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Do you hear that?! The Storm is coming!

Casual Burn Combo RUG (Temur)




Instant (2)

So in my play area we sometimes play a format which is based off pauper and peasant but the rules are:

  • 75 card decks that may only have all commons with only 4 Uncommons and Rares in both the Main and Side but no Mythics

  • Rares: Snapcaster Mage and Pyromancer Ascension

  • Uncommon: Spell Snare I would also like to point out that Spell Burst was common when first printed.

So me and a friend thought why not play on of the most fun deck? We liked it before playing modern and built this wonder. Can kill on turn 2 or 3 depending on your draws.

Please rate and comment! Thank you.


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After some thought and play testing I preferred on cutting a Mountain for Ponder from the side to main. And for personal tech 1x [Pyroblast] as the only deck I can't beat is the mirror.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Rares

9 - 15 Uncommons

35 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.45
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