Double strike/trample

Standard FranksNBeeeeans


Rootkit9208 says... #1

Would drop loyalists in favor of Rancor Either them or the Keyrunes...

Would also sideboard at least half of your charms for Madcap Skills

Lastly, I'd think about looking into...

Hanweir Lancer

Mizzium Mortars

And Stromkirk Noble

Flying's only a problem if they attack with it. If they're on the defensive, they suddenly become expensive, weak blockers.

February 24, 2013 1:04 a.m.

CyRRdaR says... #2

If you wanna be aggressive, you should have at least 8 one-drops imo. You have few choices here, but Rakdos Cackler , Stromkirk Noble and Experiment One all do the trick.

Having played Vexing Devil in the past, I feel the current RDW or Boros / Gruul alternatives aren't fast enough for it, I mean, in a burn-heavy deck, it could be fine, but there's no Lightning Bolt or such in standard, and with Thragtusk and card:Sphinx's Revelation everywhere, the 4 dmg aren't as important as another threat on the table. TBH, I'd rather have 2 or 3 Skullcrack instead, as they also nullify their life gain for one more mana.

I would also consider Rancor as a playset instead of the charms, as it basically means your opponent can't chump block anymore for free, it deals 2 dmg per turn and can turn any cheap creature into a force to be reckoned with.

I would also push you land count to 21 or 22, and keep only 2 forest, the rest being mountains and maybe a couple of Kessig Wolf Run . You need to be able to consistently cast your Ash Zealot and Boros Reckoner on curve, and you need mountains for your boars to be a real threat. With that, you could add 3 or 4 Hellrider as a finisher of choice instead of Rubblehulk .

I love the Burning-Tree Emissary + Lightning Mauler combo, it allows crazy swings turn 2! I run a similar deck, Burning-tree FTW !, and it's quite efficient, as it often ends the game turn 4 before your board gets swept.

February 25, 2013 8:25 a.m.

I've only ever used Rubblehulk as a bloodrush card. I wouldn't mind running Hellrider but I don't have any and its a little expensive to pick up. I know Vexing Devil is probably not the greatest in the long run but there is something satisfying about hitting them for 20% of their life total on turn one.

February 25, 2013 10:43 a.m.

DrFmeat says... #4

All you people suggesting Rancor .....Legion Loyalist gives ALL of your creatures trample on the turn it comes into play, as long as you have 2 other creatures. IMO a LOT better than Rancor. This is what I'm brewing along those lines: Gruul T4 CRUSH

February 26, 2013 5:10 a.m.

Rootkit9208 says... #5

Meant to suggest mauler instead of lancer, which you already have. My apologies.

February 26, 2013 5:02 p.m.

I was wondering why you suggested Lancer! No problem. I'm always open to suggestions.

February 26, 2013 5:51 p.m.

Rootkit9208 says... #7

I would wonder too.

might want to consider a "one of" of something like Pyreheart Wolf though.

February 26, 2013 11:35 p.m.

kausemu says... #8

you should look at my evasive RDW - plz comment for some ideas about winning by turn 4. as it stands your a little slow on the take with the Rubblebelt Raiders and the Rubblehulk. just some ideas

February 27, 2013 12:18 p.m.

I never inteded to cast Rubblehulk outright, I only use it to bloodrush so the casting cost is a little misleading. I played 2 matches during my lunch break today to test it out and won on turn 4 the first match like this: T1 Mountain Legion Loyalist for 1 damage, T2 Burning-Tree Emissary to Lightning Mauler bonded attack all for 5 damage, T3 Mark of Mutiny on a 2/1 creature attack all for 8 damage, T4 they scooped. The second game took a little longer because I had mostly sorceries in hand and they got a board presence quickly. On turn six I overloaded Mizzium Mortars to clear their board and T7 bloodrushed Rubblehulk for the win.

February 27, 2013 3:59 p.m.

Rootkit9208 says... #10

Woukd consider sideboarding Volcanic StrengthRed is everywhere right now.

February 27, 2013 5:01 p.m.

Rootkit9208 says... #11

Woukd also think about Pillar of Flame in place of skullcrack in the mainboard, bit leave skullcrack in the side. Pillar is just way more flexible and invaluable against other aggro decks.

February 27, 2013 6:03 p.m.

Thanks Rootkit9208! Those both seem like really good suggestions and I'll put those in the sideboard for now. I'm always open to other options though.

February 27, 2013 6:37 p.m.

Rootkit9208 says... #13

I feel weird just suggesting, so I'm going to compliment you. Love Clan Defiance in this deck. Nobody ever sees it coming.

February 27, 2013 6:42 p.m.

Its nice to get rid of a pesky flier and hit them in the face at the same time :)

February 27, 2013 8:19 p.m.

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