Don't Let 'Em Breathe (counters)

Modern StoryArcher


StoryArcher says... #1

Really torn between finding room for a Vigor, a Plaguemaw Beast or just leaving it as-is.

September 22, 2018 8:40 p.m.

DragonKing90 says... #2

it kinda looks like a combination between hardened modular and mono green stompy. i think it'd be better if you just focused on one of those. i have both kinds of decks posted if you'd like to take a look at them.

October 4, 2018 10:40 a.m.

shadow63 says... #3

Predator ooze seems really slow and I'd go with Heroic Intervention or Blossoming Defense over inspiring cal

October 4, 2018 2 p.m.

mobizque says... #4

There are many good creature options in green +1/+1 builds. Good list!

Maybe sideboard Mutant's Prey for matches where you need quicker removal?

November 17, 2021 11:07 a.m.

sergiodelrio says... #5

Pendelhaven! Kinda situational of course, but one copy will have next to no downside in the deck

November 22, 2021 11:14 a.m.

StoryArcher says... #6

sergiodelrio, normally I would agree with you but in this deck I really don't have any 1/1 creatures to speak of - Experiment One and Swarm Shambler tend to get bigger almost immediately - and I'm already a little skittish about Blood Moon and similar effects.

November 22, 2021 11:24 a.m.

Balaam__ says... #7

On the proactive side, things look very good. You’ve got lots of synergy and some great wincons. I think you should sideboard in some better removal though. A well timed Solemnity or Vampire Hexmage can really derail you, so I’d recommend something a bit faster than Broken Wings like a Natural State or even a Nature's Claim.

November 22, 2021 11:49 a.m.

sergiodelrio says... #8

If anything, people will be siding out Blood moon vs a mono coloured deck that fetches for basics only by default. No need to be scared of that specific matchup imho. Pumping those Shambler tokens would be neat :D

But I agree upside is limited either way

November 22, 2021 11:56 a.m.

Fuzzy003 says... #9

Forgotten Ancient might have been forgotten for the deck. The ability to gain (particularly with Hardened Scales in play) and distribute +1/+1 counters should make a nice addition.

February 28, 2022 10:56 p.m.

9-lives says... #10

Tell me what you think of my counters deck!

Nature's Misanthropy

Pioneer* 9-lives


February 28, 2022 11 p.m.

StoryArcher says... #11

Fuzzy003, I'm going to have to look at that. While its utility is certainly strong, it just seems too slow to be effective in a Modern deck. With a four CMC, you have to figure it'll be the 5th or 6th turn before I get it into play and then it'll be the next round at the earliest that I get to enjoy its benefit. By turn 6 or 7 I'm usually running around with multiple 12+/12+ creatures, sometimes double that.

February 28, 2022 11:50 p.m.

Fuzzy003 says... #12

All depends on your play group. I play usually with 3-5 in various multiplayer formats so a Forgotten Ancient making it around after a turn 3-4 drop typically ends up around 5/8 by the time it gets back to me(more with Hardened Scales in play). Well worth it for me. In a 1 on 1 he's a lot slower.

March 1, 2022 1:03 a.m.

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