"Roots, ruins, and room to fight. All the comforts of home." —Domri Rade |
Deck Goals 
Get out 1-2 mana producing creatures early to ramp into bigger creatures quickly and continue to do so into the midgame.
Any and all feedback is appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
Card Explanations 
——One Drops——
Elvish Mystic — Best mana dork for this deck in the current Standard format.
——Two Drops——
Armed / Dangerous
— Late game allows us to get in a doublestrike hit with our Lure and in the early game it just allows us to put on more pressure.
Burning-Tree Emissary
— Helps mana ramp the deck and it's always fun to Emissary to an Emissary to an Emissary on turn 2.
Sylvan Caryatid — Amazing turn 2 defender with Hexproof and the ability to make us whatever mana color we need.
Voyaging Satyr — Another turn 2 mana producer but has an awesome synergy bonus with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to really ramp into a big Hydra. (Voyaging Satyr + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx )
——Three Drops——
Domri Rade — Provides removal with our big creatures, the ability to gain card advantage with draws in our 50% creature deck, and a game ending ultimate.
Savageborn Hydra
— Double striking hydra that benefits from all of the ramping.
Vastwood Hydra
— Hydra that benefits from all of the ramping and has the ability to power other creatures if it happens to die.
——Four Drops——
Ghor-Clan Rampager — Titanic Growth + Trample when attacking or a 4/4 trample for 4cmc.
Nylea, God of the Hunt — 6/6 for cmc with all of the devotion going on and provides Trample for all of our creatures.
Polukranos, World Eater — 5/5 for 4 cmc and has the ability to pick off some blocks with its Monstrosity.
Xenagos, the Reveler — Can potentially pay for himself the turn he comes out, allows us to ramp into bigger hydras, and produces 2/2s to use for his +1.
——Five Drops——
Arbor Colossus — Provides 3 devotion to green for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Nylea, God of the Hunt. 6/6 with for 5 cmc. Oh, it also eats
Desecration Demon
for breakfast to become a 9/9.
——Six Drops——
Garruk, Caller of Beasts — Much like Domri Rade, Garruk is here to provide massive card draw in a deck full of creatures and ramp.
——Utility Lands——
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx — Allows us to ramp quicker with more creatures on the field and has good synergy with Voyaging Satyr for double the mana.