Domri and Garruk's Zoo

Standard* Spazik008

SCORE: 72 | 150 COMMENTS | 11961 VIEWS | IN 18 FOLDERS

mellophone11 says... #1

Not sure what you mean there, Yuujinnio. Two Reckoners means that a single Blasphemous Act will deal 13 damage to target creature or player twice, which is more than enough to kill your opponent. How does it make them win?

February 18, 2013 11:32 p.m.

Yuujinnio says... #2

I mean if the opponent has a boros reckoner on blasphemous would let them kill you first something about the stack I heard on a wizards protour gate crash deck tech

February 18, 2013 11:53 p.m.

Spazik008 says... #3

Was wondering what you meant too. I just started playing again recently and apparently they don't have "damage on the stack" anymore. So what would happen if both players had a reckoner out and you dropped an act?

February 19, 2013 12:50 a.m.

Dranethai says... #4

I do believe that it would be all the damage at exactly the same time. They would kill the reckoners, and deal the damage to each player simultaneously.

February 19, 2013 1:38 a.m.

mr_mcmanic_man says... #5

if you use swift justice you can make the reckoner constantly deal damage to it self wich in affect makes your life total infinite

February 19, 2013 1:19 p.m.

Spazik008 says... #6

Excellent call dude. The lifegain will help vs aggro too.

February 19, 2013 1:35 p.m.

amazingronaldo says... #7

I heard that same thing on the PTQ broadcast from Montreal this weekend. Each player had a Reckoner out and they said that both players would go to 0 but the active player would be the one that lost. Only rule I find that may suggest this is 704.3 "Whenever a player would get priority (see rule 116, Timing and Priority), the game checks for any of the listed conditions for state-based actions, then performs all applicable state-based actions simultaneously as a single event" But it doesn't say only that player is checked and doesn't say both players are checked, but it does say whenever a player gets priority and priority is AP/NAP so active player would be checked first?? Only thing I can think of regarding why that was said during that match. Still that rule makes me think you both die and it is a draw. I know some judges I can ask this weekend. Interesting question!!

February 19, 2013 2:38 p.m.

Spazik008 says... #8

Yea that wouldn't make sense to me because always before if both people lost life to something like Inferno then it's a draw, or at least it was back when I played as a kid.

February 19, 2013 2:43 p.m.

amazingronaldo says... #9

By the way love the deck! I might think Boros Charm could be mainboard because of its utility. It could just be a protector of your creatures from board wipes. A 4 point smack to the face making 17 the life total you could kill your opponent at if you have the right mana. Or maybe protecting your creatures from your Blasphemous Act , hitting for 13 to your opponent and killing his creatures, and then you swing with an open field of your guys who didn't die, making their life total not not necessarily have to be 13. Much more options with that card in your deck I think. :)

February 19, 2013 2:48 p.m.

Spazik008 says... #10

k, 2 boros charm maindeck, bonfire sideboard

February 19, 2013 2:52 p.m.

Heh sorry for many posts but also think of getting some Blind Obedience in your sideboard against aggro decks. Definitely will be useful. Unfortunately against another deck with Boros Reckoner s there isn't much besides burn to run in your sideboard and that would two for one you. Black and black/green spells are the only two I can think of to kill him without killing yourself, Abrupt Decay and a morbid Tragic Slip would do it.

February 19, 2013 2:58 p.m.

Spazik008 says... #12

yea my friend is doing jund aggro right now with Dreadbore and Abrupt Decay to kill him.

February 19, 2013 3:05 p.m.

ChocoCookiez says... #13

Overall really solid deck, I like it :)

February 19, 2013 7:26 p.m.

masterwu says... #14

If price isn't an issue, why not use Thundermaw Hellkite . Just an absolute reach bomb that can finish off almost any game.

February 20, 2013 4:23 p.m.

masterwu says... #15

also, why no Kessig Wolf Run ?

February 20, 2013 4:24 p.m.

Spazik008 says... #16

I can't do thundermaw because I really need resto + thrag shenanigans, also thrag makes a token when i blasphemous act. I unfortunately had to drop the utility lands to make the mana work, and even then it's tight.

February 20, 2013 4:38 p.m.

I love this deck!!! Great naya deck (in my humble opinion it's better than the other naya shells out there). Smart, powerful, and malleable. +1 for sure!

February 21, 2013 2:10 a.m.

Spazik008 says... #18

(: Thanks dude. Yea I'm trying to go for more "combo jank" by running blasphemous act instead of just "durr durr naya aggro turn guys sideways". It makes me feel really awesome to know other competitive players out there can appreciate such shenanigans, thanks again dude.

February 21, 2013 2:16 a.m.

my_gizmo says... #19

Thragtusk has become a staple because it has so much value but I like Wolfir Silverheart better. If you soulbond him with a Boros Reckoner it can take more damage on its own and even if you bond him with any other creature they both become huge threats.

Also, since you have Gyre Sage and Flinthoof Boar , Burning-Tree Emissary would be a great addition:

Turn 2: Gyre Sage

Turn 3: Burning-Tree Emissary (sage evolves), then Flinthoof Boar (sage evolves again, assuming you have a mountain in play)

February 21, 2013 2:28 a.m.

Spazik008 says... #20

ooh, ouch. When RtR dropped I ran GW Silverblade/Sublime which topped out and Garruk, Primal Hunter and Wolfir Silverheart with smashing success. Turn 1 drop a mana dork, Turn 4 drop a silverheart and soulbond to Silverblade Paladin and put a Rancor on someone. Next turn drop Garruk and draw 8 cards and attack with a with a 20/8 trample LOLziaks.

As crazy as that his honestly I think this deck is better. Resto + Thrag, as gay as it is, is a thing and will be a thing until resto and thrag rotates. Boros Reckoner obviously, is a thing I figure if things are a thing, put everything together and make one super thing. Thus I came up with reckoner fighting with Blasphemous Act and resto thrag on top.

I've been playing a bunch of janky decks lately, mono black control, nightshade staticaster, this weird as fuck planeswalker burn deck my friend and I came up with that used Liliana of the Dark Realms and card:Devil's Play which was surprisingly effective. I've done the Johnny experimenting, this is basically my "Spike" deck I came up with that I'm really going to try hardcore until rotation.

February 21, 2013 2:36 a.m.

Spazik008 says... #21

I recently dropped BTE for the strangleroot. Strangleroot evolves the sage when he comes back with undying.

February 21, 2013 2:37 a.m.

my_gizmo says... #22

I see where you're coming from. I just personally prefer Silverheart but Resto+Thrag is a combo that has worked quite well and has found a home in many decks. I just like going against what everyone plays and trying out new things (which doesn't always work because everyone plays what they play because it works, if that makes sense haha). Right now I'm trying out a Cruel "Angel" Control deck which I love quite a bit but I just made it up about 5 days ago and I'm taking it to the next FNM so we'll see how it goes. It's basically just kill everything until I can play Firemane Avenger s and Aurelia, the Warleader (plus, there's an Entreat the Angels floating around in there, too). You can check it out here: Borzhov Angels.

Like I said, it's totally against the meta and might not fare well, especially with all the super aggro decks, but that's what I'm all about!

February 21, 2013 3:09 a.m.

my_gizmo says... #24

Yeah, I have a Naya deck that only has one Aurelia but there's been games where I can take her out on turn 4 then pump my mana dorks and her with gavony township twice a turn! So much fun, haha.

February 21, 2013 3:46 a.m.

MTGNoobs says... #25

for removal purposes alone, Predator Ooze works extremely well in a fight deck. only problem is his triple green.

February 21, 2013 7:21 a.m.

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