Hello and thank you for looking at my deck!! I’ve been wanting to make a pillowfort deck for a while, and my goal was to make a deck that is highly annoying to play against. I think I have succeeded, and put together the best white has to offer by combining the Pillowfort and Soul Sisters playstyles.
Building the Fort
This deck is focused around gaining life and making it incredibly difficult for opponents to attack you. Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant, Suture Priest, Rhox Faithmender, Nyx-Fleece Ram, Ajani's Mantra, Angel's Feather and Shattered Angel all work to ramp your life total like crazy to protect you while you get your bombs and other protective enchantments out.
Multiple copies of Ghostly Prison, Windborn Muse and Baird, Steward of Argive make it near impossible for opponents to attack you without completely emptying their mana pools (if they even have any mana left after playing spells).
Speaking of spells, it’s going to be hard for your opponents to play any with Curse of Exhaustion, Angelic Arbiter and Chancellor of the Annex out. Archangel of Tithes and card:authority of consuls make it difficult for opponents to have anything to attack or block with.
Shalai, Voice of Plenty, Path of Bravery,Honor of the Pure and Spear of Heliod all serve to make your creatures bigger, and Shalai has the added bonus of making your whole board hexproof and being a flyer. Path of Bravery also ramps your life more.
Sigil of the Empty Throne and Angelic Accord will ensure you have plenty of angels to attack and block with.
Story Circle, Sphere of Safety and Ivory Mask all protect you from excess damage. Ivory mask will protect your from direct, non-creature damage, and Sphere of protection is especially potent since there are 14 enchantments in this deck, on top of what opponents already have to pay in order to attack you.
card:Grand Arbiter will protect you from opponents during your turn (no counter spells!!). Mesa Enchantress will help you pull cards faster, and Sunscorch Regent is a big nasty that gets bigger over time, and gives you life.
Breaching the Fort
Unfortunately this deck has a few downfalls. It’s slow to build, so decks that are faster paced or more Aggro will smash your fort pretty quickly. This deck is better played against multiple opponents, so they can attack each other since they can’t attack you. That being said, you’ll be a huge target because your enchantments and creatures restrict the other players severely.
If you don’t get Shalai, Voice of Plenty out, nothing will have hexproof, leaving your creatures succeptable to non-creature damage and spells. A fast paced control deck would destroy this deck, as they could just play “don’t do that” cards over and over.
Side Fort
When playing against multiple opponents side board in more copies of Curse of Exhaustion to match the amount of players.
Iona, Shield of Emeria is a great card to go in this deck, but she’s expensive (in mana and money), so I decided to put her off to the side.