Do you feel Remorseful?

Standard* Devloaf


PeteBedwell says... #1

It's not a bad start. I think you should try looking at losing a couple of the higher cost cards. Marsh Hulk would be my first to go. The problem is just that you have too many. This will make it difficult to get them on the board. Losing two or three would mean you have more cards that you can get out all throughout the game. Later in the game when they come out, you will still have mana left for any mana sinks, control spells like Duress and reclaiming creatures with cards like Macabre Waltz

I think removing the Marsh Hulk Rakshasa Gravecaller and Blightcaller would leave you space to buy another pair of Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet and Despise or Duress. Also I would drop the Mire's Malice for another Despise.

Despise and Duress see a lot of play because they are useful all through each match and are very low cost. Mire Malice basically stops you from casting anything else for a turn because it is so expensive.

That's four card changes that would make a fairly big difference. The only downer is the cost of buying Kalitas at the moment.

After that I would just see which cards always do well and those that never seem to work right, then you can learn how to edit your deck buy replacing cards that rarely work/get played with those that do.

I hope that's been useful.

March 8, 2016 3 p.m.

Devloaf says... #2

Well, looks like it's time to get more Kalitas...

March 8, 2016 3:59 p.m.

Devloaf says... #3

So I bought another Kalitas, 2 Drama's an Ob Nixis and 2 Ruinous path. I felt like those would definitely help, however I got crushed repeatedly in some casual vs a control deck.

March 9, 2016 3:18 a.m.

PeteBedwell says... #4

It looks like you have taken out all of your control and are relying on your creatures and killing their creatures. That will work against some decks like midrange, but not against control unless you have a bunch of countermagic (which black doesn't).

The Duress and Despise might seem rubbish, but they can help you pick out the nasty cards from opponents hands and make them discard them. Essentially acting as preemptive countermagic against the sorcery, instant and enchantment cards that your deck can't currently deal with.

You have so much anti creature stuff that in games against control, tempo and some aggro decks, I would remove one or two, plus the Retreat to Hagra and Drana's Chosen (as you don't have many allies) and put them in. As I mentioned previously, they are powerful from the beginning of a game right through to the end.

March 11, 2016 6:01 a.m.

PeteBedwell says... #5

Great shout with your purchases though. Especially Ob Nixilis

March 11, 2016 6:02 a.m.

Devloaf says... #6

Alright so after playing several standard decks, and searching the standard rates and mythics of MonoBlack I went with this. I kept getting beat by control decks(you were right about that one) specifically one that had only like 3 different creatures.

March 11, 2016 9:04 a.m.

PeteBedwell says... #7

Wow, yes much better, much more refined, but as you say much more expensive.

A lot of those cards (especially Lilliana) are going to excel in the new Innistrad set

March 11, 2016 10:51 a.m.

Devloaf says... #8

I hope so I read into the lore a bit and it seems that Shadows over Innerstad will be Lilianna focused or at least Swamp oriented. Kalitas and Lilianna and even On Nixilis will definitely be big.

March 11, 2016 12:08 p.m.

DroseraC says... #9

Maybe side some Complete Disregard to deal with some common Creatures that aren't mono-colored? Stormchaser Mage and Reflector Mage are the two that strike me as they won't be rotating, but it'll also hit stuff like Eldrazi Mimic or Matter Reshaper (and it exiles so it won't replace itself). Ultimate Price is really weak right now, in my opinion, because it can't touch Eldrazi.

March 14, 2016 6:42 p.m.

Devloaf says... #10

Complete Disregard will be great when rotation happens but right now graveyard hate is only big vs rally decks ao it's great on the SB.

March 28, 2016 3:13 p.m.

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