Does this make me look fat?

Commander / EDH adt630


Sam_I_am says... #1

you really should run some Craterhoof Behemoth as a finisher , and some Worldly Tutor for consistency(mayel can put that creature into play after you cast it)

I'd also run land ramp like Rampant Growth and Farseek over your mana creatures such as Palladium Myr

because of wipes

April 24, 2013 2:09 p.m.

adt630 says... #2

I'll have to playtest the Behemoth as I usually dont have a big problem with finishing people off; if you get to a certain board presence people just tend to scoop. But I love the Worldly Tutor , I will definitely find a place for that.

I also agree about the mana dorks, but I'm going to leave Bloom Tender and Drumhunter in. For some reason, people tend to counter sorcery ramp more than permanent ramp in my playgroup.

April 26, 2013 1:43 a.m.

solnox says... #3

+1 just for the name

April 27, 2013 2:40 p.m.

Sam_I_am says... #4

"For some reason, people tend to counter sorcery ramp more than permanent ramp in my playgroup."

some reason is because land ramp is a lot harder to deal with than creature ramp

April 29, 2013 2:01 p.m.

adt630 says... #5

Yea, but I'm talking more things along the lines of Gilded Lotus , Sol Ring , and Thran Dynamo . Even those get countered less than say a Explosive Vegetation or a Skyshroud Claim . Its just the way it is in my local group.

May 1, 2013 8:05 p.m.

Chicken says... #6

Perhaps Angel of Serenity has a spot in this deck. Maybe in the place of Admonition Angel ? You get the power of exiling creatures immediately with the Mayael activation, and the 5/6 body is nothing to laugh at. I think it would at least be worth testing.

May 27, 2013 8:46 p.m.

Joshuawesome says... #7

Ran a few playtests, had issues getting anything other than Mayael out before turn 6, but otherwise was a lot of fun to playtest again the few other decks I tried. +1.

May 27, 2013 8:48 p.m.

adt630 says... #8

Thanks for the suggestions. I do like Angel of Serenity and will play test it in place of Admonition Angel , my only qualm being the price of serenity right now.

And I agree, the deck does play slow sometimes. I usually don't have a problem with finding the creatures I need so I'm going to try Search for Tomorrow in place of Congregation at Dawn .

Another card I am on the fence about is Moldgraf Monstrosity and I'd be interested to hear what you guys think of it.

May 28, 2013 6:10 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #9

I would suggest running Admonition Angel AND Angel of Serenity . You can never have enough removal, and I know you're not running Sun Titan but even just saccing a Krosan Verge while you've got Admonition Angel out is value. I'd look at Sun Titan too. I run the Titan and a lot of fetches in my Mayael deck, and with Admonition Angel it's a scary removal engine.

How has Ulvenwald Tracker played for you?

May 29, 2013 1:42 p.m.

Thornspire says... #10

Not sure about the Gruul Ragebeast , imagine your Mayael hast to fight against a creature when she comes in. Not that practical. ;-) But other than that this looks like a really awesome Mayael deck. I'm working on my own Mayael build at the moment, and I'm not really experienced with her. I'd appreciate it if you would take a look at mine. +1

May 30, 2013 3:33 p.m.

adt630 says... #11

jminute14, Ulvenwald Tracker has actually been a pretty useful utility creature when I've gotten it out. Being able to remove specific creatures to soften up the enemy defenses before going in for a swing has been great, particularly since there isn't much spot removal in this build. If you have a card in your Mayael deck that your considering removing, I'd definitely give it a try.

Gruul Ragebeast has worked in a similar way, as I usually don't play mayael until I'm at 5 mana, and by then, even if she is removed, I will be able to hardcast my fatties in the worst case scenario.

I do like the idea of both angels in the deck. The other day, I had no creatures in my graveyard when Moldgraf Monstrosity died, and while that won't always be the case, Angel of Serenity will always have an effect when it hits. I think I'll make that switch.

Sun Titan I am a little more hesitant to add in as I feel like it doesn't combo with a lot of things in my deck. I'm not running enough fetchlands to make it worthwhile and most of my other permanents are above its target cmc.

May 30, 2013 4:36 p.m.

If you really have no budgetary restrictions, then you should upgrade your land base. The 3-3-9 lineup is the optimal foundation for tricolor decks: 3 ABUR duals, 3 shocks, and 9 fetches. This gives you consistent and stable access to all of your colors very early in the game. It also allows you to run effective ramp spells like Nature's Lore , Skyshroud Claim , and Three Visits .

