Domri's Bloodrush Buddies

Standard psychoza

SCORE: 125 | 104 COMMENTS | 34349 VIEWS | IN 41 FOLDERS

psychoza says... #1

Also, @jonesy don't forget to +1 :)

June 7, 2013 11:45 a.m.

TubaTim says... #2

Y'know, I'm a huge Gruul fan. Since the beginning it's been my favorite so when I saw this deck I was all like LOLPLAYTESTTIME.

So I did and I didn't achieve the deck goals as ideally as I would have hoped on the first try but I still pulled a turn 4 win (assuming they can't block). This deck is pretty stinkin sick. Great work.

June 8, 2013 6:37 p.m.

blutkapsel says... #3

Whats about 3 huntmasters of the fells?

June 9, 2013 5:17 a.m.

psychoza says... #4

@blutkapsel I currently own 2 Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip . What would you take out? why are they needed in this deck besides being a money rare? I ask this because at face value 2x 2/2s and 2 life for 4 before it can be Pillar of Flame d / Searing Spear ed / etc. I generally continue playing spells so it would be rare that it flipped. And lastly it doesn't have haste like the Hellrider . I have nothing against the card. I like it a lot. I'm just trying to figure out how it would fit into this deck.

June 9, 2013 8:03 a.m.

blutkapsel says... #5

Hm ok let me think about it. he is very cause when he transfrom its like a little helix! and he gives u many tokens and have a good lifegain I suppose hellrider is strong cause of the 3/3 haste buddy but the 1 dmg per attacking creature isnt that strong. Huntmaster of the fells has trample if he transform and when he attacks he can deal much more dmg then the hellrider, but on the other side if u attack with 2 or more creatures hellriders extra dmg is stronger. U are right that u keep using spells but if u would play huntmaster and the mayor it would work great too I suppose. but that would be another deck because if u play mayor and huntmaster u have to use other spells. so u are right dont put it in

June 9, 2013 9:08 a.m.

Stuart123987 says... #6

i would add more bloodrush, i have a similar deck with the beastmasters and emissaries and all but i have a lot more bloodrush (as in 4 ghor-clan, 4 zhur-taa swine, 4 slaughterhorn, and 3 rubblebelt makka) and with that deck you can just pull damage out of nowhere and win the game while way behind.

Also my deck can fairly consistently kill turn four because of turn two burning tree ___ and then turn three beastmaster and then turn four BLOODRUSH ALL THE THINGS!!!!!(i have fun)

love Gruul bloodrush aggro +1

June 9, 2013 11:36 a.m.

blutkapsel says... #7

stuart could u link your deck so I can look it up?

June 9, 2013 11:40 a.m.

Stuart123987 says... #8

sorry but i have not uploaded it to tappedout yet. but it is really just beastmaster, bloodrush and two drops. and i joined during RTR and have a limited budget (still in high school) so it does not have any of the high impact cards like these decks do (playset disciple of the old ways instead of say flinthoof) the only good cards i have in there is playset emissary and playset ghor-clan.

June 9, 2013 11:52 a.m.

blutkapsel says... #9

I m at highschool too and I m playing budget decks too but u can still build good decks. I mean I had no money for hellrider so I m playing more werewolves in my bloodrush deck but it still work

June 9, 2013 12:52 p.m.

Stuart123987 says... #10

i didn't say that it is not a good deck, it can turn four kill if you are not paying attention, i just do not have the money for high impact cards and most of the cards in the deck are from drafting at fnm, my lgs drafts instead of standard for fnm. but it is really fun and can win games out of nowhere.

June 9, 2013 12:58 p.m.

psychoza says... #11

@Stuart123987 I used to run a lot more Bloodrush creatures in the deck but found that I tended to use them as Giant Growth s instead of bodies on the board. I would then end up lacking creatures on the field or, I realized that there were better value creatures for the same CMC that just lacked the Bloodrush mechanic. Flinthoof Boar , potential 3/3 for 2 cmc or 3/3 haste for 3 cmc. The closest is a Slaughterhorn with one less defense and no haste. I also ran a full playset of pyrewild shaman but found that I never had the mana up to bring him back and do it again.

