Started building this when my wife got pregnant with our first baby. We decided to name her Lyra after protagonist in the series His Dark Materials. I later remembered Lyra Dawnbringer was a card and I wanted to build this as "her deck" I have a pretty aggressive playgroup and someone is normally dead or in a winning position by turn 5-6, I'd like this deck to keep up as best as possible so any help would be greatly appreciated.


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98% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

19 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.38
Tokens Angel 3/3 W, Angel 4/4 W, Angel 4/4 W w/ Vigilance, Angel Warrior 4/4 W, Bird 1/1 W, Copy Clone, Elephant 3-3 G, Soldier 1/1 W w/ Lifelink, Spirit 1/1 W, Treasure
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