"Roots, ruins, and room to fight. All the comforts of home." —Domri Rade |
Deck Goals ![](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63437940/GruulHybrid.png)
Get out 1-2 mana producing creatures early to ramp into bigger creatures quickly and continue to do so into the midgame.
Any and all feedback is appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
Card Explanations ![](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63437940/GruulHybrid.png)
——One Drops——
Elvish Mystic — Best mana dork for this deck in the current Standard format.
——Two Drops——
Armed / Dangerous
— Late game allows us to get in a doublestrike hit with our Lure and in the early game it just allows us to put on more pressure.
Burning-Tree Emissary
— Helps mana ramp the deck and it's always fun to Emissary to an Emissary to an Emissary on turn 2.
Sylvan Caryatid — Amazing turn 2 defender with Hexproof and the ability to make us whatever mana color we need.
Voyaging Satyr — Another turn 2 mana producer but has an awesome synergy bonus with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to really ramp into a big Hydra. (Voyaging Satyr + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx )
——Three Drops——
Domri Rade — Provides removal with our big creatures, the ability to gain card advantage with draws in our 50% creature deck, and a game ending ultimate.
Savageborn Hydra
— Double striking hydra that benefits from all of the ramping.
Vastwood Hydra
— Hydra that benefits from all of the ramping and has the ability to power other creatures if it happens to die.
——Four Drops——
Ghor-Clan Rampager — Titanic Growth + Trample when attacking or a 4/4 trample for 4cmc.
Nylea, God of the Hunt — 6/6 for cmc with all of the devotion going on and provides Trample for all of our creatures.
Polukranos, World Eater — 5/5 for 4 cmc and has the ability to pick off some blocks with its Monstrosity.
Xenagos, the Reveler — Can potentially pay for himself the turn he comes out, allows us to ramp into bigger hydras, and produces 2/2s to use for his +1.
——Five Drops——
Arbor Colossus — Provides 3 devotion to green for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Nylea, God of the Hunt. 6/6 with for 5 cmc. Oh, it also eats
Desecration Demon
for breakfast to become a 9/9.
——Six Drops——
Garruk, Caller of Beasts — Much like Domri Rade, Garruk is here to provide massive card draw in a deck full of creatures and ramp.
——Utility Lands——
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx — Allows us to ramp quicker with more creatures on the field and has good synergy with Voyaging Satyr for double the mana.