Im a theme deck builder and to me theme is the most important thing to a deck, I mainly play with my friends and also like going to my local for FNM.

This is a little deck that I made for a draft I did with a few friends, where I happened to pull not one but two Liliana, the Last Hope (one normal and one foil) which I serieously couldnt believe.

I have since made it into a 60 card deck that Im trying to improve find that deck here --> [Modern] The Last Hope

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you kindly.

"My coming was foretold... I am part of the culmination. But not the end of it, I shall show the way, the path that must be taken, the realigning of old truths no longer valid. Mine is not the hand, but my very existence provides necessary instruction.

I now see my true enemy, it await me in the Void, wielding powers I cannot even begin to comprehend. I go to face it, having renounced everything. My humanity. My identity. My faith. But I will not face this enemy alone. For I am the Swarm.

Fate... cannot be changed. The end comes... and when it finds me... I shall embrace it, at last."


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

2 - 0 Rares

6 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 40
Avg. CMC 2.61
Tokens Emblem Liliana, the Last Hope, Zombie 2/2 B
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