xcharliegx says... #2
I'm pretty sure this deck could actually play standard, it just doesn't say so on the site because it assumes I mean older cards, when the cards I actually input/have are pretty new.
March 14, 2013 8:42 p.m.
crabopolis says... #3
nothing with dredge is standard. Standard legal right now is ~innastrad~, ~dark~ ascension~, ~avacyn restored~, ~Magic 2013~, ~return to ravnica~, ~gatecrach~.
March 15, 2013 12:07 p.m.
xcharliegx says... #4
All of these cards are from the Golgari vs Izzet dual deck pack which was released on September 2012, are you sure that's not in Standard right now?
crabopolis says... #1
So in response from your general post about deck prices, the REALLY expensive decks are generally going to be commander, or standard. Standard has the least amount of legal cards, so the a availability of strong cards, with low CMC, that fit what you want to do may only be 3 or 4, that everyone wants, high demand equals high price. You can't really compare your casual deck vs. a high end FNM deck. to show the difference my budget deck Token biomancer Bant V3 $121.12 has a dream version if i had the money Bant Token Biomancer A(help) @ $328.5 Just some food for thought.
March 13, 2013 9:38 p.m.