Don't Spend It All At Onc-

Standard* 2npii


skanedog says... #1

Oh this is very very good! Would make a great multiplayer deck, very cool ideas. +1

January 20, 2014 8:29 a.m.

bradcoish23 says... #2

Cool deck. Have you considered a one of Enter the Infinite. Instant game win if you have or then lay borborygmos on field. Just discard the land lol. Blast of Genius is another consideration for a discard into a lot of damage to the face.

January 20, 2014 2:41 p.m.

2npii says... #3

skanedog - Thanks! That's a good point, Ruric could be lethal in multiplayer; although he'd probably draw you a lot of hate...

bradcoish23 - I've thought about Enter the Infinite, but if I had it in my hand, 9 times out of 10 I'd prefer it to be something else. Also Zegana forfills a similar function sometimes; if I've got a 30/30 or so hydra out then I can draw 30+ cards when I play her, so the chances are I'll draw Borborygmus and enough lands to finish my opponent off with him. That's the only reason I've still got the big guy in there, it's a nice little win-con. It would be nice to throw an Worldspine Wurm away for 11 damage, but I'm not sure it can compete with Clan Defiance ; X damage to a player, a land creature and a flyer is just amazing when X > 10!

January 20, 2014 6:23 p.m.

JFV says... #4

Looks like a ton of fun and doesn't hurt the wallet. +1

January 20, 2014 7:44 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #5

How does this deck do in a competitive scene? I'd love to try it out, but i'd like to know if anyone else has before I purchase the cards that I would need.

January 30, 2014 6:29 p.m.

2npii says... #6

ThatBlueMage - Sadly I've not had the chance to try it out yet; I have the whole deck except two Zeganas and the Cyclonic Rifts but I've nowhere to test it yet. I was considering suggesting it to Spootyone for his articles but I'm not quite that confident! If you do try it out then please let me know how it goes!

January 31, 2014 6:44 a.m.

Servo_Token says... #7

Righto. Things aren't too expensive here, so i'll place the order today and see how it goes!

January 31, 2014 12:27 p.m.

Anthony12345 says... #9

Love the deck

April 22, 2014 9:46 a.m.

2npii says... #10

So I've rebuilt this deck to so as to keep it standard post-rotation. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated :)

July 25, 2014 3:12 p.m.

pantseater says... #11

Why no Nykthos?

July 26, 2014 9:33 a.m.

2npii says... #12

I hadn't even thought I about it; I usually only associate Nykthos with mono decks which now I think about it this might as well be :L

July 31, 2014 2:04 p.m.

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