Dominus - Dreamcrusher Edition

Commander / EDH Epochalyptik

SCORE: 1281 | 2951 COMMENTS | 351974 VIEWS | IN 576 FOLDERS

Dankey says... #1

A big reason why I brought it up is because a lot of people tend to wait for you to cast your commander to use their counter spells and removal. Without being able to bring Damia out long enough for your upkeep to trigger, you're not getting enough tempo that you otherwise could get. Worst case scenario it digs 7 for 0. I think it could be justified if you're seen as a potential threat in a 3 or more player game. 1v1 it may be a different story.

The fact that it's not guaranteed to do more than bury 7 cards to the bottom of your library is probably a good enough reason to not play it. Although I personally like the dig effect, maybe you have enough tutors where it's unnecessary. I tend to see it as a free cantrip.

April 9, 2017 3:29 p.m.

enpc says... #2

The problem with Summoning Trap is that it requires a very specific set of conditions to be useful. You have to cast a creature, have it countered, basically hit Palinchron with it and have the other half of the combo in hand.

While it's cute to use it as a contingency if Damia gets countered, a) the deck already runs a bunch of zero and one CMC counter spells to protect her, b) the deck runs Cavern of Souls to stop her from getting countered and c) you'd be better off just running a wheel like Timetwister to give you more momentum. Or Dig Through Time which potentially costs 2 mana to hit any two cards.

April 9, 2017 5:42 p.m.

How does this deck stand up to stuff like Nath/stax?

April 11, 2017 7:43 p.m.

Wutkeks says... #4

Hi. Did you consider Zendikar Resurgent or Mana Reflection for ramp and to combo with Palinchron?

Also, how do you deal with simple faceaggro? Even if I'm not directly focused by, for example, Saskia, it still seems like I get a lot of hits in just because I'm the only one without a decent board.

April 12, 2017 9:13 p.m.

knight611 says... #5

So I have questioned Consecrated Sphinx. It feels like there are other draw sources that can achieve a similar outcome of drawing a lot of cards. I couldn't name any of them to be honest with you though. I am curious if anyone has felt the same at some point. Consecrated Sphinx is a 6 drop and paints a large target on yourself. While yes it can draw an absurd amount of cards and a 4/6 flyer. I find it very hard to devote a turn to it unless it happens on turn 2 or 3 and there is very little to no chance that it can be answered timely. Maybe I am missing something but it doesn't feel like "best in slot,"for lack of a better phrase, that it used to be.

April 26, 2017 4:37 a.m.

FLATSO99 says... #6

Have you considered Stroke of Genius? it seems to me that the 2 colorless and one blue would out way Blue sun's shuffle ability.

April 27, 2017 2:21 p.m.

@FLATSO99 in order to kill multiple players with his combo, he needs to shuffle effect so he can reuse Blue Sun's Zenith

April 27, 2017 11:29 p.m.

enpc says... #8

Hey Epoch, what're your thoughts on Timetwister? It lets you vomit your early game ramp into play and then quickly restock your hand. The graveyard recursion is also nice if you're forced to discard a combo piece / TaN for some reason.

April 28, 2017 12:57 a.m.

Dark_Danda says... #9

Nice deck going on here!

plus 1 from my side for sure :) Yeah, so let's get down to business. I love combo decks with low CMC, though I am not so much a fan of infinite combos - but who I am to talk with abzan company in modern and rhys the redeemed infinite combos in EDH.

So, what about replacing Arbor Elf with Crop Rotation? Helps to get the right utility lands in no time with that many tutors available in this decklist. Or cut one land. I mean, you have 37 lands while having a CMC of 2.48 and are playing just three colors. I guess you went down with CMC quiet a bit over time - maybe you didn't with the lands?

Then did you ever consider playing Holistic Wisdom as recursion? You got 23 instants, 37 lands and 17 creatures. Apart from just the obvious recursion you could play like Strip Mine several times a turn in combination with Azusa, Lost but Seeking/Oracle of Mul Daya/Exploration. Furthermore it's another ability you can use at instant speed and honestly, I am envious about your commander - she's just asking to trade unsuitable cards in hands with powerhouses in your graveyard ;)

Also taken exactly your commander's ability into account Commandeer might be something for you in order to steal problematic and important spells like let's say your enemies commander. I would sort out Spell Pierce as it doesn't do much in the late game and Commandeer can be played from turn 1 on just like Spell Pierce

Keep up your awesome work! cheers :)

Well - that's already all I got.

April 28, 2017 5:04 p.m.

Dark_Danda says... #10

Sorry - went a bit overboard there. Commandeer cannot take your enemies commander or to be more precise any creature. But it surely can be relevant like stealing Mana Vault/solRing ect. in turn 1.

April 28, 2017 5:10 p.m.

Cryptic_Bore says... #11

So heres a risky card to add either for added risk but at the same time consistency or if youre on a budget.

