"Dodge and Weave"

Standard* teamplayerx


Sam_McGee1 says... #4

May 18, 2014 11:28 a.m.

Magiclover318 says... #5

I like Fleecemane Lion as it gets huge, hexproof and indestructible like mid-late game. I know you said this wins t4 consistently but still

May 18, 2014 11:32 a.m.

NerdPounder says... #6

Ajani, Caller of the Pride is pretty sick in this deck, probably better than Gift of Orzhova . Check out this list! Naya Hexproof FTW. Think about playing Hammer of Purphoros in your sideeboard, it gives you a steady supply of dudes for Devour Flesh and Desecration Demon , or a steady supply of blockers, it can't be interacted with by regular old MBD, and it's really really good against control.

May 18, 2014 2:52 p.m.

teamplayerx says... #7


Alright here is what's wrong with the naya hexproof version of your deck. 4 Chained to the Rocks are way better than Ghor-Clan Rampager . The rocks are removal that combos with etheral armor, and the rampager is just a combat trick. Removal >>> combat trick. Also Selesnya Charm having access to 4 of them is really good even if you don't mainboard all of them. It removes any god in standard that is worth playing when they become creatures ( so Deicide isn't really worth playing), it removes a lot of creatures that are good in standard, and it can make dudes to help deal with Devour Flesh . Also gives trample as a combat trick if needed. Plus its in your main two colors where red is the most minor color.

Having 12 creatures with hexproof is vital, and then another 2-4 that have really good value if they die or some punishment to them is good too. Voice of Resurgence and Boros Reckoner are better than Fiendslayer Paladin main or sideboard. He was on mainboard till the tower archer hexproof guy. If you are playing budget, the paladin is not bad, but overall reckoner and voice are much higher value.

Honestly Im back and forth on Ajani, Caller of the Pride mainly because he is not an enchantment and he is double whitle mana symbols. I mean any naya hexproof deck is gonna have white as one of its main colors, but even so. I do see enough opening hands with just 1 white source and don't get the double white on the curve. That's why there is 2 Gift of Orzhova and 4 Unflinching Courage .

Hammer of Purphoros is a descent enchantment in red aggro -mid ranged decks. I tried the hammer in the hexproof deck, but ultimately its way too slow. T3 you dont want to play one enchantment on the side, you want to enchant ur dude. or put another dude out if they run Devour Flesh mainboard, or just simply doing removal. Then making a guy by sacing a land T4 thats only a 3/3 enchantment that they can target. If the token had hexproof and u didnt have to sac a land it might be different. Lands in the 3 color deck are way more precious and valueable than in red or red splash white. If you are making dudes to react to Desecration Demon you basically already lost. after side board there are up to 8 ways in my deck to deal with it and only 5 if your deck.

You don't worry about making dudes around devour flesh, there is 4 Selesnya Charm after sideboard and two on main. Ultimately time and time again Gift of Orzhova >>>>> Ajani, Caller of the Pride on main. After sideboard you might have an descent arguement, since they would side in enchantment killers. Gift of Orzhova + Ethereal Armor stacks really really good.

Flesh / Blood is really slow. Id rather just have double strike or something better at instant speed. Its soc speed removal or dmg to the face, best in G/R or Jund or Naya monsters, not hexproof.

This is why I have to ask advice because you made a naya hexproof deck and you don't really know what your doing. I give you Mending Touch vs control on side board is playable. Mizzium Mortars vs blood baron or stormbreath dragon is good. Any 2-4 Mistcutter Hydra are fine. Glare of Heresy seems like a waste. Either put Skylasher or mistcutter, I'd rather run mistcutter, so two Skylasher on top of that is a waste. Maybe when you comment you should actually know what your talking about rather than waste someone's time.

May 19, 2014 1:10 a.m.

NerdPounder says... #8

Yeah that's not my deck, and I just liked his build. Chill.

May 19, 2014 3:09 a.m.

teamplayerx says... #9

So what his deck build was obviously bad... as stated above.

Anyways, Well I thought about it and Ajani was an idea, but he's more like a combat trick like the rampager. Yes double strike and flying for 3 is nice, but 3 drop is already crowded. Gift of orzhova and unflinching courage are way better in that spot and wanting to hit on the curve (its a more permanent boost with effects). Yes i realize we are talking about sideboard, but we need something on 2 or 1 drop instead. Aegis of the Gods would combo well after sideboard against a black deck, but not red because they are still just gonna keep burn spells like shock and/or lightning strike to hit ur face. Black would take out any direct kills, because they know those are dead cards, and side more Thoughtseize and Duress in for the enchantments. Only problem with Aegis of the Gods it gets easily hit by Golgari Charm but so is everything else in the deck. That's probably the only reason the Nyx-Fleece Ram is any good. after sideboard against red it might be pretty good with the life gain, its an enchantment and they have to 2 for 1 to get rid of it if they want to. The Ram is actually a good enough of an idea to start enchanting on vs a red deck and make that defense too big to deal with. I mean 1 Ethereal Armor would make the ram a 2/7 first strike and gain 1 life every upkeep. I might experiment replacing the Reckoner with the ram.

Plummet is still a thought. It hits Master of the Feast , Desecration Demon ,Herald of Torment or anything its bestowed on, Shadowborn Demon (against dredge) Archangel of Thune (against junk) , Nightveil Specter , Chandra's Phoenix , Stormbreath Dragon All at instant speed.

May 21, 2014 1:01 a.m.

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