Other forms of card draw that are AWESOME are Triumph of Ferocity? Not sure how well it would fit here as you do have a lot of cards around that level in main board, but hey, it's worth the mention. It wins games for my gruul deck The Green Flash (20 land mid-range?)).
March 8, 2013 7:33 a.m.
yea I've had others suggest triumph. I mainly use Domri for fighting. Triumph is good in certain decks. I used it in my old green/white silverblade/sublime/rancor deck along with garruk to get good card draw.
In this deck, the biggest guy has 5 power, and while that is decent, I could get outclassed by other green decks or decks with something like Rancor or Ethereal Armor.
March 8, 2013 10:11 a.m.
Finally... At... The... Bottom... You should clear up these comments and just write a little paragraph summarizing this.
I know someone mentioned this earlier, but I'm going to suggest it again. It's the card Thundermaw Hellkite. Resto+thrag nets you five life and a token but resto+hellkite deals 5 damage and kills small pesky flyers or even taps them so they can't fight your ground creatures. I think it's worth adding in instead of the armada wurm. Otherwise great deck! +1
Btw, Boros Reckoner is a he for those who referred to him as a her. Says so in the flavor text. Lol
March 8, 2013 10:32 a.m.
Thanks for the suggestion RE: thundermaw. This deck actually started by ramping to thundermaw and aurelia, believe it or not, but I felt like I couldn't race against aggro decks even with dorks, so this is the best way to have a solid game against aggro, midrange, and control. Obviously thundermaw would absolutely hose certain decks, but the issue is consistency. That's how you win the big tournaments that go for like 10 games.
March 8, 2013 10:37 a.m.
I still think it's a great choice. Sideboard worthy at least
March 8, 2013 10:41 a.m.
epicusername says... #8
This deck destroys as it is, I can't imagine the havoc you would cause giving your Loxodon Smiter trample with 2x Kessig Wolf Run! Huge +1 from me
March 9, 2013 10:48 p.m.
onthestack says... #9
I think you'd do a lot more damage and hurt with Silverblade Paladin, instead of Boros Reckoner. +1
March 14, 2013 12:07 a.m.
silverblade and domri are actually a non-bo. Double Strike doesn't apply to a fight. I love silverblade and used him to great abuse in my old GW deck, but I'm a huge slut for synergy and non-bos are absolute anathema to me.
March 14, 2013 12:11 a.m.
onthestack says... #11
I guess that's why you're running Boros Reckoner....?
March 14, 2013 12:13 a.m.
pretty much. Fight a reckoner on a Burning-Tree Emissary, use the damage to kill a second emissary. That single action is usually the game.
March 14, 2013 12:26 a.m.
or fight a reckoner on silverblade paladin and use the damage to kill a huntmaster.
March 14, 2013 12:27 a.m.
onthestack says... #14
If you wanted to fight so much, why not use: Prey Upon, Pit Fight, and Ulvenwald Tracker?
March 14, 2013 12:49 a.m.
A lot of reasons, mostly because they aren't good on their own whereas Domri is. You can still fight a loxdon smiter on a 3/3 or something, and you can use it to draw cards to boot.
March 14, 2013 1:53 a.m.
One of the only reason I'm not using more domris is because I only have two! I would be interested in having three but do you not find you can draw him while he's out and then have a dead card until you can kill your own domri? He does seem pretty damned strong in this deck though!Honestly if you want more fighting then I'd just go for gruul-ragebeast in this kind of deck!! What is the mana base often like? Could there be a place for a Dawntreader Elk or two instead of some dorks? 6 you can reliabley get them out, though maybe not :-) Also possibly strong/overlooked Gatecreeper Vines? That way you can avoid missing land drops AND have even more targets for the angel? Just a though
March 14, 2013 7:44 a.m.
Having 2 in your hand isn't the end of the world. A lot of times he'll get low if you do 2 fights in a row, and your opponent will waste a searing spear or something to kill him. Sometimes it's nice because he's down to 1 and your opponent will Dreadbore and then you drop another and +1 him to 4
March 14, 2013 11:23 a.m.
I suppose, but two triumphs win me games. Though detention spehere is a little annoying.
March 14, 2013 2:18 p.m.
klattnazty says... #19
got no idea, but would Sigarda, Host of Herons have a place in here
March 14, 2013 3:58 p.m.
Okay...singleton Revenge of the Hunted? That card is Absolutely MENTAL! early game AND late game it can do ALOT of damage and if miracled, you get 6 damage on the board for 1 mana? Possibly something to think about.
March 15, 2013 5:47 a.m.
tried the sage. He's a good beater but I really need the mana ramp early.
March 22, 2013 5:42 p.m.
miracleHat says... #24
have you thought of either Sigarda, Host of Herons or Ghor-Clan Rampager ?
March 23, 2013 12:30 p.m.
Hey nice deck. Worth rating you got, unlike the 110 +1 BGW deck, that only has 14 creatures(albeit awesome ones), only 6 removal, an no control to deal with control, an that would get crushed by Naya, Jund, Grixis, Esper, America, Orzhov, Rakdos, Zombies, Vamps, RDW, an your deck.would really like to see Krazy Caley, really take that over rated deck down.
So good non overrated non over +1ed deck.
I have a Naya humans semi aggro to semi midrange deck, that is semi somewhat semi similar to your deck.
Feel free to take a look.
Naya Domri's Silver HUrtMAN, Wolf Hunt Reckoning+9!(I don't have the deck link slug, to link the deck, so you an others can click my username, an or do deck search, as the deck is my only deck). Also the deck is 13-4 vs Homebrew, an 13-4 vs FNM decks in playtesting between FNM rounds.I plan on taking the deck to states, PTQ, GP's, or at least that the goal. All I need to finish deck is 1 Reckoner, 2 Domri's, 1 Medic, 2 Restore Angels(been using proxy in playtesting)
Spazik008 says... #1
It owns. I just went 5-4 at my last SCG open actually. I'm still working on it but I just added the 2 garruk ph and the card draw is so huge. Drawing cards outside of blue is just absolute house.
March 7, 2013 1:37 a.m.