Dominus - Dreamcrusher Edition

Commander / EDH Epochalyptik

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vampirelazarus says... #1

In Commander/EDH, the wishes pull cards from your sideboard, if you are using one.

So no, nbarry223 that wouldn't work.

And Epochalyptik, sorry, I didnt see that. I was only trying to help :P

October 24, 2013 3:24 a.m.

Izzet says... #2

Have you considered Insight ?

October 24, 2013 4:33 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #3

@Izzet: Insight is very expensive for its effect, and, therefore, it's very slow.

October 24, 2013 4:57 p.m.

Izzet says... #4

@Epochalyptik: I guess it depends how many of the decks you play are green and how much green they play but paying 3 mana for potentially drawing many cards seems like a good deal.

October 24, 2013 5:01 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #5

Insight comes down too late to be relevant, though. I would want that card on the field ASAP, but it needs to wait at least one or two turns because it's a 3-drop. By that time, I'm already in control mode and don't really want to tap out to play anything on my own turn. With turn-three Damia being a fairly consistent sight in this deck, I don't want to crowd the 3 CMC slot.

One of the inherent problems with combo-control decks like this one is the careful balance that must be struck with the mana curve. The 3-5 CMC slots are the worst because they're in an awkward spot cost-wise. They don't come down early enough to be openers, and you need to justify playing them at the expense of control resources.

October 24, 2013 5:07 p.m.

banaman says... #6

ok, I have a random question for you that may or may not have been suggested before, (probably not though seeing as lands is a very commonly overlooked cardtype to use as a major part of a deck strategy...) but anyway:
your infinite mana combo allows you to untap up to 7 of any kind of land... so why don't you add in some special lands that allow you to tap to do x? this would give you additional potential combo's that's generally harder to get rid of should you pull it off, rather then relying on secondary creatures to use the infinite mana on. great example: Orzhova, the Church of Deals
also, I noticed you have a lot of cards that allow for extra land drops... but nothing that really -benefits- from it, save for potential mana ramp... but the problem with that is it is only useful if you are drawing multiple cards a turn, which especially in the EDH format, is either built into the deck, or unreliable at best... perhaps you should consider replacing them with other cards that will work more to your advantage?
that being said: I like it. 2 card infinite combo's seem to be rare, so always awesome, defenitely a +1 in my book for showing me that combo alone.
speaking of 2 card infinite comboes, I noticed you have Grim Monolith ... might I suggest adding Mana Reflection ? it then taps for 6, untaps for 4, creating infinite colorless mana potentially as soon as turn 3 or 4 should they both be in opening hand. and if not, is an absolutely beastly card in pumping out mana for anything else.
also, I wouldn't really call it a suggestion, per se, as it has proven to risky a card to throw in just for it... but Sensei's Divining Top and Magus of the Future is a ridiculously powerful draw combo. could be worth considering (though would highly suggest playtesting a few times to see how well it works with the others first)

October 31, 2013 1:53 a.m.

Epochalyptik says... #7

@banaman: There aren't any BUG lands that would be relevant for that purpose.

The Exploration effects are all integral to the deck's speed. The deck absolutely benefits from having more resources - it's a control player's dream. On top of that, I can dump all the lands I draw with Damia and have that many more draws in the next turn cycle.

Mana Reflection is expensive and hard to use properly. I don't want to cast it if I have to tap out for it, and it's expensive.

Magus of the Future was cut from this deck a long time ago. It's slow and expensive. While the effect is good, especially with Sensei's Divining Top or Exploration effects, it isn't worth the cost.

October 31, 2013 2:07 a.m.

banaman says... #8

just to kind of update from my previous comment: apparently I didn't read down far enough past the end of the deck description, so missed the updates on why you added the land drop cards... so ya, that does make more sense now, didn't click in my mind that Lotus Cobra used landfall, heh.
also, looking at colors again, I realize the land card example wasn't actually a great example, seeing as you do not have white in it so wouldn't be allowed to add it in anyway. a more "proper" example of it would be: Nephalia Drownyard and Duskmantle, House of Shadow .
again, sorry for any confusion on those 2 points.

October 31, 2013 2:11 a.m.

Epochalyptik says... #9

Nephalia Drownyard and Duskmantle, House of Shadow are suboptimal because they only tap for colorless, and their abilities are relatively useless outside of the combo. The only time they'd be relevant is to hose topdeck tutors.

October 31, 2013 2:15 a.m.

Vanxius says... #10

Why not add Prophet of Kruphix it can add alot of control by having it for 1 turn. Untaps creatures they have flash, you can get in Deadeye Navigator or any creature you want,on their turn, I believe its a very strong card.

October 31, 2013 6:05 a.m.

Dusty says... #11

I feel they might consider it as a weaker alternative to Seedborn Muse which they already dropped, though the creature flash effect is nice. I run Prophet of Kruphix in my own Damia deck.

Epochalyptik, I've been interested in your thoughts on Mystic Remora over Rhystic Study . I run remora because it's less threatening to other players in my playgroup (due to the cumulative upkeep and triggering off noncreature spells) but I was considering grabbing a study to get more consistent draws.

October 31, 2013 11:55 a.m.

coleman984 says... #12

Any cards you will be adding from Commander 2013? I didn't see any that interested me personally.

October 31, 2013 12:04 p.m.

Blakkhand says... #13

Toxic Deluge could be better than Damnation . I think the trade off of life for mana is what this deck wants to do. Given, you have mentioned in the past that your meta has a Jarad deck, which toxic would be suboptimal against (large creatures and can punish you for the life loss).

