Domri is Going to the Greek!

Standard* Du_Co


sadiuh says... #1

-1 pit fight -1 titans strength +2 boon satyr is what id do since you want this deck to be as creature heavy as possible. cool deck +1 check out my mono green deck that works a bit life this (except its not gruul) Garruk, King of the Ooze

October 1, 2013 10:52 p.m.

Du_Co says... #2

Thanks for the +1! Also i was trying to figure out what to take out for the other 2 boon saytrs... I really like that they have flash. I love mono green aswell, but the only reason i went gruul is mainly for the two planeswalkers.

October 1, 2013 11:07 p.m.

Leaite says... #3

If you're big on mono, you could just splash red for the walkers. Your Caryatids will probably cover it, to be quite honest. Else, Temple of Abandon or Stomping Ground would do the trick.

October 2, 2013 1:59 a.m.

smithereen says... #4

Nice deck, +1.

First off, if price isn't (much of) an object, you may want to go to 3-4 Domris (and maybe move the Xenagos' to the sideboard, maybe run some Garruk, Caller of Beasts ). Dom is a beast, but either way, with four planeswalkers costing R, and it's incredible synergy with Dom's +1, you should be running four Temple of Abandon . You may also want to go to 3-4 Nykthos, and if you do, Voyaging Satyr helps get stupid mana for Garruk and Polukranos, World Eater (which you could also probably use another of.)

Bow of Nylea and Pit Fight kinda underwhealm here. You should definately be running more DR if you are even considering Pit Fight .

As for the sideboard, what is your meta like? Mistcutter Hydra is OP vs anything with blue, Pithing Needle locks out planeswalker and Thassa, God of the Sea activations, Fade into Antiquity kills gods and D-spheres, Scavenging Ooze shuts down Whip of Erebos ...

November 23, 2013 7:40 p.m.

Du_Co says... #5

Thanks for the +1! Yea, I really like the idea of having Garruk, I will probably switch him out for Xenagos. Xenagos helps with mana, but since i have the nykthos i seem to be be left with spare mana. I really like having Bow of Nylea because of comboing it with an attacking Polukranos, World Eater I can pop his monstrous and clear the field. As for Pit Fight , its always been my go-to green creature removal. I know Domri has it as one of his abilities, I'm just afraid that he would be targeted the moment he hits the field. Mana wise, I think the stomping ground with caryatid and possibly BTE could cover the red I'd need, especially if i take out the xenagos.

As for the Sideboard, My meta is constantly changing..people wanting to try new thing. Pithing Needle is a definite staple and ive seen quite alot of blue so Mistcutter Hydra would be great. What should I sideboard for extra aggro deterrent?

November 23, 2013 9:42 p.m.

smithereen says... #6

Dom is targeted as soon as he hits the field, but is the sorcery speed and the 1 more he costs actually not outweighed by his potential to dominate games? He will be targeted as soon as he hits play, but even if he is killed by Hero's Downfall or attacks, that's hate dragged away from your other stuff. You don't not play good things just because they die to Doomblade. That said, I could be persuaded a few copies of Pit Fight should stay in, but remember, they only really help you when you are ahead. If you don't have the bigger creature, they do very little.

I am aware of the synergy Bow of Nylea has with Polukranos (and Pit Fight), but wouldn't you rather have a another creature eight times out of ten? Three mana is the cost of a Domri Rade, Boon Satyr, Reverent Hunter, and it has very little immediate board impact. You are only running two Polukranos and two Bow, and the bow doesn't do much without Polukranos; I don't think it's a good use of space.

If you do make some cuts (or whatever), creatures worth considering to add would be Kalonian Tusker , who provides two devotion to green and above-curve power, and Witchstalker who is has on-curve power and is hexproof.

VS aggro, sideboard cards you could consider are Nylea's Disciple , Scavenging Ooze , and Fog .

November 24, 2013 1:55 a.m.

smithereen says... #7

Double post: You should put your 2 Xenagos in your sideboard vs Esper.

November 24, 2013 1:56 a.m.

AKR says... #8

+1 seems pretty solid, would you mind looking at my devotion to green deck? Devotion to Green Stompyness

December 17, 2013 6:49 a.m.

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