Don't copy, get inspired

Commander / EDH Hipparchos


NoSoyYucateco says... #1

Looks great! A minor thing, but have you considered swapping City of Brass with Mana Confluence? That way with Chromatic Lantern or an opponent's Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, you'll lose less life when tapping it.

July 5, 2016 3:03 p.m.

Hipparchos says... #2

NoSoyYucateco: Thanks for your upvote. I really appreciate it! :)

Don't know how i missed Mana Confluence, but it's definitely better than City of Brass and just slightly more expensive.

Cards i'll swap are Tooth and Nail and Chain Reaction for Comet Storm and Zealous Conscripts. Casting Tooth and Nail with Entwine is really boring, because it's pretty often an automatic win. Also Rite of Replication + Zealous Conscripts or Progenitor Mimic + Zealous Conscripts are sneaky combos. Furthermore i don't know if Hull Breach is a better spot removal.

July 5, 2016 3:51 p.m.

@YourGod says... #3

Strip mine 20 cents? Got to get that for my EDH deck.

Did you consider adding strong landfall cards in your deck? I feel that getting two bonuses for playing a land is very valuable.

July 7, 2016 8:44 a.m.

Hipparchos says... #4

@YourGod: Thx for your upvote! :)

I did. IMO there are only two cards worth to add: Rampaging Baloths and Roil Elemental. But i'm pretty sure my other CMC 6 creatures are much more valuable than these two.

July 7, 2016 10:43 a.m.

Hipparchos says... #5

Aerokid, Romer, Perseus, johnjust

Hello fellow Riku players,finally i've made my own deck and i hope you'll take a look. :)

July 10, 2016 8:09 a.m.

Perseus says... #6

This is a cool deck. Once you get going the ETB's should be fun. I would definitely suggest running some more ramp and card draw though. You've only got 6 ramp spells and 5 card draw spells (for a total of 11). You also have a pretty high average CMC of nearly 4 in your deck (meaning you need at least 4 lands to cast a lot of the cards in your deck). Without card draw or mana ramp, you don't have a lot of gas to get you into the late game. Especially if you get hit by a board wipe and have to recover.

A starting hand has 7 cards in it. Assuming that you want 3 - 4 lands and at least 1 - 2 mana ramp or card draw spells in hand then you need to dig (100 / 11 ~= 9) cards deep. Even if you decide to use the old Partial Paris mulligans (current mulligan is the Vancouver mulligan), that means that your average opening hand gives you two options. Accept that you have some decent cards in hand plus 3 - 4 lands and live with it, or dump the 3 - 4 non land cards (since you always need lands) to dig for that card draw or mana ramp. Of course you'll sometimes hit that amazing hand that has everything you want in it, but you'd like that to be most games not just some games. Otherwise half the time you play the deck it won't be fun.

So I think you should either work to lower your CMC - though this can mean cutting some of those power cards that make EDH the most fun - or you should add more mana ramp and card draw. I think if you added 2 more card draw cards and 4 more ramp cards then this deck would run a lot more smoothly.

So some suggestions for that. One card I noticed you're missing which is a staple in all Riku decks is Skyshroud Claim, especially if you're running shocks which you are. It literally reads get 2 dual lands for 2 mana since they come in untapped. Some other powerful ramp cards I'd highly suggest are Sakura-Tribe Elder and Nature's Lore. And while not quite as powerful but still well worth it : Explosive Vegetation. Plus all of these are extremely cheap.

For card draw spells obviously the king is Consecrated Sphinx, but it's not $6 like it used to be and some playgroups have issues with it so I can understand deciding to pass over this one. The only one you're not running that I'm surprised about is Fact or Fiction. I can't praise the card enough. Even though it lets people see what you're grabbing it really doesn't matter all that much. More than half the time it will be lands and utility spells anyway. And on the off chance it's a bomb, then you just protect it or wait to cast it. With this in mind, the card basically reads, 4 mana, instant speed - dig for 5, keep a bundle of 3 - 4 decent cards or that one card that wins the game. And the other draw spell I'd suggest is actually an enchantment. Rhystic Study will draw you far more cards than you'd guess (like 5+). And it will often eat a removal spell on top of all of it.

As for cuts? Most of it is up to you since it's a personal call, but I would definitely suggest cutting Impulse, Izzet Chronarch, and Anger. From my own experience Impulse isn't very good in EDH decks that aren't already hyper-tuned for consistency (so well below the 3 CMC level, and filled with instant-kill combos). Mainly because you'd be better off spending a little extra mana to actually draw cards rather than just replace one. As for Anger, it can be good, but I feel like you need a decent amount of discard or sac outlets, which you have neither of. And, it doesn't really play into the ETB/copy-with-Riku focus you have. It just sort of sits around waiting to die (and it really won't be much of a wrath deterrent on its own). And finally Izzet Chronarch. This guy just costs too much. And he doesn't even get back creatures! You're already running a fair number of this type of effect. If you have to have this many then at least run Mizzix's Mastery. It's better. Otherwise, I'd definitely cut the Chronarch.

Your deck core really does look solid, you just have a high CMC, so you need to beef up the support cards a bit so the deck runs smoothly. I'm sure the deck is already a ton of fun.

July 11, 2016 10:12 p.m.

Hipparchos says... #7

Perseus: Thank you very much for your suggestions and expertise. It is very helpful and i really appreciate it. :)

After several days of extensively testing, i revised my deck. I'll go into more detail after the weekend, but what's your opinion in the meantime?

July 13, 2016 6:57 p.m.

Hipparchos says... #8

Also which card would you cut for Gamble?

