your creature choice seems a little random. In my opinion since you're going to be sacrificing a lot of your stuff, your creatures should all have relevant text. I play Brion with a toolbox strategy. You seem to be more attack attack attack. I don't think Brion is your typical Boros commander. With the list you have, it just looks like an Aurelia, the Warleader or Gisela, Blade of Goldnight deck with a splash of cards specifically meant for Brion. If you're gonna go with Brion you have to go all in with his fling ability.
As for versatile creatures:
Combustible Gearhulk- It's a creature, it can draw you cards, it can deal a butt ton of damage.
Solemn Simulacrum- Its ramp, it's draw, it's a creature.
Flameshadow Conjuring - It can copy ANY of your creatures. That's versatility.
If you want some inspiration here's my decklist. (Still updating the Primer.)]
April 24, 2017 12:27 a.m.
MoGoose831 says... #24
Thanks for the recommendations Deathstroke2791 I really appreciate it. My creature list is a bit random because I built the deck with what I had on hand.
My group's meta is a lot of aggro so things like Flameblast Dragon and Living Inferno are huge help as they can be pretty versatile but I guess at the same time they are in the higher end of the cmc spectrum. Thunder-Thrash Elder is another one that's in here because of Entreat the Angels and once that goes so will the elder.
Combustible Gearhulk is awesome. I definitely need more card draw and this fits perfectly. Solemn Simulacrum is one of those edh staples I haven't gotten yet. This is my first commander deck so I'm still building my edh collection. I absolutely love Flameshadow Conjuring it's cheap and looks like it can be a game changer!
May 1, 2017 2:59 p.m.
Deathstroke2791 says... #25
Also Malignus is another Serra Avatar type of creature thats fun to fling. If this is your first EDH deck, I'd check out "The Command Zone" onYoutube. They have a lot of good material.
Austin_Smith_of_Cards says... #1
Zealous Conscripts can steal anything for a turn, but if it's a particularly large creature, fling it at their face with Brion for maximum lolz.
Malignus instantly cuts an opponent's life total in half, or finishes off weaker players.
Mimic Vat generates the same big creature every turn for Brion fodder. The fact that it can improve what it's creating tokens of is incredibly powerful.
Adarkar Valkyrie and Gift of Immortality rescue creatures sacrificed to Brion for more fling action.
Grab the Reins is either an instant speed Act of Treason, Fling, or both in one card. The utility is what makes it powerful.
Molten Primordial and Conquering Manticore are two more cards that steal opponent's creatures for flinging.
Feldon of the Third Path generates tokens of giant dead creatures in your graveyard already sacrificed to Brion.
Archon of Justice is quite the removal in conjunction with instant-speed sacrifice.
January 24, 2017 1:37 a.m.