Drag Me to Helvault

Modern OcelotProblems


ReymondKira says... #1

Brainstorm is not in extended. It is a legacy and Vintage card. You would want Ponder or Preordain which ever is in M12

December 4, 2012 11:19 a.m.

OcelotProblems says... #2

@ReymondKira Ah, thanks. I forgot I was using that as a placeholder. The Strip Mine s were also in there since I was short on Ghost Quarter . I may as well just change the legal format, not many extended games around these parts.

December 5, 2012 10:49 a.m.

Kjartan says... #3

You need cheaper creatures to survive

October 30, 2014 9:58 a.m.

OcelotProblems says... #4

@Kjartan The deck has fared well so far, Heartless Summoning knocks down our casting costs pretty quickly, allowing us to keep pace. Quick aggro decks can be an issue, but a 4th turn Massacre Wurm can fix them in a hurry. Did you happen to have any recommendations?

October 30, 2014 12:30 p.m.

Kjartan says... #5

I know this is not supposed to be a highly competitive deck, but it can very easily underperfrom against the common modern aggro build Kjartan

October 30, 2014 1 p.m.

Kjartan says... #6

That was not supposed to happen... I tried to end an aggro deck :/

October 30, 2014 1:02 p.m.

HydraOoze says... #7

I know this is a bugget deck but I would recommend at least adding Temple of Deceit and Drowned Catacomb as there cheap and will greatly improve the deck. Also although it's pricy Griselbrand would be good just because of the flavor it adds (not to mention it's an awesome card). Hope this helps

July 5, 2015 10:01 p.m.

OcelotProblems says... #8

@HydraOoze Those are all excellent additions to the deck. I used to play with a set of Drowned Catacomb but moved it to my Tezzeret deck and haven't picked up another set (I'm too lazy to move them back and forth). Griselbrand is a perfect beater in this deck, and you can get away with playing a single since there is so much opportunity to fetch him. I'd love to add him if I pick one up. Thanks for checking it out!

July 6, 2015 9:48 a.m.

shadow63 says... #9

Have you thought about using phantasmal image it'd be another clone and it'd only bee one mana

November 16, 2015 noon

Pheardemons says... #10

Cards I would look into as replacements for your deck would be Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek and possibly Duress instead of Despise or Distress. Those hand disruption cards are 1) easier to cast than Distress and may be a little more consistent than Despise being that you already have powerful creatures that can deal with their creatures. Instead of Doom Blade maybe look into Go for the Throat because black creatures are seriously making a come back in modern with Gurmag Angler and Tasigur, the Golden Fang. Vapor Snag could be replaced with Void Snare as it is more versitile since it can hit any non-land permanent that may be a problem. Also a better draw engine than Index could be Serum Visions. It helps you draw and you can look at the next two cards to scry.

I also just noticed that this deck was a budget version so maybe Serum Visions is a little much, also Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek are probably out of the picture. I believe the other suggestions should be worthwhile though.

November 18, 2015 1:57 p.m.

@Pheardemons Thank you for such thorough suggestions! I like Void Snares versatility, while I prefer the instant cast of Vapor Snag I think it is an excellent sideboard card for certain matchups! Go for the Throat is an excellent replacement for Doom Blade as well! I will definitely take some of your suggestions into consideration when I update this deck. Thanks again.

November 18, 2015 8:06 p.m.

noctu2nality says... #12

I don't know how useful it will be, but technically Myr Superion has a great synergy with Heartless Summoning. It becomes a 4/5 creature for 0 mana. Granted, it has no abilities and it is useless without Heartless Summoning.

December 14, 2015 9:49 a.m.

Kjartan says... #13

The deck looks much, much better than when I innecially looked at it. I think you need a bit more interaction though. Consider Mana Leak, Dismember, Murderous Cut, and Dispel for the sideboard.

December 14, 2015 11:25 a.m.

@noctu2nality Myr Superion has a lot of potential in a Heartless Summoning based deck featuring artifacts. Add in some Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas and watch the fun begin!

December 14, 2015 12:37 p.m.

@Kjartan It's surprising how well the deck functions, even if you put 2 Heartless Summoning into play it's viable. I built it for casual games, hence the lack of a sideboard, but you could easily drop Index and some of the 1 of creatures to make room for more disruption or board control. Thanks for the feedback!

December 14, 2015 12:41 p.m.

TidalWind49 says... #16

I feel that the Bloodgift Demon doesn't fit well here. You have no way to gain lost life for it's ability, and giving your opponent an extra card gives them an advantage over you. A few suggestions I have for it's replacement would be Deadeye Navigator, Griselbrand, Harvester of Souls, or Reaper from the Abyss. Deadeye would allow you to bounce your copy creatures to re-copy if need be or your Rune-Scarred Demon for more fetch. Griselbrand is just nasty all together if you can get him out. Harvester would give you a strong deathtouch creature that also adds to your draw power. Finally Reaper would give more creature destruction. I think anyone of these would be a better fit than Bloodgift. Also, have you considered Cackling Counterpart for additional creature copies? I only listed stuff from the set your still in and fairly cheap stuff too (except Griselbrand) to keep the deck low costing.

March 17, 2016 5:10 p.m.

@TidalWind49 Thank you for the well thought suggestions! Griselbrand was in the decks original plans, but I didn't manage to get one, so Bloodgift Demon was my ghetto substitution. I really like the idea of Deadeye Navigator in his place though! It would be useful to bounce Massacre Wurm for removal, Rune-Scarred Demon for fetch, or even to switch up one of the clones into something more useful! I'll definitely make an adjustment sometime in the near future!

March 18, 2016 10:13 a.m.

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