July 13, 2016 7 p.m.

Hipparchos says... #9

I swapped Command Beacon for Gamble. I'll try to play with 36 lands as i managed to lower the average CMC distinctly.

July 14, 2016 1:36 a.m.

Perseus says... #10

This is significantly better than what I saw last time. Good job. From here you just need to figure out for yourself which direction to take the deck in terms of your wincons. That's a personal decision though. I tend to dislike infinite combos due to my playgroup, so Craterhoof and Avenger combos are my go-to. In your case infinite combos definitely don't seem to be out (like that Dualcaster Mage and Rite of Replication combo you just added).

July 15, 2016 8:49 p.m.

Hipparchos says... #11

Perseus: Thank you very much for your input. I've made some tweaks here and there, but i can finally say it's finished. :)

July 20, 2016 7:56 a.m.

Hipparchos says... #12

Forceofnature1, metalevolence, griffstick, FeralKitten, ecmmyers, Ender666666, Ruffigan, Forkbeard

I'm reaching out to you, because all of you are definitely better deckbuilders than me. :) I hope, you'll have some suggestions. I'm not 100% satisfied with my deck. It's like if i miss something; more ramp, more card draw or more win cons - I don't know.

FYI: I don't put in Purphoros, God of the Forge or Avenger of Zendikar, because I already have these cards in my Prossh, Skyraider of Kher deck.

August 5, 2016 1:56 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #13

I'll take a look a bit later.

August 5, 2016 4:03 p.m.

griffstick says... #14

Even though you are trying to keep your cmc low doesn't mean mana ramp is not important. You have 8 sources or ramp and on 2 of them are mana rocks. You should bring your mana ramp up to 10 total mana ramp cause you are gonna need big mana to copy your spells. I suggest adding in Thran Dynamo and Gilded Lotus. Cause these mana rocks put you on the "next level" meaning from 5 mana to 8 mana witch should be enough to start copying spells no problem.

August 5, 2016 4:07 p.m.

metalevolence says... #15

if you are looking for space, some cuttable cards might be: thassa, aetherize, cackling counterpart, parallel lives, rhystic study, kalonian hydra, surrak, capsize, time stop

Diluvian Primordial is a major crazy bomb

Mystic Remora is auto-include

this list is pretty "goodstuff"-y which makes me think Maelstrom Wanderer might be a better commander


August 5, 2016 4:17 p.m. Edited.

Hipparchos says... #16

Ender666666: Thanks.

griffstick: Thank you for your suggestion, but what should I cut?

August 5, 2016 4:23 p.m.

griffstick says... #17

I would think about spells that were not meant to be copied do to it high cmc like Time Stretch I would try to find room for extra turn spells

August 5, 2016 4:34 p.m.

Hipparchos says... #18

metalevolence: Thanks. The major task of my deck is creating tokens and attack with them. I don't even use the infinte combo and i also want to stay away from extra turn cards. IMO it's a fair battlecruiser deck though. A friend is allready using Maelstrom Wanderer as his commander. Mystic Remora will definitely have a spot in my deck.

August 5, 2016 4:34 p.m.

griffstick says... #19

I also like Flamerush Rider for its dash cost and copy it and return it to do it again

August 5, 2016 4:38 p.m.

Hipparchos says... #20

I guess i've forgot some important points to mention:

I don't like infinite combos (yes, i know there is one in my deck, but i won't use it) and i want to avoid extra turns. My playgroup would boo.

August 5, 2016 4:40 p.m.

Hipparchos says... #21

griffstick: Haha i'v never heard about that card before. Thanks, i definitely try this one. :)

August 5, 2016 4:42 p.m.

nagonjin says... #22

I'm kind of flattered by my mention, to be honest.

It's becoming such a solid deck that I am kind of short on suggestions.

For a bit more vulnerability of your mana base, Dryad Arbor is a sweet Turn 1 grab with GSZ, or you can clone him later in the game for two mana with Riku out, effectively playing two (slow) lands.

Something I like better than Man O'War is either a Phantasmal Image for value cloning (doubling an ETB or a threat for 2 mana), or removal like Chaos Warp orDecimate which are both pretty versatile pieces.

Depending on if you want to split with the cash, Bribery is really good at policing the power level of decks in the meta ("Don't keep nukes in the basement."), and you can potentially get two of the best creatures at the table for 7 mana. Might be better than Progenitor mimic, because you aren't restricted to getting the best creature on the field, you can expand your search to entire decks.

Also fun to run in Temur/ RUG lists is Guided Passage, which in Riku can be a Draw 6 for 5 mana, but it is your opponents' choosing so you need to be political.

August 5, 2016 7:25 p.m.

Hipparchos says... #23

ecmmyers: Well, i've seen your decks so your mention is quite legit. :) Thanks for your response btw.

I was thinking about to put in Dryad Arbor as a turn 1 ramp, but i totally forgot that i can copy it as well. Thanks for pointing that out. :D

Bribery was in before, but i cut it for more card draw like Rush of Knowledge.

August 5, 2016 8:29 p.m.

griffstick says... #24

I like Siege Behemoth having two of these like like doing a spell for 14 or more damage depending on your board state for 10 mana. I also like suspend cards cause your still casting them. So copying them just becomes so easy so cards I would suggest are Aeon Chronicler, Detritivore, Greater Gargadon, and Jhoira of the Ghitu,

August 6, 2016 12:44 p.m.

griffstick says... #25

Zendikar Resurgent and Mind's Dilation I think are must includes.

August 6, 2016 3:44 p.m.

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