October 31, 2013 2:31 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #14

Restore could serve as another ramp card, as it works well with fetches (even your opponent's), especially viable if anyone in the meta runs any land destruction.

Tempt with Discovery could also equal huge ramp if everyone else takes advantage of it. Not sure if it's quite as good as Restore though, it all depends on your meta honestly.

October 31, 2013 4:37 p.m.

@Vanxius: Prophet of Kruphix isn't good enough in the tournament environment. It's expensive to cast, and it doesn't untap mana rocks.

@Dusty: I play Mystic Remora because it's a 1-drop. The ability is very difficult to dodge, as well. Rhystic Study is a 3-drop, so it's not ideal for hypercompetitive metas. If you play in a more casual setting, run both.

@coleman984: Toxic Deluge , which Blakkhand mentioned, is kind of interesting. I think it warrants testing. There aren't any other BUG cards that seem good enough for competitive play, though.

@nbarry223: Restore is not ideal; it relies on there being a land in the graveyard that I actually want. Fetchlands, although certainly common in competitive decks, may not be in graveyards early enough for me to cast Restore without interrupting my other plans. I might test it, but it seems unnecessary.

Tempt with Discovery is interesting. My problem with it is that it will turn into the Command Tower /Ancient Tomb game, and I don't want to cast it for 3G if it would give my opponents appreciable advantage (giving a player even one extra land in a competitive meta can be deadly).

I'd like to see more discussion on Restore and Tempt with Discovery .

October 31, 2013 5:57 p.m.

miracleHat says... #16

When i think of Restore , i think of Life from the Loam , which you already cut. both cost 2 but life brings back 3 compared to 1, and has Dredge 3, which is really good with Sensei's Divining Top . Tempt with Discovery can be good since in a game with three other people, it can be able to get 2 of any land since more often then not, an opponent will want to get an extra land. On the downside, it does give the opponent the extra land, meaning the difference between win/lose. I owuld rather run Skyshroud Claim .

October 31, 2013 7:12 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #17

I think Restore is really better for legacy than edh. It can steal an opposing Strip Mine and Wasteland (or recur your own), as everybody knows, and also fetches and some utility cards. The best use i could see for it, is in a meta where opponents destroy YOUR lands, but it would have to be a lot. It would be much better at instant speed, but C'est la Vie. Imagine somebody destroyed your Reliquary Tower , causing you to have to discard, but you bring it back at instant speed. That would be neat.

To me, Tempt with Discovery is best when A: there are a lot of opponents, and B: where enemies have minimal control elements. It could also be used as a political card to get some of the heat off of you. In hypercompetitive it doesn't seem very good, but it could be a casual bomb.

(my opinions)

October 31, 2013 7:20 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #18

tempt is extremely meta-dependent, while Restore isn't quite as dependent. It should usually be fast enough if it's a 4 man pod and everyone is running at least 2 colors with fetches. You can recur 9/10 fetches, so basically if anyone runs one, you are golden.

Restore is slightly meta-dependent, but since you are running 3 colors, if it's a competitive environment where everyone runs fetches, 1/4 people having a fetch land drop is pretty much a guarantee by turn 2.

October 31, 2013 8:51 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #19


The BIG difference between Life from the Loam and Restore is that restore brings it to the BATTLEFIELD, which actually accelerates you (it comes untapped too). The other one brings them do your hand which is better if you are running a bunch of multiple land drops per turn cards, and your deck focuses on all those land drops (something like Lotus Cobra where you can abuse the fetch + land drop).

October 31, 2013 8:54 p.m.

miracleHat says... #20

I made a Damia, Sage of Stone deck, and two things. First, Living Wish is a really useful card. It basically makes your deck 15 cards larger, making it more flexible. Living Wish allows me to react to pretty much any situation. According to "Pandora's Deckbox" a deck should be flexible. Living Wish increases it's flexible by tenfold. Second, Toxic Deluge is much better than Damnation . First of all, it is 1 mana less and the life doesn't matter. As mentioned before, you really don't care what your life total is, you can just pay as much life as needed to kill the entire board, FOR 3 MANA.

November 2, 2013 12:11 a.m.

miracleHat says... #21

Living Wish also allowed me to move cards over from the main to make more space for other cards, like Stifle (my version also runs the risky but profitable Tainted Pact emphasis on risky). I once did a game where i played Living Wish for Nephalia Drownyard and played it to counteract somebodies Vampiric Tutor .

November 2, 2013 12:14 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #22

That sounds like they misplayed an instant speed tutor. You shouldn't have been able to play a land before they draw if they played at end of turn before their untap...

November 2, 2013 1:15 a.m.

sjsilver says... #23

@nbarry223 I think he may have meant Imperial Seal .

@Epochalyptik - have you considered Realms Uncharted it was a pet card for a while for me and I could see it having value here.

I have to agree that Tempt with Discovery could be very game ending for yourself. However something to consider may be just having the ability to tutor Wasteland et alia to negate the advantage some players may gain.


Comments, suggestions and so on always welcomed Zedruu EDU (Help Welcomed)

November 5, 2013 2:38 a.m.

@sjsilver: I don't think Realms Uncharted is as necessary as it needs to be. It only really benefits me if I have Crucible of Worlds , and I think I'd sooner run Farseek .

November 5, 2013 1:38 p.m.

Narwek says... #25

Epochalyptik, if you didn't have a budget, and could use any cards you wanted, what would you change in the deck?

November 7, 2013 11:55 p.m.

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