If you're playing against Mono-red, just side board in Kor Firewalker and whatever creature/artifact/enchantment hate you need. In other matchups, things get tricky.
Optimal turn 1 is Perimeter Captain, but Cathedral Sanctifier will do. Turn 2 you can put out a Wall of Omens or keep mana open for combat tricks. Turn 3 you need to get out the Boros Reckoner or Outrider en-Kor. The goal is to dissuade your opponent from attacking until you have a strong enough mana base to start using multiple combat tricks during their turn.
Ideally, on turn 4 they'll feel confident enough about their board position vs your wall & utility weenies to swing in with some big creature, or maybe a spell to hit you directly. Punish their overreach. If all goes well, they'll begin to play conservatively. Then you can flash in Dust Elemental or Restoration Angel at the end of their and scoop up your "enters the battlefield" triggers, then attack in the air on your turn with psuedo-haste.
For win-cons, there's Volcano Hellion targeting Boros Reckoner. You can even Jeskai Barricade it at the end of your opponent's turn to get another cast out of it. With Saving Grace its an easy instant win. It's pretty inconsistent, so I'm thinking of swapping it out for something else. If your opponent swings in with enough damage, you can use Saving Grace on the reckoner and win that way. If they swing in with one big creature or spell, win with Deflecting Palm. In my play tests, the wins usually come from attacking with the flashy fliers.
This is a cheap deck, and you're at a big disadvantage against modern decks with better tempo. Your strategy here is to play mind games. The deck has several combat tricks that do slightly different things, and naturally keeps more cards in hand; use this to your advantage, keep some mana open, and bluff. Your opponent will see four cards in hand, 2 open mana, fear that you could burn them in four different ways, and give up their tempo advantage to play more conservatively.
How should I change it?
I don't have much experience playing magic outside of casual games with friends, so I haven't played many other match-ups. I could use a lot of help tweaking my deck. Thanks in advance!