
It's a Dragon, that's for Sure (126)

Actually Decent Dragons (114)

The Ultimate Value (59)

I'm Sorry, It Does What? (33)


This deck requires a little explanation. Back in March of 2021, The Commander's Quarters released a video titled "166 Card Legal Commander Deck" (found: in which the host Mitch talks about a deck that he has created where he has a list of large mana value spells that he swaps in a set no. off of this list in for different matches. When Strixhaven got revealed, the card Dragon's Approach gave me the inspiration to design a deck in the same way, but instead of large spells, it'd be dragons instead. The Storm Crow's are to represent the Dragons within the deck, and the Colossal Dreadmaw is to represent the commander, which will randomly be one of the 5-colour Dragon options.

The dragons have been split into four categories: 'The Ultimate Value', for cards you'd play in any deck with the colours; 'Actually A Decent Dragon', for dragons that are great with other dragons; 'It's a Dragon, that's for Sure' for Dragons that have either middling effects, poor stat-lines, or just belong in a specific deck strategy that is not Dragon's Approach or Dragon Tribal; and last but not least 'I'm Sorry, It Does What?' for Dragons that you probably literally wouldn't play anywhere (but lets face it, this is commander, someone's found the home for them).


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