

We got our most famous tap-dancers in here ready to show off their skills! But let's not forget our most lovable host, our most treasured creation, currently weighing in at the VERY healthy weight of 28.34 metric tons, and the dance off champion 33 seasons running, EXPERIMENT KRAJ!!!

Kraj is all about exploiting activated abilities, mostly tapping creatures for added benefit. While this deck can go off (and has, many times), your enemies can see it coming if you're not careful. If I had one complaint, it would be that it needs more ways to have lands tap for two or more mana (one being blue), it would make the deck much more... ADAPTABLE(get it?). For real though, this is one of my favourites and I'll never grow tired of playing this, and I try to improve it whenever I get the chance.

We've got a real show for you today folks! This is where we show you that Simic knows how to party like there isn't a giant Ooze monster on the loose!

We've brought back some fan favourites from last year, along with some new blood to really push the party to a new level of perfection! Arcanis the Omnipotent and Archivist always bring new ideas to the party, while Gyre Sage , Krosan Restorer , Argothian Elder and Whisperer of the Wilds bring their own wild energy into the fray! To that end, we can never forget our important backup dancers, Kiora's Follower and Vizier of Tumbling Sands , always willing to get our contestants back on the dance floor! Of course, With the help of our gracious host, all these unique dance moves will be realized to their greatest potential!
Man, these guys seem like they can last forvever! This is the backbone of the strategy here. Being able to refresh Kraj after a long night of partying is important to this deck's endgame. Cards like Morphling , Simic Ragworm , and even Horseshoe Crab can get Kraj back on his feet at the speed of, well, instants. Special mentions go to Gilder Bairn and Pili-Pala for not needing blue mana to untap themselves. Way to go, you two!
The idea is to get Kraj dancing himself into making infinite mana, turns or damage. The main cards we use to this end is anything with the ability to untap Kraj and a mana dork that can generate more mana than what is needed. There are many ways to achieve this with the posse of backup dancers previously mentioned, but it is always useful to juice the Ooze with Thousand-Year Elixir for the combo out of nowhere, or to bling him out with Illusionist's Bracers or either pair of his tap-dancing shoes (Lighting Greaves or Swiftboot Boots). For the Infinite turns, we need Sage of Hours , for Infinite Damage, Triskelion , and for the flashiest way to win, make everyone draw their deck using Blue Sun's Zenith . To accomplish the last trick, draw exactly your deck, shuffle the zenith into your now 1 card library, draw that one card with Fathom Mage , Archivist or Zameck Guildmage , then force your opponents to do the same. Rince and repeat until everyone has their libraries in hand and their jaw on the table. The last notable mill win-con is with Knacksaw Clique , which lets Kraj exile their libraries instead. I actually haven't found myself a copy yet, but I imagine it to be quite entertaining when put into action.

And There you have it folks! Another marvelous party, celebrating the perfection of our glorious creation! See you folks soon, and remember to Feed the Guardian Krasis on your way out!


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 5 years
Exclude colors WBR

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.12
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Boar 2/2 G, Squid 1/1 U
Folders Tribal Stuff
Ignored suggestions
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