does any body know if theres any good flicker creatures that i don't have in here.
May 24, 2012 2:03 p.m.
You can try Zealous Conscripts with the flicker you can steal and keep planeswalkers etc. I built a deck "If I Blink, You'll Miss It" has alot of the same direction as yours, with a complete aggro sideboard to keep em confused. Let me know if it helps ya find synergies in your deck.
May 24, 2012 2:47 p.m.
the deck plays pretty well at fnm but is way to weak to infect and control and i get mana screwed way to much any idea's+1's are nice to
May 26, 2012 2:28 p.m.
you guys should play test it always wins on turn 4-6 and usually gain life to 26 at same time.
May 27, 2012 12:57 a.m.
hey any body know what to add to make this deck faster? i play tested against my green white tempered steel and its about a turn and a half slower on the kill
May 27, 2012 7:20 p.m.
you should check out my green white tempered steel deck its called karns army
May 27, 2012 7:25 p.m.
You asked, so here I am.
I feel like the biggest reason your deck is rather sluggish is the fact that you have a ton of different creatures that do so many things. I strongly urge you to go through and evaluate each creature and determine if (A) it's worth casting on its own without any other creatures out and (B) if it benefits the other creatures you do have when you cast it.
You also have a lot of 3-drops. I'd capitalize on your 1- and 2-drops and starting beating down by the third turn. Things like Silverblade Paladin and Fiend Hunter are certainly worth it, but your main beatsticks should be Champion of the Parish and Lightning Mauler .
Perhaps removing some of the less aggressive creatures, like Cathedral Sanctifier , would give you room to add 4x Honor of the Pure . I'd also consider a third Gather the Townsfolk , since it gives you 2 bodies (in your tribe, mind you) for just 2-mana.
You could probably also tone down the Mountains. I'd cut 2 to add 2 Plains.
May 31, 2012 1:03 a.m.
MTG_Player says... #12
I would definitely add a Increasing Devotion and Burn at the Stake for two win conditions.
June 3, 2012 8:53 p.m.
Ok, zandi gave some great stuff. I would agree with all of it. BUT! I have some suggestions of my own that I feel are beneficial to you.
Switch Elite Vanguard for Stromkirk Noble . Although he is a 2/1 and human, he's a very vanilla creature meaning there is nothing much to him. Stromkirk however, can build up very quickly and overwhelm your opponent very easily.
Silverblade Paladin is your best friend. And you want to play him the most if he is your best friend. Bump it up to 4. You want to see him EVERY SINGLE GAME. Turn1 Champion of the Parish , turn 2 Gather the Townsfolk turn 3 Silverblade Paladin . Suddenly you are attacking for 10 on turn 3.
Also, have you considered Hellrider ? Makes things a whole lot worse on turn 4 for your opponent of the scenario above. With that, he'd do 5 direct damage to your opponent before even the other damage is calculated assuming all of your creatures are attacking and none were shot away.
Lastly, play at least 3 Pillar of Flame s they can help get that last few hits you need to win, or take out some pesky creatures on the field.
Again, these are just suggestions, you don't have to do them or like them. Just consider them. Thanks.
June 10, 2012 3:28 p.m.
Seems like you're trying to be prepared for too many specific situations. I'd echo the previous suggestions of trimming down your creatures some. If you'd like to see what I thought was important enough for this deck type, check out Blink and they're Dead (Hopefully).
cver says... #1
+1's and comments appreciated need help with the deck so and suggestions are welcome.
May 24, 2012 1:54 p.m.