Cards I would cut:

The rest of the deck looks alright. What are the typical challenges for you in games? My recommendations will be aimed at helping you improve in those areas.

June 1, 2013 6:47 a.m.

adt630 says... #13

Thanks for the suggestions! I've been meaning to upgrade my land base for a long time. I've also been thinking about taking out Boundless Realms which would really leave me with no reason for a lot of basics.

I agree the Elderscale Wurm has been underwhelming so I'm going to try Windbrisk Raptor instead.

Crater Hellion has actually been deceptively powerful and often works as a one sided board wipe, particularly against token decks.

I've never actually gotten to cast Fracturing Gust in a game so I'm not sure how useful it actually is. What would you recommend in its place?

A big challenge I often face is spot removal and quickly building a board presence. A lot of my playgroup's decks are explosive and go from nothing to a massive board presence, and sometimes attacking with only one or two fatties has backfired when they have an explosive next turn.

June 3, 2013 12:56 p.m.

I would probably replace Fracturing Gust with Disenchant or Naturalize . You have Austere Command as an enchantment/artifact sweeper if you need it, and the cheaper, targeted removal will usually be good enough. The cost of Fracturing Gust is just too high to be practical.

June 3, 2013 2:58 p.m.

I think an upgraded mana production suite would be your best friend at this stage. The 3-3-9 lineup goes very well with Nature's Lore , Skyshroud Claim , and Three Visits . On top of that, you can play mana rocks like Mana Vault . There's also Mana Crypt if you've got the spare money.

June 3, 2013 3 p.m.

Thornspire says... #16

Have you considered Elvish Piper ? I know it's easier to remove that Quicksilver Amulet, but I've come to see that Armageddon is a really great card against a Mayael EDH deck. And with this little fellow you only need one green mana to put your fatties into play. Also, you can search for him with the tutors and also with Green Sun's Zenith ...

June 3, 2013 3:32 p.m.

adt630 says... #17

I have considered Elvish Piper but my biggest thing against him is, like you said, hes easier to remove. Mayael is usually my primary way of cheating creatures into play and the others serve as backups if she gets removed a couple times so I like to run cheats that are harder to remove. I may try him in if I find a creature that is weak in testing.

I agree that upgrading the mana base would be helpful, though I dont often run into color problems. I was thinking of dropping down a land and adding another ramp spell, just to help with deck thinning and acceleration in the early game.

June 9, 2013 2:36 p.m.

Mwonvuli Acid-Moss might be better for you than Reap and Sow , unless you get utility lands a lot. Keep an eye on Lurking Predators , I found that without a top deck manipulator out, it was hit or miss. Also I'd end up leaving something too important on top and people would cast crap without hesitation anyway.

I think the only thing that might pose a problem could be lands. You could totally get away with removing one or two, and adding ramp spells. Nature's Lore and Skyshroud Claim , as mentioned earlier, are baller if you aquire the 3 shocks that fit in these colors. Or leave it completely as is if you have no problems haha.

June 17, 2013 6:10 p.m.

adt630 says... #19

I had actually been thinking about going down a land for a long time, and Nature's Lore looks too good to pass up. Reap and Sow I do usually use to tutor up utility lands though, specifically Homeward Path because my playgroup LOVES running bribery effects.

Lurking Predators has been so-so for me. Sometimes it hits like 4 creatures in a row, and other times its nothing, but I'm not sure what another way to cheat them into play would be. I'm hesitant to try Birthing Pod because I like to keep my creatures, and because mayael builds up a board presence slowly, but every turn, instead of burst, I feel like it wouldnt be as helpful as just getting them into play with Lurking Predators , which is particularly good with Scroll Rack or Sylvan Library if I can pick one up.

I might be able to get an Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre in a trade soon, but i have no idea what to drop for him.

June 18, 2013 5:41 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #20

If you have some anecdotal evidence to the contrary feel free to disagree with me, but I've found with my Mayael deck that Genesis Wave is underwhelming. It's really just an expensive, random ramp spell. You're creatures are on the expensive side so you have to cast it X>7 most of the time to get something to stick. Smaller values hit lands and if you're lucky any smaller utility guys and artifacts/enchantments. I personally think the Ulamog you're considering would be more useful for the 11 mana.

Have you considered Privileged Position instead of/in addition to Asceticism ?

June 19, 2013 10:52 a.m.

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