Dont be mean to the little guys

Standard Mintaaayyy


PlanetEarth says... #1

Did you board in Drown in Sorrow vs aggro?

May 11, 2015 12:50 p.m.

Mintaaayyy says... #2

Yeh played in a casual standard tournement today and it didnt do very well, oh well back to the drawing board am going to add some Murderous Cut and try and make it play better just ended up tapped out abit too much for creatures which was a pain

May 11, 2015 7:56 p.m.

Mintaaayyy says... #3

Lost all of the games lol, went 2-0 to temur midrange (which was very annoying) 2-1 to morph GW which was very close games and actually was a good match up but he got a windstorm and destroyed my ojutai and a token from sorin which sealed the game. Then lost 2-0 to mono red aggro with impact tremors and stuff because i got manascrewed on game two and had no blue mana so all in all needs some fine tuning so im gunna work on it :) any suggestions lemme know

May 11, 2015 8:08 p.m.

downie78 says... #4

I highly recommend Self-Inflicted Wound in the sideboard. It kills everything in Abzan Aggro, a matchup where Ultimate Price has very few targets. Your Radiant Purge may be filling that role at the moment, since it also kills other multicoloured creatures. But the fact that Self-Inflicted Wound kills a monstrousity Fleecemane Lion is awesome. Plus you can side it in against Jeskai things to kill their seekers and mantis riders.

all in all looks like a cool deck!

May 13, 2015 11:27 a.m.

Mintaaayyy says... #5

Yeh might be a tad better i was thinking about that, maybe adding Surge of Righteousness aswell for the lifegain against aggro and Self-Inflicted Wound is easier to drop early game cause im more likely to have black mana then white, cheers for the comment and plus one :)

May 13, 2015 11:37 a.m.

Mintaaayyy says... #6

I cant decide if i should make the sideboard transformative ha to just a convential control deck :P just incase it doesnt work properly as it sometimes doesnt

May 13, 2015 11:41 a.m.

thugstar says... #7

Perhaps you know this already, but you have 65 cards instead of 60...

May 14, 2015 4:38 a.m.

Mintaaayyy says... #8

Yh i know lol i am finding it hard to cut them down and i am now getting Dig Through Time x3 and Murderous Cut x3 so am going to have to cut out even more, any suggestions to get it down to 60?

May 14, 2015 5:22 a.m.

Duckling says... #9

I'd recommend taking out the Negate and Ojutai's Command, you have enough counterspells :P Sorin, Solemn Visitor although a good plainswalker, not the best in this deck. That's 5 :P

May 14, 2015 5:42 a.m.

Mintaaayyy says... #10

haha yeh true i just love his ultimate, but then if i wanna put in 3xmurderous cut and 3xdig through time what would you remove?

May 14, 2015 5:49 a.m.

Duckling says... #11

Haha yeah, I'd probably take out 1 Ultimate Price, all three Jeskai Sage but add a Palace Familiar. Then... I'd probably take out 1 Silumgar Sorcerer and lastly, I'd probably (In my meta) move Bile Blight to the sideboard.. or.. with Anticipate + Dig Through Time Sidisi, Undead Vizier becomes less and less needed :P Good luck!

May 14, 2015 5:59 a.m.

Mintaaayyy says... #12

good shout hmmm, i may remove two anticipates and just have one or maybe 2 and leave it at 61 cards so that i have abit of earlier card draw too but yeh thanks for all suggestions i think tht has helped alot :)

May 14, 2015 6:03 a.m.

Mintaaayyy says... #13

What would you think about adding Surge of Righteousness and Self-Inflicted Wound to sideboard over Radiant Purge & Virulent Plague

May 14, 2015 6:04 a.m.

Mintaaayyy says... #14

oh and i took out an aetherspouts for a virulent plague in sideboard ha forgot to put that in here

May 14, 2015 6:05 a.m.

downie78 says... #15

I like that change.

it's also worth noting that you only have 6 sources of white, you may either want to have the splash just for a few mainboard bombs, or have some more white mana. Just not sure you could reliably hit white in time for your cheap sideboard cards.

May 14, 2015 8:32 a.m.

Duckling says... #16

I'm glad I could help! As for the other changes, I feel as if you don't really need Virulent Plague whenever you have Bile Blight and Drown in Sorrow both in the deck. In general, I'd personally choose either Virulent Plague or Drown in Sorrow depending on your meta. As for the other killing spells, I'm a big fan of Hero's Downfall and Foul-Tongue Invocation, so you could, instead of adding some of the new ones just put in a few of the more versatile cards mentioned. It does depend on your personal meta and what the best players mainly are using, so you should see if the green and white creatures are taking over certainly put Self-Inflicted Wound, and the others.

May 14, 2015 11:41 a.m.

Mintaaayyy says... #17

True i am thinking i could sideboard Silumgar, the Drifting Death for aggro aswell in place of one of the icefalls as they become less effective, i am a fan of Hero's Downfall but don't have any and am kinda skint atm so cant really afford them after the other stuff ive brought :P I do like Foul-Tongue Invocation and have a few of those so may add another of those. Downie Cheers for the suggestions, this is true about the white mana, i may take out a Haven of the Spirit Dragon and add another plains so i can fetch it if needs be or maybe another Temple of Silence, with sidisi if i lose a dragonlord i could always fetch a haven and bring it back if i havent got the haven on the board already

May 14, 2015 7:27 p.m.

Mintaaayyy says... #18

So i will take out virulent plague i think :)

May 14, 2015 7:28 p.m.

mardolous says... #19

Maybe a Black Cat?

May 16, 2015 8:14 a.m.

Mintaaayyy says... #20

I had him in when i first built it but without a waste not or something to benefit me from them discarding it doesnt work quite as well as the palace familiars, cheers for the comment though

May 16, 2015 8:30 a.m.

maddog7572 says... #21

The silumgar's would be good

May 20, 2015 2:33 p.m.

trollslayer says... #22

you have 62 cards. to make it 60 i would take out a silumgars sorcerer and an anticipate.

May 20, 2015 4:25 p.m.

Mintaaayyy says... #23

I have drifting death in side board and may get the dragon lord soon cheers for the comments, ok yeh tht sounds good to bring it down too sixty

May 20, 2015 4:59 p.m.

joshua611 says... #24

Nice Rogue build. Ever consider Thoughtseize? I personally despise Thoughtseize, but it is a necessary evil. I think SB and when you take out Murderous Cut, sometimes it would replace.

Dissipate is so good on Deathmist Raptor!! Lemme know how that works!

You have a lot of basics. If you're even remotely grafted into control, fetches are great. Adding Polluted Delta helps when you board in Crux of Fate and Drown in Sorrow. +1

May 20, 2015 5:55 p.m.

Mintaaayyy says... #25

I need Thoughtseize for both of my decks ha but cant afford them atm, i have put Dissipate in specifically for deathmists and people trying to bring back dragonlords with havens haha :) I am working on getting polluted deltas i need them ha am gunna try and trade some stuff for them or just suck it up at some point and buy them haha cheers for the suggestions

May 20, 2015 6 p.m.

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