All in all, I'm happy with were it is at and don't feel it need more than Armed / Dangerous and Ghor-Clan Rampager as burst spells especially paired with Wild Beastmaster . Thank you for taking the time to provide your input though and I hope you continue having success with your Bloodrush deck.

June 10, 2013 8:55 a.m.

Cadmeus says... #12

+1 for awesome Gruul bloodrush/pump aggro. Doesn't seem that I can give any good input or suggestions other than "well done!" This deck gives me good ideas for my Gruul pump deck, Smashing Good Time post rotation. I would appreciate input if you would like to lend it. Thanks!

June 19, 2013 10:26 p.m.

onthestack says... #13

This flows so much better than my version. +1

June 20, 2013 8:05 a.m.

psychoza says... #14

Thanks onthestack & Cadmeus.

I'm still testing/tweaking on it trying to find just the right mix up. Changes I have done and have decided if I liked was dropping the Forest count by 1 and adding a 4th Legion Loyalist . Another is dropping a second Forest and putting in a 4th Wild Beastmaster .

I'm not sure I like relying on 20 land but when I draw right, it works well. The other day I had 2 Wild Beastmaster s (as a result of the 4x count), an Arbor Elf and a Burning-Tree Emissary on the board which was stalled. I attacked with everything, stacked my triggers, bloodrushed the 2nd trigger Wild Beastmaster giving +5/+5 to everything, then the second one resolved giving +6/+6 to everything so I ended up with a 6/6 Wild Beastmaster , 11/11 Wild Beastmaster with trample, 12/12 Arbor Elf and a 13/13 Burning-Tree Emissary . It definitely broke the stalemate :-).

Hopefully I can get it to a place that I am completely happy with.

June 20, 2013 8:15 a.m.

chrizzilla says... #15

I have a few suggestions, as I have a pretty fast (turn 4 swing for 20 trampled with 2 hits from Zhur-Taa Druid ) gruul deck. most everyone thinks that Ghor-Clan Rampager is the best bloodrush card, but I disagree. yes, he gives trample, and maybe shouldn't be cut entirely, but think about this: for 2 mana, you can give a creature +4/+4 and trample for a turn with him, OR with 2 mana, you could give the creature +3/+3 (or +3/+2) for a turn, and +2/+0 and trample until it's destroyed using Rancor and bloodrushing a Rubblebelt Maaka or a Slaughterhorn , or, if conditions aren't ideal, casting a Giant Growth . That's +5/+3 for the same amount of mana, and since Wild Beastmaster only cares about his power, I think that's ideal.

Another fun card (although it's hard to keep out without hexproof) is Feral Animist .

A good card for decks like this, in my opinion, is Mask of Avacyn , as it gives a buff while also giving hexproof, and should your guy die, it doesn't die with him!

June 20, 2013 12:13 p.m.

psychoza says... #16

I can definitely see sides to your arguments/suggestions.

I will try to through them 1 by 1 on my reasoning/counter arguments for a specific card.

What makes the Ghor-Clan Rampager amazing is the sole fact that he provides Titanic Growth + Trample on one card. Yes, you can Rancor and then Slaughterhorn / Rubblebelt Maaka but that is now 2 cards for your one and you have to have both in your hand. Also, aside from Bloodrushing, he is a 4/4 Trample for 4 cmc. The Rubblebelt Maaka is a 3/3 for the same cmc and the Slaughterhorn dies to Pillar of Flame and both die to Searing Spear . Sometimes you have to have a creature and not a buff and its just a better creature.

I like the idea of the Feral Animist but I find his lack of Trample / First Strike and only 1 body making him too fragile. I bet he is AMAZING when he works but I am looking for a build that is solid with very little bumps.

