Don't Blink, You'll Miss Something

Modern athena95


Roguebolt0 says... #1

For starters 4x Deadeye Navigator . I cant find a better flicker card, it's my favorite in my flicker deck. I also love cloudshift and Conjurer's Closet is pretty good as well. Ghostly flicker is alright but, i think nephalia smuggler is just too much, especially in these colors where you cant ramp. Speaking of which worldfire seems a bit to reachy for this deck, especially since you dont have that many cards to keep a creature safe.

I also see you have venser and mnemonic wall. if you add timewarp in here you can hit the infinite turn combo. i personally would prefer that to worldfire. I would do Soul's Attendant over suture priest.

More or less i find that a flicker deck has to be blue and white at least then you can add other colors and your choices of cards to flicker. in red i would probably look for etb's that do damage (the only one i can think of is Inferno Titan , my flicker deck is standard). With green there is lifegain. I love me some Thragtusk and his beasts. In modern kitchen finks comes to mind. also in green if you want to be really mean you can flicker Acidic Slime to victory killing all their land. If you were to go to black you can easily kill with vampiric etb. in standard there is Bloodhunter Bat and the obvious is Obzedat, Ghost Council who flicker themselves. I believe there are other black creatures with the same etb. and finally in black is my other favorite to flicker and that is Dinrova Horror . Just as bad as flickering acidic slime if not worse.

Sorry for the wall of text but flicker truely is my favorite and i want to point out as many choices as possible. Good luck and happy bouncing!

July 31, 2013 11:41 a.m.

athena95 says... #2

I like your suggestions, definately agree with the Smuggler bit. He shows up and ends up dying quickly. Worldfire got put in as a kind of joke (my friend said it could never be used successfully) and I get it out every 3 or 4 duels. I have been thinking about the other colors, but I am not sure if I should drop red or just add in the others. I feel i could make this a successful 5 color deck, but I lack the cards to try.

Definately doing the Soul's Attendant idea. I'll throw in some Cathedral Sanctifier if I don't have enough.

July 31, 2013 11:52 a.m.

Roguebolt0 says... #3

Idea! If you wanna keep worldfire you can throw in Fiend Hunter and Banisher Priest 's.

At the very least you can switch what they are exiling, and of course flickering fiend-hunter before his first ability resolves results in a creature being perma exiled. of course thats a bit of a mean exploit and you will have to explain it but it can be very helpful.

July 31, 2013 3:33 p.m.

athena95 says... #4

I'm starting the foundations of a 5 color deck, right now Green is going to be focused on land production with Gatecreeper Vine and Borderland Ranger , but once i get a few Thragtusk and 2 more Acidic Slime I will make that artifact priority. Pilgrim's Eye and Mycosynth Wellspring are all I have right now, and only one of each so far.

August 1, 2013 8:44 a.m.

athena95 says... #5

I just made it 5 colored. gonna test it out for a few days and then upload it if it works

August 2, 2013 3:08 p.m.

athena95 says... #6

i plan on uploading the new form tomorrow

August 4, 2013 7:50 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #7

I think you need a couple more land, as well as some duals to make this work. Ones that come in to play untapped.

October 27, 2013 4:10 p.m.

athena95 says... #8

Noted. I'll test it a few more times and then add lands if necessary.

October 27, 2013 4:13 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #9

4 colors is alot to ask of a mostly basic land base. For modern there are so many to choose from.

Also, I love your take creature, return to me thing going on here. But what can you do to protect yourself from counters, planeswalkers, or anything else the opponent has?

I would either speed up the land a bit, or get some counters in to protect your stuff, or both.

It is nice, but does Tyrant of Discord really work? Casting cost seems a little extreme for a 4 color deck.

October 27, 2013 4:21 p.m.

athena95 says... #10

Yeah, my mana grabbers are really effective. I draw 2 of them by turn 3 and then I just blink until I have what I need. Tyrant has been helpful in many a duel. And if I blink a creature, it is no longer the target of a spell/ability or enchanted. I also get an effect for blinking out of trouble.

October 27, 2013 4:51 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #11

I guess I am just curious why there are so many one off's. I would run 4 Sylvan Ranger instead of the others. Or you could keep some of the others also. Since you rely on the green guys to get the game going, I would put more green mana then the others. Since the green brings out the rest. Farhaven Elf is good too, it goes to the battle field for one more then the ranger.

Here are some more budget ideas. Blade Splicer , Oblivion Ring , Halimar Depths is a must, Bojuka Bog , Khalni Garden , Piranha Marsh There is so much you could do with this idea, just got to figure out what you want.

Not sure if you knew this, but exiled tokens do not come back.

October 27, 2013 5:12 p.m.

athena95 says... #12

I added 2 islands, 1 plains, and 1 forest. Everything works except for a blue mana screw-over in duel one, which was why it gets 2 extra Islands.

October 27, 2013 5:58 p.m.

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