Don't Look to the Eyes of a Stranger
Commander / EDH*
Epochalyptik says... #2
I don't advise running cards like Psychosis Crawler and Exsanguinate . While it's possible to combo with them, they aren't good on their own. Exsanguinate is basically useless outside of your combo, and Psychosis Crawler is just impractical.
Actually, this deck looks much like an earlier version of my own BUG deck, Dominus - Dreamcrusher Edition. I used to play slower cards like Magus of the Future , Mystic Snake , and Defense of the Heart , but they were cut for being too slow and inconsistent.
Add Mana Vault and Nature's Lore .
June 20, 2013 6:10 p.m.
MetalMeister says... #3
@Alex: Good call, now I remember why I had to find myself Time Warp /Time Stretch instead :)
@Epoch: Those cards will definitely get in as soon as I acquire them. I agree that Psychosis Crawler might be somewhat impractical. Though Exsanguinate can be used for some good lifegain, which sometimes is needed here because of the many big creatures my opponents tend to play.
Thanks for the advice!
alexsmith21 says... #1
You can't use Eternal Witness to return Temporal Mastery in an infinite turn combo since Temporal Mastery is exiled as it resolves.
June 20, 2013 5:09 p.m.