This is my take on W/B tokens in Modern. Currently, the meta is slowing as more mid-range and control decks take precedent with Nahiri taking Modern by storm.
Classically, tokens is a deck that technically falls in the mid-range category, but really more like an aggro-control deck with lots of card synergy. The deck is design to disrupt the opponent's gameplan and then flood the board with tokens while providing anthem effects to make massive creatures out of tokens. The deck is a testament to creature efficiency, as the token spells by default are value, and get even better. The deck design punishes deck that plan to play fair by using spot removal, and also has an advantage against creature-based aggro decks.
The deck is extremely "fair", and thus does not have any incredibly unfavored matchups, but also does not have any heavily favored matchups either. The deck rewards players that are familiar with modern, and know their own deck very well, as well as the overall gameplan of their opponent. It rewards tight play, and is very difficult to outplay in the late-game.
Even though there are no absolute nightmare matchups, the deck does have a few weaknesses that can be shored up with sideboard cards. Combo decks in particular are not as favorable game 1 (Tron, Scapeshift, Living End, Storm, Ad Nauseum, Elves). However, the benefit of playing both Black and White is that you have access to the best sideboard cards in the format. My sideboard is specifically built to deal with combo (tron and scapeshift), but also has an extra hedge for big creature decks and creature combo decks, like naya zoo, eldrazi, and elves.
Overall, this deck is always fun to play, and is truly an underrated powerhouse in modern. It is an awesome choice in an open field, and most importantly, games are almost always interactive and enjoyable, regardless of the outcome (winning makes it even better!)
Feel free to leave any questions or comments about the decklist, as I have some questionable yet interesting maindeck and sideboard choices based on extensive testing. I have well over 300+ games with the deck against every tier 1 and 2 decks, as well as most tier 3 decks over the past 2-3 months. I will be posting a more in-depth deck primer later on, explaining how I made some of my card choices. Enjoy!
-The White Falcon