This is a Borzhovish midrange deck I'm considering for standard right now. I'm trying to make this as budget friendly as I can without removing the good, more expensive cards. Here's some brief explanations of the card choices:
Obzedat, Ghost Council: I really don't need to explain this card. It synergizes insanely well with the whip.
Desecration Demon: Another obvious choice for this deck. Also a 6/6 flier for 4. What more could I ask for? Maybe some built-in removal...
Lifebane Zombie: It's just good.
Alms Beast: It's situationally better than Desecration Demon, as sometimes they will just have random chump blockers to sac to the demon and tap it down for a turn, but they can't do that with this card.
Boros Reckoner: Because Boros Reckoner.
Blood Baron of Vizkopa: As soon as this guy drops down, it's essentially game over unless they Shock it to death or something like that.
Thoughtseize: What's that? A look at your hand? Definitely.
Assemble the Legion: Once this resolves, the opponent is put on a quickly ticking clock, as it will overwhelm them.
Read the Bones
: Early card advantage. Worst case, I look at four cards. i was a big fan of
Sign in Blood
, and this is a slight improvement over that.
: Next best removal in Standard right now apart from Hero's Downfall
Anger of the Gods: Early game board wipe
Mizzium Mortars: This can kill most things without hexproof, and it also serves as a great late game board wipe.
Chained to the Rocks
: A different version of Path to Exile? Yes, please!
Liliana's Reaver]]: Great blocker and attacker
Aurelia, the Warleader: Who doesn't want an extra combat phase?
Rakdos's Return: This card can be devastating in the late game, when I have lots of open mana just sitting around waiting to be used.
[Whip of Erebos]]: The lifelink by itself can win me the game, but then the ability to reanimate my creatures for a turn with haste gets ridiculous. Also brings back Obzedat permanently.
Any suggestions would be really helpful. Please keep in mind that I'm on a really tight budget though. I also need some help in making my sideboard, as I'm pretty bad at doing that. Thanks guys!