
Baron Von Count is such a tempting commander from a fun point of view. But making him work in multiplayer is a challenge. Balancing cards with maximal usage for Baron (having all 1-5 or at least 1-4 numbers) vs. board state/threat utility is what I'm after. Would really appreciate some ideas here - I've tried to put a lot of thought into this but obviously it can be improved!

One idea here is to try and maximize free casting or a recasting ability or topdecking prospects for desired cards.

  1. Scroll Rack and Sensei's Divining Top allow topdeck manipulation to draw the right numbered card for Baron. They also synergize with Powerbalance to allow free casting when an opponent plays a spell - this adds some chaos to the process but my playgroup is all about fun and much less about decks that kill Turn 3. Plus with Possibility Storm out, Powerbalance gives us 2 chances to match an opponent's casting cost.

  2. Possibility Storm - since Baron cares about 'casting', cards are first cast from Possibility Storm and then exiled and I get to play another card for free - though I don't know what it will be, the deck is full of mostly cards with numbers 1-4 and 1-5.

  3. Chandra, Flame's Catalyst allows for recasting some key instants and sorceries with high count (1-4, 1-5) as well as ultimating into free casting of multiple spells to move Baron's counter quickly.

  4. Etali, Primal Storm again in here for free casts to move Baron's counter more quickly - don't know what we'll get but we will be able to order the casting of those spells to our advantage.

Sideboard considerations:

  1. Sunbird's Invocation - not sure yet if it's too expensive from a mana perspective, but it would also help casting spells for free and would synergize with our topdeck manipulation.

  2. Helm of the Host for a 4-5 that would also let me put an additional Baron out each turn.

For these two above - If I add them, what should I cut?

One last idea is to add some cards with Buyback - cheaper ones like Haze of Rage could allow a 1,2 punch (pun intended) to kill a player. Potentially also Disturbed Burial to get back something I need. The main deck does have 2 creatures which functionally act like buyback Lava Zombie and Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury.

Some potential issues with this deck below:

  1. Ramp in the deck may be a problem as only these cards provide any help Conduit of Storms  , Ominous Parcel, Sol Ring and Chandra, Torch of Defiance. With 38 lands I am wondering if I should cut a few cards geared to Baron for more ramp? Any others ideas on what to cut and what to add here? Maybe Black Market but what to cut?

  2. Card draw is also limited - Sensei's Divining Top, Phyrexian Arena and Goblin Tutor for a card search and a few cycling lands. Any others ideas on what to cut and what to add here?

  3. Removal is also very limited and chaotic: Six-Sided Die, Strategy, Schmategy. Frankly, my group plays with a lot of removal so it's likely they can deal with any major threats before I would need to. If it comes down to just me and one other player I would have to be able to kill them quickly via Baron or otherwise I probably wouldn't last more than 1 or 2 turns. Any thoughts on what to add and remove? I put Damnation in the Sideboard - it would count as a 4. Blasphemous Act doesn't provide much help from the number perspective. Other options could be Decree of Pain for 2-3 or multiple other options that would only give us a single number option Final Act 4, Bontu's Last Reckoning 1, etc.

Last thoughts:

  1. There is plenty of direct damage - Brimstone Mage, Great Unclean One, Ill-Tempered Loner  , Toralf, God of Fury  , etc.

  2. There are some options for graveyard advantage Danse Macabre, Skeleton Crew - in case of graveyard removal, Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet - to prevent other graveyard strategies, a common issue in my particular group.

Would really appreciate your time and thoughts on any additions or subtractions you think would make this deck better! Please upvote if you like my take on Baron!


Updates Add

After some discussion, I've removed a few creatures Battlefield Butcher, Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury, Reckless Stormseeker  Flip, Skeleton Crew and an instant Blast from the Past as they were not creating enough value. Have added in the following:

  1. Helm of the Host - to make multiple Barons
  2. Strionic Resonator - to enable killing two players on the Doom counter trigger from 1 to 5
  3. Gauntlet of Might - to help with ramp and small creature buff
  4. Wheel of Fortune - I'm very likely to be out of cards with so little draw - more advantage to me than opponents
  5. Cloudstone Curio - allows me to recast low CMC creatures quickly to accelerate Baron's Doom counter
  6. Removed Darksteel Plate Added Mithril Coat which is just a better card here
  7. Removed Lightning Greaves Added Swiftfoot Boots more utility with number 1-2 and hexproof is better here
  8. Removed Swamp Added Plaza of Heroes helps protect Baron and taps for B or R


96% Casual


Date added 2 months
Last updated 1 month

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 1 Mythic Rares

36 - 2 Rares

16 - 1 Uncommons

11 - 1 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 3.02
Tokens Construct 4/4 C, Copy Clone, Day, Dragon 5/5 R, Emblem Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Human 1/1 W, Night, Ox 2/4 W, Pirate 4/2 R, Plaguebearer of Nurgle 1/3 B, Servo 1/1 C, Spirit 3/2 RW, Thopter 1/1 C, Zombie 2/2 B
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