Hide in the corner while your opponents beat each other up. And then lay it on them thick with board wipes and sphinx.
Ideology and How It's Played
In a sense, this is a very passive control deck with a tribal sphinx sub-theme which plays quite politically. I really tried to capture this idea and I hope you'll be able to see that as you browse the deck list and read the description. As always, suggestions and critique is welcome and encouraged!
The idea behind this control deck was to encourage players to attack each other rather than you. This is done with cards such as Propaganda, Windborn Muse, and of course Isperia, Supreme Judge. There really aren't that many win conditions in this deck. It's political, and my ideology behind this deck is to hide behind a wall(s) and eventually draw into board wipes, Rite of Replication and cards such as Medomai the Ageless and Archetype of Imagination. As of now, the only win-cons are Azors elecutors or straight up pummeling opponents with your evasive fliers.
There are plenty of draw cards and mechanisms in this deck. Recurring Insight and Rhystic Study are devastating cards and will usually net you most of your deck. I've also included instant draws such as Jace's Ingenuity and Opportunity so you could benefit from having mana open during other players' turns.
I've also included a few counter spells and removals like the staple Counterspell, Rewind, and Swords to Plowshares to hopefully prevent those damn infinite combos from happening.
Cards such as Archangel of Tithes, Grand Arbiter Augustin IV, and Authority of the Consuls are certainly welcome additions. However, I decided to keep them out to minimize aggression against me as a player, further accentuating the "don't touch me (please)" theme.
Budget is very important to me as a player. I'd rather have multiple capable decks than one uber deck (which isn't necessary for my own play group). Fortunately, my play group consists of college students, and we have the same mindset when it comes to cost. I'd also like to outline what I consider budget so that players will have a better idea of what I'm talking about.
Extreme Budget: $0 - $40
Budget: $40 - $100
Not Budget: $100+
The deck is meant to be budget (~$100) with plenty of possible upgrades such as Avacyn, Angel of Hope and Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker if you so choose. The deck is also flexible and can commander swap into creatures like Isperia the Inscrutable for a more toolboxy-aggro deck or Authority of the Consuls + Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
for a deck with a more dampening demeanor.
You can even bring down the cost by substituting cards such as Day of Judgment/Fumigate for Wrath of God/Supreme Verdict and Mystic Remora for Rhystic Study or other draw cards. Terramorphic Expanse can also be substituted for Glacial Fortress if you want to save a bit more. Just to name a few examples.
With only the aforementioned changes, the cost of the deck can be brought down to ~$80 while retaining it's playability and theme!
This is one of my first brewed decks. Feel free to criticize or give suggestions! I'd really appreciate it.