Hydra's Menace

Modern GregGreg

SCORE: 113 | 110 COMMENTS | 30163 VIEWS | IN 97 FOLDERS

total_euphoria says... #1

Can I suggest the Gyre Sage / Increasing Savagery combo? Allows you to bring massive hydras into play and then hit them with Solidarity of Heroes. Bioshift is also a handy card in this deck.

May 26, 2017 6:45 a.m.

GregGreg says... #2

total_euphoria I used to run Gyre Sage. I simply don't have time to set it up, i need to be fast with this deck, Arbor Elf and Birds of Paradise are worse in the long run, but better in the short term. I used to run Bioshift too. Very good cards, i don't have room for them.

May 26, 2017 7:01 a.m.

RedmundR2 says... #3

You might want to consider Heroic Intervention as a sideboard option. Its one of my favorite cards, and quite good, especially against counter/board wipe heavy decks.

June 11, 2017 9:06 a.m.

GregGreg says... #4

solarPULSAR thank you, that is a nice card for sure.

June 11, 2017 2:47 p.m.

-Orvos- says... #5

Mutant's Prey: for one mana you can use a hydra of yours to kill an opponents creature

Blossoming Defense: hexproof defense or +2/2 offense for 1 mana (there is also Ranger's Guile that is the weaker version of this)

Genesis Hydra: let's you dig into your deck for creature cards that you need

I don't get why you have the life gain in this deck. It slows down your ramp. If its there to keep you alive to play your hydras, just about any Defender with mana generation would do that better. Sylvan Caryatid would be my suggestion.

You also have some mechanics in this deck that to me seem just flashy, or "win more". Corpsejack Menace for example costs 4 to get out. That same 4 mana could be used on a hydra or to get more ramp out. Corpsejack is a late game or commander card in my opinion and you dont want this deck to go too far into the late game.

June 13, 2017 4:05 p.m. Edited.

GregGreg says... #6

Orvos thank you for your suggestion, i was already thinking about replacing Vines of Vastwood with Blossoming Defense. The life gain thing, yeah i was thinking about that too. The cards you suggested were probably in my maybe board. About the flashy mechanics, it's not about "win more", more about win fast, (fast for a green big fatties deck) my deck tends to be very very scary in the late game, but i'm very weak during my setup, so i basically need to defeat my opponent in 1/2 turns, usually by turn 5/6, (7 is to slow) So what seems "win more" imo is being sure to double counters very fast.

I usually don't care about enemy creatures.Maybe i could consider Retribution of the Ancients, Mutant's Prey is a good card too.

June 13, 2017 4:39 p.m. Edited.

DutchSnake says... #7

Increasing Savagery?

June 27, 2017 7:10 a.m.

Take tip from the new counters deck. Add sneky snek Winding Constrictor and Hardened Scales. Like big hydras? Why not make them bigger????

July 14, 2017 2:41 p.m.

Bannuk says... #9

I play this with generator servant, and you could get a kalonian hydra turn 3 with haste, check it out Why not Hydras?

October 4, 2017 10:08 a.m.

willis1234 says... #10

Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord is a good way to wipe you r opponents

February 2, 2018 10 a.m.

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