  • Its 50c!
  • Its a one mana tutor for anything to your hand!
  • It doubles as a wincon with Laboratory Maniac if you choose to add it (name a card not in the deck)
  • Is a Real card and is in EDH LEGAL, "Neigh the card does not exist" You might protest if you dont know the card. (its not in enough decks imo) Thats where you're wrong kiddo ...

May i Present to you the better diabolic tutor Demonic Consultation

It only has a minor draw back of well umm.... Show

June 9, 2017 12:43 p.m.

Cryptic_Bore says... #12

also lab maniac already has some synergy with your other wincon blue son zeneith

June 9, 2017 7:32 p.m.

miracleHat says... #13

Even if you do not hit the name card in the top 6, those cards are still exiled from the game. In a singleton format, that is a big no-no. The fact that you lose on the next turn (unless you have a teferi and l-maniac on the field) does not help. Tainted Pact is the safer, but still sketchy choice.

June 9, 2017 8:07 p.m.

Cryptic_Bore says... #14

Miracle you ehter well didnt read my whole comment as ive listed everything youve mentioned with an explanation or misunderstand how the card works you are either using it and hopeing its not in the top 6 cards as i stated to tutor your win for the turn or your using the card itself to win preferably that turn by naming a card not in your deck and using one of the draw spells or effects like damia or necropotence. no need for venser or tefferi unless you need somthing to save you depending on the meta aswell theres alot of tuck cards out there which could of tucked your wincon in which this is safe to use. also i attempted comedy in my orriginal comment that waas a miss for you ""Neigh the card does not exist" You might protest if you dont know the card. (its not in enough decks imo) Thats where you're wrong kiddo ...May i Present to you the better diabolic tutor Demonic Consultation

It only has a minor draw back of well umm.... [show]"

that said if you want all the tutors tainted pact is also a fantastic addition here as you dont have to name the card so you might use it to tutor your first combo peice but thats a bit risky or late game where you already have all your lands of one colour which otherwise could of stoped the search.

June 10, 2017 4 a.m.

vishnarg says... #15

Huge spoiler this morning! Will it see a spot in this deck???

June 14, 2017 8:58 a.m.

vishnarg says... #16

Ramunap Excavator

June 14, 2017 9:01 a.m.

Ishio says... #17

vishnarg I don't think it would see a spot in my deck. It's a body and lets me retrieve lands, but Crucible of Worlds is already in this deck. I don't think there is a need for 2 of them.

June 16, 2017 10:04 a.m.

vishnarg says... #18

But isn't Crucible of Worlds one of the best cards in this deck? Why not double the chances of getting it/it's effect? It's good at almost any point in the game, no?

June 16, 2017 10:20 a.m.

Ishio says... #19

It is a great card, and it's already in this deck. The thing is, what would you cut for a 2nd one? A second one isn't going to win you the game any faster.

June 16, 2017 1:06 p.m.

vishnarg says... #20

I don't really follow that logic. If a card is more powerful than others in your deck and has incredible synergy with a lot of cards in your deck, there is always room for it. There has to be at least one other card in your deck that can get cut. If you would want advice I'd be glad to take a look at your deck! :)

June 16, 2017 1:17 p.m.

Ishio says... #21

Tell me, looking at this deck here, what card would you cut to make room for this card? I don't find it viable in this deck here, nor did I say my deck needed a card to be cut to fit this in it. I don't see it a decent card. Your statement of "Crucible of Worlds" being one of the best cards in this deck is also false, unless you're saying it's one of 15 of the best cards. It doesn't aid you in assembling your combo, short of bringing back fetch lands. Then, if you don't have burgeoning, Azusa, or other "May play more than one land per turn" cards in the BF, then it's just a body that helps you with getting a land per turn dropped.

June 16, 2017 6:49 p.m.

budlaorf says... #22

It helps with Wasteland and Strip Mine. You can keep recasting them and blasting your opponents lands in the process. You can start this combo early game, locking your opponent down that way. It's a pretty powerful pairing.

June 16, 2017 7:13 p.m.

Vman says... #23


June 23, 2017 7:30 a.m.

Deckgodmaster says... #24

This deck is awesome!! after viewing it, understanding it, and reading all the comments individually my verdict is. What about maybe some of these cards? Rising Waters Future Sight Pendrell Mists Autumn's Veil Night's Whisper Notion Thief Brainstorm Baleful Strix Temporal Mastery Trinket Mage. Let me know some of these may be really good ideas.

August 3, 2017 4:31 a.m.

Deckgodmaster says... #25

PS - Your deck outclasses these cards, they should be replaced with something better Arcane Denial(Way better Counters Exist than a 2 for 3?) Three VisitsSkyshroud Claim Nature's Lore ( With all the instant land drop that your deck is putting down it would be more efficient to remove these cards for sheer card draw)

August 3, 2017 4:43 a.m.

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