
This is my take on an American (Jeskai) tempo deck. I've bought the cards, but would like some advice before I take it to modern night at my LGS. I've been out of the game since Innistrad was the newest set, so any and all advice would be well received. It's meant to serve as a "Draw-go" style deck with a Geist beat down. Some thoughts I am having: Maybe clearing up 4 spots for Serum Vision? Possibly taking Disdainful Stroke out of the SB and adding in Supreme Verdict ? Below is a list of the cards with the reasoning behind them.


Snapcaster Mage - A definite auto-include of 4. Can recast any spell at instant speed. Surprise counters are always helpful and an end of turn bolt-snap-bolt can be game changing.

Geist of Saint Traft - Can provide some serious beats and presents a fast clock if not dealt with. I've been considering dropping down to 3 though, as extras in your hand are just a dead card.

Spell Queller - Pseudo counterspell with a body. This card was made for tempo. If I drop a Geist, the spot will probably go to one of these guys.

Vendilion Clique - Provides serious card advantage and formidable damage. Can also cycle through dead cards in your hand in a pinch.

Restoration Angel - More than just a surprise 3/4 body. Can make a Snapcaster Mage or Vendilion Clique reenter, or save your Geist of Saint Traft from combat damage.


Lightning Bolt - 3 damage for 1 mana. Best burn spell in the game.

Path to Exile - Best catch-all removal in modern. I think 4 is needed in the 75, but 3 feels right mainboard.

Lightning Helix - 3 damage to anything and negates some fetch/ shock damage. 4 feels right.

Logic Knot - This card is untested for me. It seems like it could be really good, but I don't know for sure.

Mana Leak - Best early game counter in modern.

Remand - Perfect for tempo decks. Sure it's not a hard counter, but in a lot of cases it's akin to Time Walk

Electrolyze - At its worst it'll be 2 damage to the dome and you draw a card. At its best, it kills 2

Lingering Souls tokens and replaces itself. Seems like the exact kind of thing a tempo deck needs.

Cryptic Command - Incredible versatility from one card. The mana commitment is pretty intense, but that downside is negated by the sheer value of this card. The only thing that limits this card is the pilot.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 2 Rares

17 - 11 Uncommons

3 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.35
Tokens Angel 4/4 W
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