I feel that the Mask of Avacyn is playing the role of "defense" instead of this deck's goal of being hyper aggressive. I could see it being a sideboard card possibly. I feel it would slow the deck down, ie turn 2 play it out, turn 3 be able to equip it but have to wait for a turn 3 creature or equip it to the turn 1 creature, turn 4 equip it to the turn 3 creature. Again, I can see this being a useful card versus a match up that had a lot of removal but at that point, again, it would be a sideboard card.

I hope you don't take any of this as me saying you gave bad suggestions as that is not the case. I definitely feel you have giving me some stuff to think about (in regards to Rancor and Mask of Avacyn ). Hopefully you can come away from this wall of text with some similar thoughts and/or continue discussions with me :-).

June 20, 2013 12:45 p.m.

chrizzilla says... #17

Those are good points.

But also, if you have trample already (through Rancor or Kessig Wolf Run or Legion Loyalist trigger), then with two mana you can get the 4 from ghor clan (since you already have trample, this becomes redundant), or you can bloodrush 2 Rubblebelt Maaka s (or Slaughterhorn s, or cast 2 Giant Growth s) to get 6 power for the same mana expenditure. Yes, it's from 2 cards, but 2 more power for the same mana on Wild Beastmaster means good things for everyone.

Where I play FNM, most people play either hard aggro or tons of removal (or both), so my decks reflect that.

June 20, 2013 5:44 p.m.

Bczar says... #18

With Domri Rade 's +1 ability, I feel like everything should have Bloodrush.Just to utilize that properly.

June 23, 2013 5:18 p.m.

Stuart123987 says... #19

How often are you able to get both beast master and ghor-clan together, I think you might need to either take out the beastmasters or add more bloodrush for more consistency.

June 25, 2013 1:47 a.m.

psychoza says... #20

Believe it or not, quite often. I feel that the Wild Beastmaster plays into the "Gruul" theme as it is brutal when it works and a reckless failure when it doesn't. This also plays into the RDW / RDW splash Green style doesn't it? You hope to go balls to the wall and win and if you can't do it quick enough you lose steam / fail. Even if I can only attack for +1/+1 to each attacking creature, it generally pays off.

Aside from all that though, you recommend taking Wild Beastmaster out or add more Bloodrush. What would you cut/add to increase either? I was unhappy with pyrewild shaman when he was in the deck before. I am also not thrilled with Zhur-Taa Swine . Slaughterhorn / Rubblebelt Maaka seem decent but I don't like them as creatures for their cmc (I don't Bloodrush happens quite often). If you take out the Wild Beastmaster , what do you add? Rakdos Cackler ?

June 25, 2013 9:10 a.m.

Stuart123987 says... #21

I would reccomend taking out either the loyalists or the armed//dangerous for slaughterhorn( I think that the one less toughness is not quite as relevent as the higher casting cost). You have played with it more than me so you would know better if or if not it works, also gruul war chant seems good as a one or two of.

June 25, 2013 3:05 p.m.

schade says... #22

Avg. CMC is way to high. You can run it faster and with a smaller curve. This my deck Welcome To The Zoo

July 1, 2013 9:38 a.m.

psychoza says... #23

@schade Your deck link is incorrect. I was looking at a non-Standard deck that had 65 cards in it.

You deck link is Welcome to The Zoo. The difference being the "-2" tacked onto the end.

While you are correct in your deck being faster with a lower curve, I simply enjoy swinging for 30+ damage in a single attack. I know removing Wild Beastmaster and Domri Rade can make this deck faster but I'm happy with where it is currently at.

Thank you for taking the time to view/comment on my deck none the less.

July 1, 2013 9:56 a.m.

droslag says... #24

i would take out some creatures and run 3 ofs and put in more burn spells

July 8, 2013 12:31 p.m.

droslag says... #25

Act of Treason > Traitorous Blood . traitorous blood is two red and one colourless, while act of treason is 2 colourless and one red. easier to cast and remaining in standard

July 8, 2013 12:33 p.m.

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